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Everything posted by mikethemerc1

  1. Hey man I got one ball and losing it was cupcakes compared to hppd, when the doc said wow you went three days with testicular torsion? I said yeah it was easier than 8 months of hppd. He laughed and said well torsion is worse than a gunshot wound! I said hppd was worse than death.
  2. Time to beat hppd again it's like rocky 2

    1. morbide


      I'm feeling ya, let's curb stomp the fucker

  3. What's your opinion on naloxone for dp dr? I heard some people snapped out of completely after one injection... According to daphne Simeon and some Russians
  4. Well you have to train your brain again slowly almost like a stroke patient retraining the brain I feel you though I had to this once and now again. Low dose sinemet is said to help, and klonopin will help temporarily but then cloud your mind more. Vitamins, supplements, problem solving will help, I know the effects of going from a 4.0 to shit after this. But you are still as smart as you've always been you're just having some difficulty. Try videogames, sports, train your rapid thinking skills first then the more advanced, baby steps go along way with cog problems
  5. Thanks merkan I've read alot of your posts so I take your words to heart. Like I said its not as bad and there have been moments of remission this past week. I think the post was the trigger but also alot of stress and sleep deprivation leading up to the pot smoke. Funny thing is I never was affected by secondhand smoke in the past so it was a combination of things I think. I'm coming up on month 2 so I'll wait another before considering meds.
  6. Honestly in plain English, fuck dr a, yeah I know he's our only hope and blah blah, but he also didn't believe derealization was a part of hppd. That's real bs if there ever was any as we all know. Benzo protracted withrawal is real as day and worse than any wd out there. I support dr a and his research but as a person he sucks and won't even answer a phone call question unless you throw him 300 bucks. I have gone through benzo wd but never got to that high a dose. I wd from 2 mg of ativan cold turkey with hppd, it was hell for the next 2 months hell I can't even remember anything I did during them I was a walking corpse, not to mention my derealization was 10 times worse. You should consult another doc about it and when I talked to Abraham he hated the use of benzos for hppd, that was a couple years ago. Anyway to the op, you said he's your psych, are you from Boston? I am and I am trying to get a support group together with people with the disorder.
  7. It should not be understated that there is a huge psychological aspect to this condition, you need to put it behind you mentally if you ever want to start to heal. This goes especially for DP/DR, I'm only on this site to find out if relapse is possible and mgrade confirmed that. Once I get this shock out of my system, I'll do what I did the first time, ignore it until it passes, as hard as that may be. Remember that this is not degenerative either, it doesn't get worse only better, but you can't fuel the condition with anxiety for that will only make it worse...trust me. Once the DP/DR is gone, the visuals can be adjusted to.
  8. Now that you bring it up mgrade, you may be right. The Marines and all the service branches keep you up for 4 days for whats called "The moment of truth" and the Marines force march you around for those 4 days. The purpose is so when they question you on your medical/criminal record you are delirious and honest. I actually had my only real hallucination in my life on the last day of it. I "tripped" that a Marine in dress blues came in behind my forming day DI and started breakdancing lol. I laughed so hard, and then got whacked pretty hard, or "moved" as they put it in the Corps. It took me a week to stop microsleeping during the day after that along with some real vivid dreams. I definitely think all my experiences leading up to Ayahuasca made me more prone to HPPD, definitely. Actually this relapse could be because of sleep dep too, I took 6 classes this summer semester and was sleeping in the library between classes cause I was getting 2-3 hours of sleep a night. Then I smelled pot smoke and BOOM...welcome back to hell.
  9. Yeah mgrade, apparently the side affects are pretty low, you either feel it in the first 30 minutes or it's like a placebo. I was a little scared the first time on taking them because it's possible to hallucinate on them, yet thats only in high doses and for HPPD to dose is very small when compared to Parkinson's disease doses. Also Parkinson's patients take a high dose for their entire lives and the condition has many adverse neurological factors. I'm close to giving it a shot.
  10. Well cs1234, I can't tell you if I just smelled it or got a buzz, I definitely was uncomfortable but didn't notice a high. I went home, hung out with my mother and her boyfriend and was fine. Then I went to bed and woke up in the middle of the night and everything around the room was strange, micromapsia and macromapsia, plus fear, just like the first time. It came on in the middle of the night the first time right after taking Ayahuasca. I've smoked pot under 10 times in my life and only had a benzo addiction because of HPPD the first time. Anyway thanks mgrade I see you have been responding to my posts and I appreciate it bro.
