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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. i'm the same with the booze mate... I know it kills me for days after, but I love having a laugh and a day off from all this bullshit. Have you looked into Lamictal? It has anti depressent qualities, but is not an SSRI, so doesn't mess with HPPD (if anything, my visuals went down).
  2. welcome Kev. Similar story to me... had it for 17 years and spent 13 or so years not having a clue what was wrong and doctors passing me on and filling me with anti depressents. Glad that you have finally found your way here, My 1st advice would be to taper off the anti depressants and see where you are at (unless depression was/is your most pressing symptom). Most of us here find SSRIs make things worse, not better. If you taper down slowly, you might find that you actually start to feel better. What would you consider the symptoms you dislike most? Visuals? Anxiety? Depression? DP/DR (trippy feeling)? Do you drink alcohol, smoke?
  3. Jay1


    I couldn't care less about the stigma... Why do you think I have my own photo on here... But the multi billion dollar medical company will absolutly care about stigmas. I'm just offering my advice on how might be the best way to approach them... take it or leave it
  4. Jay1


    I imagine those 4 disorders would add up to about 0.1% of anxiety sufferers. Then there is the social stigma attached to this. Would a medical company want to attach itself to something that cures people who had issues from street drugs (some of which would take the cure and then start using even more street drugs). My view, our only hope lies with an overlapping cure for anxiety or epilepsy.... and that is me thinking positive!
  5. Jay1


    Sounds good... I would go at them with either Anxiety or Epilespy though, not HPPD. These companies need $, so will be going for the big hitters
  6. Stop teasing us, Visual ... It's bad enough not being able to have my morning booster, let alone any other benefits it might bring.
  7. Took me 11 years to find the term "HPPD" or even connect my problems with LSD... as well as ecstasy, which I had always blamed everything on. For me, the visual problems were just an annoyance... the extreme dp/dr, anxiety and depression were way higher priority, and I was searching for various other terms... Thinking I had pyscosis, bi-polar etc. I have spoken to around 10 of my friends (who used to do drugs with me) about HPPD.... 3 of the 10 had experienced short term hppd like symptoms.... 1 of the 10 had lingering visual snow after 15 years, but it didn't bother him much. So, including me... That is 5 out of 11 in our circle of friends that experience hppd like symptoms.
  8. well, Greece won in 2004... So it is not always predictable
  9. Unfortunatly, we tend to check our visual field to see improvement... But often start noticing more and more stuff.... There is a good chance that alot of what we see was always there, but as we look, we notice... and it is like pandora's box, can't be closed.
  10. haha, don't forget that Europeans have won the last 2 world cups I think the south americans are running scared.... we have to have a euros to prove the true quality
  11. Do you guys get really ill from a few beers or are you worried about it making hppd worse? I can have probably 5-6 bottles of beer* without any problems the next day and I don't think it does any long term damage. I'm not saying you should all go out drinking all the time, but a few beers probably wont harm most of you. * beer from the tap seems to give worse hangovers
  12. haha, didn't see that... You yanks can stick to your "world series" of baseball.... We'll stick with the beatuiful game.
  13. Depends where you go... If you time time it right, you can get plenty of work fruit picking and stuff travelling around places like Australia... Or any of the tourists resorts in Europe, you can get bar work through the summer and get paid to party and shag all those different flavoured ladies! But if you got to somewhere like Vietnam or India, you can live like a king for $5 a day... So better just to graft hard for a few months in USA or whereever and then fly out. Actually, that ties into this thread quite well as there are places in India where you stay in these really posh tents and can smoke opium all day and travel around on elephants for a few $s.
  14. cs1234 - Highest i've taken is 400mg, so far, but 100mg seems to do the same... I haven't been anxious over the last two weeks... Could be placebo, it is summer here and i'm always much more chilled in the summer... But worth a try. Boogres - Have you thought about taking klono a few times a week? You could probably do something like: Monday - 0.5mg Tuesday - 1mg Wednesday - 1mg Thursday - 0.5mg Then have 3 days off.... That would be 4 days of relief, maybe while you work.... But far less risk of addiction/withdrawal.
  15. I don't really have a huge amount of detail myself.... I think you are on the right track though.. How we are eager for more info, correct info, info we can take to doctors etc... maybe if anyone has had a hard time getting their doctor to listen, that could be included.
  16. Obviously, if it is a choice of methadone or reverting back to the smack... then get on the methadone... But it is still a pretty horrible drug. My cousin was a junkie for years... and has been battling to come off the methadone for decades now. He was like a zombie and caused no end of hell for the people around him. I don't know your situation, but you ever thought of just packing up and travelling the world? Maybe half the battle is your town/city bringing you down. Worked for me, when I was at my lowest. Good luck mate
  17. David asked to pass on a message to the community. He is currently working and researching in Europe and is progressing well. He is working on an E-book and is looking to the community for help to get together short (30 seconds or so) audio, video or written messages of why an E-book would be helpful (this will help in funding the E-book) Ideally submitted this week. If you make one, PM me and I will fwd it to David. All the best, Jay
  18. I've offered a few times to host the site as my business has a really fast dedicated server... The offer is always open.
  19. My doctor says that because our symptoms are similar to epilepsy we cannot get addicted.... I just go along with it and stock pile the 2mg pills. Don't always trust what a doctor says. Personally, I think 0.5mg would probably be ok (as far as klono goes), maybe 3 weeks on, 1 week off.... But not many people get much from 0.5mg. I've recently been taking 100mg of the supplement "Picamilon" and it seems to boost the Klono effects... I had some good relief from 0.5mg of klono and the supplement.
  20. Welcome.... It is best to try and stay off the alcohol for a while, and quit smoking weed straight away (easier said than done, i know). Alot of people who arrive here get better if they take a few months off everything.... Most of us that are still here long term carried on with our partying.
  21. The problem is, you might be left "learning" for the rest of your life. you have so much info at your finger tips, so many stories of the living hell some of us have been through or are going through, the last post I read was from someone waiting for their parents to die so that they can kill themselves without guilt... Take the fucking hint, your body isn't built for drugs and things will get worse from further drug use.
  22. I hope people pay alot of attention to this
  23. western logic dicates that is ridiculous... Most other cultures would not think you are crazy for saying you had an understanding with plants and animals, they would encourage it. That's half the battle, i think.... I might just go live in the jungles somewhere
  24. You seem to be answering 1 of your question.... You know the illness can stop you pursuing stuff... But you also seem to know that if you push yourself really hard, you will be able to do these things, hopefully even enjoy them. Obviously easier said than done though... Only today I saw some video clip on the news of people sat around eating a business lunch and everyone looked so relaxed... I thought "Shit, I wish I was just normal and could be chilled and enjoy these sort of things". I'm at the point where I can easily push myself to do those sort of things, but actually enjoying them is still a dream. But other things, I push myself into it and do actually enjoy it. In an hour, I go to school to keep learning Portugese... At 1st, just sitting in a school was enough to make me anxious... Now i'm chilled and enjoy it Keep fighting mate
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