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Everything posted by mikethemerc1

  1. Well honestly if you want my opinion on the matter, going cold turkey and riding it out is the best option and the only chance of full recovery. I remissed once and was hppd free only after I stopped treating it. Yeah it took 8 months but if I didn't eat k pins it would have been sooner as is proof with my relapse. I'm 2 months in and feel 75% which is quicker than last time. Honestly if you are at a wall I would suggest painkillers over benzos, benzos work but I think painkillers are treating the problem, which is a destroyed dopamine system. They are your best bet since you get them on the street and until you get a doc who will consider keppra or sine met that's the only route for fast relief. I took a vitamin regimen that helped of fish oil, l tyrosine, Sam e, theanine, multis, and had good success. How long into hppd are you? If under 6 months I'd say wait it out and stay away from pot even sec hand or booze.
  2. Definitely dp dr is a defense mechanism, be it sick and twisted, although the drug induced ones I think are related to the brain readjusting itself. Hell today I felt straight up high for 2 hours, a good one I may add, but I'm confident that my brain is sorting shit out. As I said everyday I'm getting better, why, no anxiety, no drugs (ie k pin) and healthy living. My point is that maybe hppd isn't a disease in the sense of the word, but a process in the body gone awry that either sorts out or doesn't. I think that's why you and me remiss. And why hppd doesnt respond to medicine or tests. I mean the drugs are out of our bodies but the natural chemicals need to adjust and IMO klono pin ssri etc only fuck the body up more.
  3. Dude cut down on the klono, I made that mistake of goin over 2 mg a day and I landed in detox land, trust me the wd syndrome is worse than hppd it's not just vomiting it's hppd x 40 I was having full blown seizures every time I was about to sleep and had full blown hallucinations for 2 months. Trust me benzos will hurt you in the long run. I'm sorry for preaching but I hate those things more than the dmt that gave me hppd. Are they necessary at times, yes, but it's not going to cure you do why bother with another addiction? As for tramadol it helps a lot with the fibromyalgia symptoms as I've also noticed anti inflammatory in general help alot.
  4. Creatine is a little like speed I always got a headache with it but that was before hppd round two it'll probably do what all stims do, slightly spike the visuals for energy. Again I doubt it'll make hppd worse only psychotropic shit will do that
  5. I agree but like any drug the wd will probably set you back even more dopamine
  6. Yeah I've had everything checked and it's all borderline but not enough for them to say, "oh this is why you feel like shit not drugs!" coriisol was 8 points low, adrenals were high, testosterone was low, I think prolactin was normal though. The guys I'm seeing at this hospital got their shit together though, even the neuro optomoligist knew what hppd was! So they are still trying to determine all the factors but it'd be too much of coincidence that I was around pot and that this happened again that night. On another note, those guy on that other site those with visual snow, have similar neuro probs as we do. Ie dp dr anxiety cog probs and the like. It gets me thinking that we might have got this anyway but drugs just sped it up, or that ours and their disorder are the same only with different factors.
  7. You're lucky that the dp dr isnt constant keep it that way, eliminate the anxiety. The visuals there are tricks like sunglasses and proper lighting. Mainly you'll have to adjust to them and stay clean (yes even booze for the time being) some here will suggest klono pin but if anxiety isn't the worst symptom then stay away from it. There are other drugs too like sine met which may help the visuals and keppra, although I would ride it out for a bit. Then if your vision is too messed up for you to handle look into the meds. My hppd was always more of the anxiety dp dr fog than the visuals, they never bothered me once the other stuff faded. And it will fade its just a process you'll be fine bro. Welcome
  8. K pins stay in your system that long but the heavy effects peak for me in 30 mins and last about 6 hours to 10 on a half mil. A full does the trick the whole day but makes you like a zombie. Ativan in my experience has always been better at treating anxiety and not zombifying you, but remember its a benzo and trust me if you think hppd is bad, try benzo wd syndrome on top of that and you'll forget all about hppd and well life. I wouldn't take any benzo everyday it's just too big a risk for My experience. It seems people get as much relief from painkillers as benzos from all the things I've seen lately and If u can somehow get them, it's better in my opinion. It takes longer to get dependent, the wirhdraws suck but not half as bad as benzo wd, and they give you energy instead of the opposite. Although I won't deny k pin will save your life during breakdowns, I will say it can end if you rely on it all the time. Try .25 mg and if that doesn't cut it go to a half, if you are about to pull the trigger then a whole mg.
  9. My buddy just got out of a methadone clinic himself, kid was eating perks like candy since he was 11 ironically he did a lot of acid and has had flashbacks but never hppd. Maybe the perks had something to do with it,
  10. Yeah as long as douchebags don't light up joints in my face lol Alice you remissed too I think you'll be fine since it was booze that retriggered it. If you need help with drinking aa isn't a bad thing even just to see what alcohol does to people in general trust me I've learned to hate that shit. I mean just on the fact that people are trying to lose their perceptions and people like use are trying to get them back.
