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Everything posted by wooshka

  1. I get this with DP, it's irritating, feels like I'm on autopilot.
  2. Welcome to the forums! Do you mind telling us what symptoms you have? And you don't seem very bothered by your HPPD in regards to the attitude of your post, which is a very good mindset! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me, or any other member in fact. Enjoy your stay.
  3. http://www.thedenverchannel.com/lifestyle/health/visual-snow-sufferers-hope-for-cure A recent article that I have come across in my Facebook news feed recently, seems as if these neurological conditions are getting some attention, even though it's not HPPD. I think it's a good thing. Thoughts?
  4. It will be interesting to see if this works for you odisa, do you think it could potentially be the equipment you're using? Maybe it's not enough, or substantial?
  5. Do you guys still find that Cannabis exacerbates your symptoms, but at the same time, relieves you of the worry in contrast to them?
  6. Thanks for the information Trooper, could you relate the relief to any other Benzo such as Xanax, Valium or Klonopin? Also, how are it's addictive properties?
  7. What symptoms decreased for you Chris? And to complete remission?
  8. etardguy, this is where my main sense of uncomfortable/rushing/over stimulated feelings come from. Basically my forearms, it's quite irritating as my arms never feel relaxed, like as if the muscles have been over used, but they haven't. And I have to like twist my arms or bend my wrists up for a moment of relief, then it comes back.
  9. Do you feel as if some body parts are over stimulated, EG your forearms? Do they seem tense when you are relaxed?
  10. Most people report some moving/shifting of objects weeks/months after taking LSD, for some, it remains at that level as just moving patterns, but doesn't accumulate the rest of the symptoms. This could very likely be just some lingering after effects and could diminish in a couple of weeks. But khaozet is right, be careful as you might have just opened the flood gates, and taking any more hallucinogens could be extremely detrimental. Stay away from HPPD for as long as you can, and be thankful you didn't receive a full blown experience after taking LSD. I am almost certain that this is just an afterglow of lsd, or extremely mild HPPD which will pass. There's nothing to worry about!
  11. Unfortunately, that is Visual Snow. And most HPPDers suffer from mild-severe cases of it.
  12. Yes, these are symptoms related to HPPD. Especially the feeling of being disconnected from ones self. DP is probably the worst of the two to overcome, just the feeling of not being the same as you were, and I can totally empathize with "your friends noticing no change" it's like you aren't the same, but you are. Fuck, so weird.
  13. Then there was 2cb, hoh. Don't get me started. That was weird.
  14. I found that 25i was so much stronger. After taking 2 x 1200ug tabs of it, I was in another dimension, not enjoying it what so ever. I was vomiting for an hour before I felt okay, but still uncomfortable as all hell. Plus my vomit had a weird odor of chemical to it, not sure if I was just tripping hard enough to bring an odor-inducing hallucination haha.
  15. I think It depends on how badly you want to stay on Keppra and if gives you any relief compared to when you aren't using it. And if you were happy with the medication being off Keppra, as far as it worked for you. I heard a lot of people tend to get used to the side effects after 1-2 months. But I'm unsure if you can adapt to the lethargic notions. Why do you feel as if you need to take Keppra again? When things were going as smooth if not smoother when being off it?
  16. Thanks Blunder, I definitely will give MG a go. What visuals do seems to increase for you? If they do anymore.
  17. I quit smoking on the 5th of July, was on valium for a month, soon as I stopped taking it, then my visuals started to increase daily.
  18. Was on that VS snow group for a while, some good people, and a lot of ignorant ones too. At least, like you said - it's getting coverage.
  19. I get it with things especially when driving, or when I walk past them. The outline of the object sorta floats behind the image, quite bizarre sometimes.
  20. I guess, if it's for a guarantee haha. Still makes me cringe.
  21. This needs to be seen more!
  22. I'm sure it's to do with dopamine, I was an everyday smoker also, then quit. Couple weeks after, I noticed a dramatic increase in visuals.
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