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Everything posted by hppd24years

  1. SnuffoSoffi, I've heard of people getting HPPD from the first trip; however from ALL of the stories I have also heard that it was a bad trip. And in my opinion it's abuse if you take the drug while; You are under the effects of another drug, you are under the after-effects of another drug, you are emotionally unstable or if you take the drug at a bad place and time. Set, setting and drugs; get these 3 things right and I promise by everything I know that you won't get HPPD. I'm one of those individuals who unfortunately received Hppd from a one time use of LSD and MAGIC MUSHROOMS at the same time.. The trip was unbearable didn't realize what it would be like in such a mind altered state of complete madness. Then I would have never imagined the residue effect that would last a life time from the "Fun time" I was suppose to achieve by doing psychedelics.. It's just unbelievable when I think about it to this vary day.. I feel there is a lot of different negative responses to the nervous system, pathology of humans, the functionality of the brain receptors, the five sensories, (sight, sound, touch taste and smell) and so forth that get affected on a individual basis that can differ from one human to the next.. I have friends that still do psychedelics to this day and have never developed any symptoms of Hppd what so ever.. So there is definitely two sides to this coin and if we can figure out why JOE can do psychedelics with no side affects and Visual, Jay, SnuffoSoffi, Hppd24years can't??? Then we would be rolling into some great answers instead of Hypothesizing..
  2. GET HER DONE!! U ARE THE CAPTAIN OF UR OWN SHIP!! THE TITANIC SUNK AND ULTIMATELY HOPEFULLY U WONT B SIPPING AT THE SHALLOW END OF THE DREAM POOL LIKE THE TAINTED PEEPS ON THIS FORUM THAT WOULD chop off their pee-pee to get virtually any duration of relief. Anyhoot don't pollute!! Good luck with ur future endeavors and remember u only have one pee-pee "not like ur nuts" (that can b defined in 2 ways) hence so far.. Make the right choice.. Stay gold pony boy!!
  3. Hey, When u self medicate with marijuana do u get paranoia?? Like does it bring u back to ur psychedelic trip?? ..
  4. Hey there Syntheso, I have had one long ride with this transient episodic mind alteration to say the least.,. My hallucination are pretty devastating and constant not periodical.. I'm sure you have seen my list on here in that regard.. The hallucinations are so severe I literally throw up sometimes.. For some reason I can get very nauseous from tracers, elongated beams, static vision, afterimages and 3-d thick streamers.. (One day I might be able to make balloon animals out of them) Yuppie can't wait for that!!! I"m hopeful that there will be a true diagnostic criteria designated for Hppd not a fostered conventional pharmaceutical antidote from Multiple sclerosis, Autism, Alzheimer's, seizures, dementia, etc.. I do like the 23andme with the different variations and functions of cells pertaining to our gens.. The human Genome is quiet its own world made up of millions of S.N.P.s that make us the individuals we are.. Hopefully we can narrow down a few things with the results of our tests coming back soon.. Take good care of yourself Syntheso and others!!
  5. Oh crap the first sentence in my comment above is suppose to say.. Wow ur winning!! Meditation eh?? Not médiatique lol.. Wrong language..
  6. Wow Ur winning!! Médiatique eh?? I kind of thought to myself that maybe u might be able to use another part of ur brain instead of the part that is damaged from drug abuse. Kind of like a to badly broken road to get u to where ur going so u take another road or detour to get u where ur going.. It does make sense.. So basically u are using another part of ur brain for ur sensory of sight and hearing instead of the damaged concurrent ones?? I always thought that was possible I even tried myself to get there.. If u have any insights in that regard feel free to express urself.. Thanks..
  7. Our Conservative Government and Health Canada just raised the minimum sentence for five plants and up to 6 months in jail upon conviction.. They are almost finished building a super jail to fill it up with pot smokers and growers apparently. It's absolutely horrible to put pot active peeps in jail for weed.. They promote tobacco, alcohol, pharmaceuticals, methadone and synthetic hill Billy heroin.. Harper and his constituents have a bad case of dyslexia. I better watch what I'm saying the Super Soldiers might get me.. Bye bye!!
  8. I share 98.5% of my D.N.A. with Ralph the chimp at the Zoo??? Now I know what is clearly wrong with me!!! hahaha.. There is 10 million Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the Human Genome which sculpture different variations of characteristics, functions and individuality in our D.N.A. code. S.N.P.'s is also responsible for the different reactions we have to DRUGS and DISEASES which being analyzed and Identified we could be making a big move in regards to getting some where with this disorder. Patients is a major virtue here as well as a possible understanding in regards to fighting this disease/disorder once and for all as a nucleus. Hppd25yearsnow..
  9. Dam I never knew weed could give u hppd alone. Maybe u guys are allergic to it or something.. That's crazy mangs!!. Don't ever do psychedelics' they are alot stronger than weed.. Where are u guys from Anyhoot?? Maybe the weed is alot stronger than Canadian weed?
  10. Mike Zero, u better watch out u might trip out and have a big T-Rex chasing u down henceforth the THRAWTH heated breath running down the back of ur spine.. Whaaahoooo!!! It's coming for u!!
  11. Mike Zero, u better watch out u might trip out and have a big T-Rex chasing u down henceforth the THRAWTH heated breath running down the back of ur spine.. Whaaahoooo!!! It's coming for u!!
  12. Mike Zero, u better watch out u might trip out and have a big T-Rex chasing u down henceforth the THRAWTH heated breath running down the back of ur spine.. Whaaahoooo!!!