  11. Well I think I'm in the later stages I go most of day fine now my only choke point is when the sun goes down and my eyes have to readjust as for the benzos I think that if I didn't get hooked and have to withdraw cold turkey the first time would've passed as quick as this wouldn't have lasted 8 months the first time. I'm a out 2 months into this now and have noticeable recovery. Maybe my body found a way to sort it out the first time and remembers how to do it quicker. Who the hell knows anything anyway we all seem to have variations in time and symptoms all I know is I'm not complaining with my improvements lately I'm just gonna ride the rest out.
  12. Yeah klono and Ativan and each time it just sends the dp dr to a new level when I stop. As for the relapse it's fading and pot was def the trigger, I'm confident that if I made a full recovery from ayahuasca that pot smoke wouldn't do me in permanantly. I was considering sine met as I have all the symptoms of low dopamine ie restless legs tremors dp and the like and they are always non existent in the mornings afternoon. It when night comes its like I got hit with a bat, dopamines always lowest a t night so maybe it is related
  13. Alcohol never triggered it back when i remissed but it killed me while I had it. I've had nights where I pounded enough whiskey to kill a horse and never retriggered hppd, again proving were all different when it comes to sensitivity to certain things. As for the paranoia, it's bad Alice I'm slowly getting over it through logical thinking ie, when I did drugs I wouldnt drug someone, bad for my wallet. Sfopping everything seems to be the only route Alice, I used to drink o douls for the year I had it, it helped in bar situations. I think there's a little alcohol in it though so I would just try and give up the booze for good... Easier said than done I know
  14. Well guys it's seems my second bout of hppd is winding down as expected, I knew there was no way it would last as long as the first time. There are some weird things though, like this morning all my dp dr was gone (I've been having sporadic breaks recently which is a good sign) and the cog fog, but the visuals were super intense like almost blind and then faded after an hour. I was fine all day until I went to the coast guard base to buy smokes where the sun killed me and made me feel dr Ed and cog fogged which is weird. Then I got home and it faded only to be triggered at 630 by the sun setting. Now I'm fine again. So I guess my question is, do guys have shifts in hppd by the heat and when the sun goes down? I mean I'm in my house when the sun sets and still, it's like my internal clock goes nuts. Anyway I'm at about 80% of day feeling fine only with bursts of hppd so in another month I think I'll be out for good.
  15. I know all about those from my brief time in the marines had full blow hallucinations after the 3rd day but it seems over sleeping aggravates dp dr where 6 hours or less helps it but worsens the visuals it's a case of pick your poison
  16. I know this may be hard to believe but I tested this theory 2 years ago during my first hppd experience and it helped. Now it seems to be happening again as I've been up I feel breaks in the dp dr. Ironically I'm not the only one as some folks on dp self help have tried. Now it doesn't cure it from my experience, but you will experience alleviation. That's how it is for me though, I remember 2 years ago i stood up for 2 days and had a great day free of dp dr only to be reset by sleeping. Maybe there is a connection between are sleep and this. The limbic system and pre frontal cortex do not communicate well during sleep dep and the limbic system is likely the source of dp dr. There is some weight to this but I can't described it medically, that's up to guys like David. Ironically sleep dep may of made me vulnerable to my relapse recently, either way it's clear the limbic system is involved and sleep is a key factor for dp dr.
  17. It help to start a new relationship but I prefer not to bring up hppd cause the more you're aware of it the more it's aware of you. Try not tell everyone about it just say you you quit drinking and can't be around pot cause you get tested
  18. My basis for PTSD is that it was secondhand pot smoke which is almost nothing, yet this is more than just anxiety. It happened like the first time after ayahuasca as I said in another post, exactly the same as the first time. Whatever the case my be I haven't shut down completely I'm actually coming back from school now, even though it's difficult cause thats where the joint was. I can beat this if I don't isolate from my life again.
  19. My hppd is "mild" compared to you guys, honestly this could be PTSD to my first time as the visuals aren't as bad as the first time. I know dp dr is a symptom of PTSD in which case I hate myself. But static isnt PTSD yet I Dont have swirling objects or unbearable trails or migraines like the first time. Guys hang in there.
  20. I would talk to a Neuro who's dealt with Parkinson's they might be more willing
  21. I won't thanks man I must sound stupid compared to you guys that have hase this 15 years hell my first time wasnt even over 10 months.
  22. I think alot more people recover they just don't come back when they do. I know I didn't even want to hear the word hppd after It stabilized. I also think everyone can beat dp dr and once they do that they don't want to talk about the visuals after because it get s anxiety back up, that's just my opinion. I won't do that when this remisses again but obviously I won't want to obsess anymore and look for symptoms. As for the outdoors part I'm trying my best it feels like my head is going to explode when I go outside, like physical pain, although that's been getting better. I'm 21 right now so theres a hell of alot of drugs around me! But whatever I don't miss drugs, I do miss my whiskey though! Anyway thanks guys for the reassurance I need it everyday I wake and realize it wasn't a dream. You guys hang in there too, treatment I think is going to improve soon.
  23. You know whats funny I have a cyst on pituitary gland that I've had all my life, and they said there was no way it was causing these symptoms. My cortisol was normal when they tested but who knows maybe it excreted and then stabilized at some point. Regardless, I feel all of our conditions, visual snow, hppd, dp dr are similar and maybe the cure would cure all, that's why I think we should all unite, for a movement and a market for those bastard pharm companies to put research into
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