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Everything posted by mgrade

  1. Mayne Pharmaceutical: Offers particular expertise in First-Time-In-Man (FTIM) and Phase I, II, and III Clinical Trial Manufacturing (CTM) – conducting more than 130 FTIM projects for different chemical entities while concurrently developing more than 700 CTM batches First-Time-In-Man, FTIM.... What the fuck is this?
  2. This is some sort of evil clandestine operation. Clinuvel: These guys are dealing in sub-cutaneous and intramuscular implants such of that of Implanon and Afamelanotide. "Afamelanotide is currently being trialed in the form of a "grain of rice"-sized bioabsorbable subcutaneous implant as a potential therapeutic photoprotection-inducing agent for a series of light-related skin indications as well as a potential dermal repigmentation agent for vitiligo. Afamelanotide, as of October 24, 2014, has been approved by the EMA in Europe for the treatment of EPP.[10] Clinuvel now intends to seek approval of afamelanotide in the United States.[10]" Also, notice how the information on this type of implant has been removed from 4/5/2017. Please compare the info here and the attachment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afamelanotide Mayne & HalcyGen: Also, they have a license to handle "chlorinated solvents and alcohols"? Those are basically things like Chloral Hydrate and Chloroform!!
  3. Clinuvel, Mayne, and HalcyGen are some Pharmaceutical Companies that I believe are involved in scurrilous, treacherous workings. Companies are based in Australia, and Greenville, NC, USA. Check it out for yourself. I will give a follow-up to this in a bit.
  4. I like this. I don't know much about it. I don't know if it is any good. But I found a video. Good group of drugs to compare it to. [Note: I don't think this is the case with these guys but I have an issue with other Pharm Companies coming out of North Carolina. I will post a thread about this.]
  5. Yeah. Something Calcium related. Blocking a string of Amino acids that are rooted in Calcium. This is a new therapy for migraines.
  6. Well let us look at VS as a symptom: 1. the Eye doctor said no problems. 2. MRI turned out ok. --------------- 1. We can rule out structural issues that doctors can observe with an MRI. 2. We can rule out structural issues with the eye itself. --------------- What we are thinking is the issue: 1. Plasticity Issue either in the prefrontal/frontal cortex or the sensory cortices -------------- Solution: I am not sure. But given that we have the knowledge that migraines can influence sight (ex- migraine aura), there may be an important relationship. The term migraine suggest something that happens on one side of the body or head. Are you having VS in both eyes? One must realize that even though I don't address genetics that everything comes down to genetics. People talk about things that are biological or physiological and often say 'this or that process apart from genetics', when in reality it is impossible to separate genetics and those aforementioned states. I have often called upon Calcium Channel Blockers as a way to mediate synaptic conductance via ion channels. Conductance goes from most to least: Calcium, Sodium, Potassium So by Blocking Calcium, I suggested that the whole 'circuit' of the nervous system would be mediated so that Calcium would stay in the cells and the less conducive ions would be allowed into the synapse. I just read this study. Maybe solving the migraine issue would be a good place to start. : These CGRPRAs are probably somewhat related to my theory in 2012/13: but the further implications are that of raising the pH of the blood and reducing a state of mild (blood) acidosis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcitonin_gene-related_peptide_receptor_antagonist https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calcitonin_gene-related_peptide http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/317340.php
  7. Sensory issues (loss) can initially bring you lots of depression. People pretend to be other people all the time esp. under the veil of the internet. I just don't want to waste my breath. VS is truly a lesser symptom. BUT you have to go to doctors: for eyes and neurology. Just to rule out some medical parts.
  8. Klonopin sounds like the answer. NSAIDS, also. VS is a minor symptom. Depression, palinopsia, and migraine aura is are a different story. 1. Are you a real person firstly? lol 2. Do you have anhedonia? 3. You have to differentiate, on your own, what amount is clinical depression and what is just strictly from external stressors. ------------------------- Everyone is going to hate me for this but I think Klonopin as a low level muscle relaxant and infrequent low level opiates are helpful especially for people with anhedonia. Seems like a couple milligrams of Methylphenidate might help. Chew a Mirapex. I'm not a doctor. Be aware the presence of what one could think is 'migraine aura' is enough to cause a lot of these symptoms.
  9. NMDA receptor is an aspartame receptor that accepts Glutamate as well. Certainly, this has been used as a model for Schizophrenia via PCP (which is a NMDA antagonist). ------------------------------------- This is why this is all very complicated. Look at my last 2 posts (this one and the one before). If you have ADD to begin with and have a significant Amphetamine OD and survive, how exactly do you treat your ADD? If you have a PCP OD, how do you deal with an underlying anxiety issue when prior to this you had been treating by aiding GABA agonism against Glutamate via Benzodiazepines? ____________________________ You take things like 1. aspartame and/or Glutamate and 2. Phenylalanine, which especially the latter is a major building block to dopamine (and the former (G) is the most abundant more important NTs in the body), and you bungle those lines up, respectively, you get the G line and D line going absolutely haywire. So the inhibitory and the adrenaline lines are totally out of whack, and because of the circumstances, some people are predisposed to a longer recovery through plasticity.