  11. An ex girlfriend, and some dumb friends, again no one tripped including me which makes it weird. One of my buddies did have some panic attacks but he latter found out he had an ulcer. Did anything trigger your relapses? Mine came right after being around some kid smoking pot in his car. I'm not as bad as the first time but still it's no cakewalk, I don't know if you had a similar experience.
  12. yeah yet I think the sleep paraylsis may be from the meds we take, too. When I had my first bout with HPPD, it didn't start with sleep paralysis but developed after taking desiprimine and stopping klonopin but who knows. I don't have it this time (I relapsed secondhand pot) and am not taking anything.
  13. Well there is a theory and treatment available that this is related to Dopamine somehow. Dopamine agonists have improved some people, drugs like Sinemet and Tolcapone, yet I didn't take them I healed naturally over 8- 10 months. I relapsed recently though and may just take these meds.
  14. I had a testicle removed after I completely recovered and was more petrified of retriggering HPPD than that. Went under general no problems yet a little second hand pot retriggered it recently so be aware.
  15. that sounds about right, that's what I did, it's hard to have to do all over again though when you get better and relapse...
  16. So I'm new here but not to HPPD. Mine started after taking Ayahuasca, didn't get high it was mixed wrong yet still got HPPD DR/DP. I got better after about 8 months of pure hell and now I've relapsed due to secondhand pot smoke somehow. I was fine for the last 2 years and need reassurance that I'm not the only one who relapsed and that if I got better once I will again. I've seen Dr. Abraham who tested the Ayahuasca to see if it was indeed it and it was. (BTW he's kind of a dick I don't know if anyone else thought this, especially because he won't even confirm if it's possible to relapse like this because he won't answer my calls since he's retiring.) My relapse is going on it's 7th week, it's stabilized, if there is such a thing. I'm 21 from Boston, MA, had a stint in the Marines, and am planning to start a security/military company regardless of how long this relapse haunts me. In school now and yeah that's it. Just so you guys know it's possible to get better completely, I was but I never thought about how to deal with a relapse. I'm curious about how you guys have dealt with it and if this is all in my head, PTSD from the first time, you know. The DP/DR is bad the visuals aren't as bad except for the static. Reply with question etc. and if you're from Boston, maybe we can get a support program going, there's alot of HPPDers around here and I have some connections. I'll gladly hand out my number if you want to talk.
  17. I completely recovered but I somehow recently relapsed due to secondhand pot I'm so pissed. I recovered after 8-10 months, maybe quicker if I didn't withdraw from benzos cold turkey. I was fine the last 2 years until that bastard lit up a joint in his car. It's back now, the DP/DR is the same as last time but visuals are only the static luckily. I don't know what to do, it took all I had the first time without meds.
  18. Hi I'm new to the site and I will keep this post brief because I'm on a time schedule. I contracted HPPD when I was 18 after I had taken Ayahuasca. Oddly enough, I did not trip but Dr. Abraham later confirmed that is was an hallocinogen and therefore possible that I could have had HPPD. You name any symptom and I had it from Febuary to December 2010. Then one day, if was just gone, not like I woke up and was better but when I wasn't looking it seemed to fade. Nighttime visuals persisted but nothing serious and visuals only were sparked in extreme stress. I've been fine the last 2 years or so was going to school had girlfriend and am coming into 500,000 dollars. I a few months of go even denied I even had HPPD and that it was really all in my head. Then one day, a person who gave me a ride home for school lit up a joint... I must've inhaled a little secondhand and unfortunately it was like the first night all over again. That happened July 10th this summer and I am now coming upon the second month of this "relapse". I refused Sinemet treatment from Abraham the first time but I am in complete distress that this has happened again. It took all I had to beat it the first time and I am really thinking about meds like Keppra and Sinemet, yet I don't know what to do because I did remiss the first time and don't know if I should risk taking and withrawing from meds. If anyone knows about the effects of secondhand pot on this let me know. Ironically I've been around it before and there was no affect, hell I even had a testicle removed and went under for surgery and didn't relapse. The DP/DR is the worst, the visuals aren't as bad except for night static. Please comment and feel free to ask questions and know that I was 100% recovered so it is possible, even though my case was "mild" it wasn't fucking mild to me. Thanks guys help me me beat this shit again.
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