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Posts posted by Missjess

  1. U are wrong...dp is separate from anxiety...I have severe chronic dp which got worsened after the onset of hppd to a point where I feel disembodied and severely detached from any sense of self and body..I cannot sense my body in space or time at all...I also don't suffer an anxiety disorder.

    So in my case it's just fuked brain chemistry....how can u overcome a messed up brain? It's not an emotional problem at all

    Dpdr alone is possible to overcome but not when hallucinogens messed up ur brain it's completely different ball game

    • Upvote 1
  2. Only Zopiclone/Imovane took the edge off DP for me. I took tiny pieces of it during the day... Maybe some medication worked, but I could´nt tell for sure. It has taken some time...


    Yes I have the widescreen thing still. I believe it´s not your eyes, but the consciousness that is expanded.


    If jdtic is approved by the health authorities, it may be "safe". Don´t know, but isn´t Naltrexone what they used in Russia for that DP study?

    Yeh ur right it's fuking terrible...it is an expansion of consciousness ...solveig had success after taking lamictal for this I'm currently waiting for it to be sent to me now. I can't live with that no wa

    • Upvote 1
  3. I am exactly where u r....hppd does not seem to be a "temporary problem" I suffered with chronic dp for 7 years and now i get blessed with this bullshit...there's only so much a human being can take

    Life is meant for living not simply "enduring"

    • Upvote 3
  4. I appreciate your sympathy... Idiot yes, or just open-spirited? I would´nt judge the wisdom of old so easily anyway. But I might not find a real priest to help me and I´d prefer to have one.


    You can get diabetes from Zyprexa and suicidalism from SSRIs. I got HPPD because I was reckless (I believe). I have more humility for the stuff now.

    Plz don't touch Iboga or ayahuasca if u have already hppd...they will only make u much worse!! It's a very bad idea and won't help u at all for ur alcohol problem ...Iboga gives a person with a normal functioning brain a "glow" that lasts a maximum of 1-3 months that's it ...u still drink during that time of not after total waste of money if u ask me

    • Upvote 1
  5. Hi guys,

    I'm curious about trying lamictal...a girl on here is taking it for Iboga induced hppd and it has worked rlly well for her...now me being me is scared to try any kind of drug after multiple bad reactions. I would like to know because I was reading up on glutamate etc...alcohol inhibits release of glutamate via NMDA receptor ...and I've also read that Lamictal also inhibits the glutamate receptor ....now I cannot drink alcohol full stop it's what made my hppd much much worse. Can anyone explain to me if there is a difference in action and how they are different and have different affects?

    Thank u

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