  13. Well my name speaks for itself which man did I ever go through the trials and tribulations of "Now I'm into the 25th year of HfucknP.P.D. in 3d): (Lucky me). I won't elaborate on the specifics because anyone who truly has this plague realizes its exasperating interlocutor pacifics: << (Poetic devices) - hehehe!! Brandon, Brandon, Brandon, How the hell did u get H.p.p.d. from smoking weed?? Mang!! Are u certain that it was not laced or sprayed with psychedelic drugs?? If not I have never heard of anyone getting this disorder from Tetrahydrocannabidols psychoactively speaking here of course.. This is a rare case my friend. I'm not trying to point any fingers here but does any kind of mental illnesses run in ur family?? If so u might want to look it up or research it just to make sure, u would know best of the symptoms ur feeling.. This disorder/disease is dam near relentless under the category of understanding it exactly.. It seems to find a placement with conventional pharmaceutical drugs associated with anti-psychotic, seizure, P.T.S.D. and other mental health problems. So far antidotes fall alongside the mentioned above disorders coincidentally.. Diet, exercising, sleep seems to assist in managing it.. Even nootropics seems to be a popular method.. However what ever floats ur boat my friend. My advice to u personally speaking, sleep with as many girls as u can, lol.. Kidding mang, if u can try to stay busy hit ur self actualization write ur goals with plans and dates followed by ur solution to hppd symptoms systematically..<<[meaning when u have a terrible unsympathetic symptom how are u going to defeat it have at least to realistic ways problem solving it] This my friend will build ur self-worth, self-esteem, self-dignity and self-respect. These trait-persona's now are the survival skills u need to put in ur tool belt to function properly in this wacky wild Kool-Aid style world we live in.. It's definitely no walk in the park but it will give u the confidence that u need to prevail. Trust.. I have never met anyone personally with hppd that I'm aware of.. It seems so far or surrealist to me almost like a dream of discombobulated communication. However it would be kool to meet someone of my kind personally.. One day before I die (I'm starting to get really old now) it shall happen law of attraction really works!!^o^♡.♡Θ_Θ(~.^)(*_*) Anyhoot kid, I think I have one of the worse cases of hppd including tinnitus (constant ringing of the ears) and every imaginable symptom of no sympathy from hppd that it can give.. It's like when hppd takes its right foot out of my ass it immediately, immeasurable puts its left foot right back in it.. Damever, I won't lie to yeah this is one treacherous voyage and not the easiest thing to deal with I'm sure u can relate considering the time duration u have had it for.. Reach ur goals stay positive and learn to laugh because that is ur healing grace and don't allow anyone to take that away from u.. Trust.. I'm living proof of this kind. Successful, happy, in love, have a grade 8 edumacation, I really shouldn't say that, 2 degrees << doesn't really mean anything but more bills to pay, 2 dogs, waterfront home, a good sense of humor, outdoor enthusiast, and still coping copiously as I type this to u.. My conclusion is simple: if u don't brake the incantation from this psychological disorder do not under any circumstances sink in the swamp of sadness. If so u will live out ur days in a heap of hell delivered to u in a hand basket.. (Have to come up with some more fresh modernized analogies and metaphors' lol). Keep focused and straight to obtain ur goals that will be ur antidote to this riddle of quest for answers.. Remember that ur not the only one with this type of extraterrestrial feeling.. I would not wish this defecation on anyone.. God save the Queen!! ok mang I'm desperately falling asleep this novel has gone on to longhorn-ish.. I wish u well Brandoo stay away from all drugs keep optimistic and I think u have a real good chance beating this seriously., HPPD24LONGCRAZYDUCKINGYEARSCOULDUIMAGINELONGERTHANUHAVEBEENALIVE. take good care of yourself and others!!! Good nite..
  14. U have to mention Justin Bieber than u might get a response..
  15. Seems to me it's a little short of hppd like some after residue effect.. I would stay away from any psychedelics if I was u.. Listen to ur brain it's telling u something..
  16. It's nice to get a diagnoses but it would be nicer to get an exact clear explanation in regards to what specific area of ur brain is being affected or malfunctioning and why.. It would be the nicest feeling for a specialists to sit down with you and clearly explain what has happened knowing the proper protocols that work with exact antidotes for solutions.. Furthermore maybe they could explain what components are lacking certain chemicals and elements with a plan to fix them.. Instead of just guessing all the time with mask conventionals for anti-psychotics or anti-seizure type ball park solutions.. I feel personally we need to figure out the specific areas that have been torn or damaged understand the correlations between the anatomical structure, pathology, nervous system, etc and their supporters exactly why they are not operating correctly. Time is of essence but so is death.. I hope the hyperspace button gets pressed here soon because I'm becoming an old fart..;O)
  17. . That is truly what we can only do and prey for.. Good luck my friend we are in the same dam boat now grab an orr, lets master the treacherous waters up ahead whilst exalting in triumph on the other side of this nut house we reside in. Take good care of urself and others!!
  18. . Hey are migraine headaches a part of hppd and tracers or star bursting?? If so that is finally one thing that I don't get in comparison to all the other symptoms peeps get on this site.. This is the first I have ever seen of migraines or I should say read of.
  19. Hey Syntheso, I have seen u on here a few times I was a little inquisitive in regards to how long u have had this disorder for?? And what are ur symptoms?? If u don't mind me asking??
  20. Do u experience all the Raw symptoms without sympathy too?? How long have u had hppd for?? Is the year for ur name self explanatory?? I have never seen u on here before.. Take care mang€£¥..
  21. Visual u son of a bitch!! Lol heheheheh love the sense of humor mang!!
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