  10. A good model (which isn't exactly a traditional model) to start with is: survival Amphetamine OD.
  11. I have studied several models. It has become obvious HPPD is NOT purely a glutamate or NMDA-receptor issue. Dr. A seemed to be leaning more toward Sodium Channel blocking via anti-convulsive drugs. I looked towards NRIs and DRIs once you are over the main hump of the malady. HPPD is somewhat self-limiting. In other words, time seems to be the best cure. I was impressed with Quetiapine in terms of 'resetting' the brain to a default. Probably, it has to do with genetic predisposition to having more of the big 3 receptors in the prefrontal cortex (S, D, G). Glucocorticoids, Choline perhaps. Long-term alteration of plasticity, damage to the hippocampus [as well as potentially thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdala, sensory cortices, CSF turnover, etc]. Also looking at the 5ht2A receptor inverse agonists, and kappa-opioid antagonists. Generally speaking, depending on what stage you are in, if you want to treat this psychopharmacologically, you may need a few drugs addressing a few models. To be honest, nothing seems to work in the early stages, except perhaps Benzos and Antipsychotics to a certain degree: only to the point that you are being tranquillized. [Also Dr. A's SCB anti-convulsive studies]
  12. You have just the beginning of persistent effects from street LSD (is what it sounds like). If this is a case of HPPD, it is possibly THE most mild case. One concern is this: depression and anxiety. This can be a reason why people turn to street drugs or a result of taking street drugs. I suggest you get your depression and anxiety treated by a GOOD professional. It may be talk therapy. It may be medicine. It may be relaxation techniques. But go to someone who knows about this stuff. Maybe an MD psychiatrist. Or others as well but not people who are going to take you out of the realm of reasonable options of treatment.
  13. Momma, you got to be careful. This sounds like the right ingredients for a disaster. The fact is that 19 of 20 times (or more), you are not going to fix your bad trip with another trip. And can be summed up in bad English: 'Shit don't work'. So you gotta just stop everything for a while. ... Don't allow yourself to get all PTSD. Because 'once you there, ain't so easy to get out of'. Ultimately, it doesn't matter if you have diagnosed yourself HPPD or not. If you have prolonged unwanted symptoms from drug use, you just have to dry out and dry out probably for good. Also as a side note, in very low doses LSD and LSD analogues are agonists to Serotonin receptors. But once you get to like 50mics, it becomes an antagonist of the Serotonin receptors. So taking Serotonin in supplement form while on an LSD analogue makes no sense to me. I don't know. But either way, just stop everything (stop drugs not prescribed to you, including pot and beer) and try to make sense of the situation. Just keep in mind, We are all here if you need help!!
  14. Hey, I have been feeling really down. I have, sort of, accepted I will always have this tremendous panic, anxiety, and depression. And I find in my daily life these things are often reinforced by certain things. I don't have any advice to give. I am sort of watching my life go by. It is not the worst thing in the world, I suppose. But a series of difficult incidences have left me very affected. It's the same sort of emotive/limbic reaction I have had in the past. Except I am older. I deal with it a bit differently. Mortality seems so real now. I will probably never be able to function 'normally' in society ever. Oddly, I see my life playing out to my death. It might be a while or not. I don't know. What I do know is that I feel like I have been forced not to care. No one person in particular is forcing me not to care; I think time is forcing me not to care. In my life, that is the only thing I really am ashamed of is being forced not to care. Because I am a compassionate person. But none of it matters because I think compassion is too much of an abstract idea for people. I have made loads of mistakes. But the core of me is good. I wish you all great love! [This makes me think of this Richard Alpert speech where he says Suffering is caused by the want for permanence. Well, I am definitely paraphrasing, I am not sure exactly what he said, but I think my feelings are going beyond that, in not a great way, at this moment. This is a bad place I am in, permanence or not.]
  15. Here is my initial thought. Gabapentin is sort of more towards a supplement-ish. Just slowly minimize Gabapentin throughout a month's time. 1mg of Ativan is a fairly low dose. So unless you are getting headaches or something, might as well stay at 1mg for now. Firstly, consult your doctor! I think Ativan is in and out of system in about 5 days. But you only feel the anti-anxiety effect for like 5 hrs.
  16. "This is for you out there, guys.....At least it doesn't block your NMDA receptor.....Now for my next song.....another 45 minutes of shitty music."
  17. The drug Minipress (prazosin), i know for a fact we have discussed. But it keeps coming up in things/researches I have been doing. Kind of interesting. NEJM group reference: http://www.jwatch.org/na33029/2013/12/30/psychiatry-editors-choice-top-stories-2013
  18. I don't know for sure. Ask Qaiphix(disitmane). I would say that it is often thought that the ht2a receptor is responsible for delusions in psychotic patients. That's why we had initially started talking about ht2a inverse agonists which are in a weird way sort of like an antagonist. I don't know for sure.
  19. An appointment for what exactly? And why is that day a judgement day?
  20. Cannabis is basically a low level hallucinogen. There are so many strains of the stuff with different ratios of the chemicals that it seems like a bad idea to take/smoke (completely in an uncontrolled environment and often bought as a street drug or these supposed expert growers). Also i have contacted a marijuana specialist who is actually a biologist and i believe he still smokes. But he has told me that there are very little medicinal qualities as compared to what people are saying who whole-heartedly advise its use. He even said that about CBD! And obviously THC. My opinion would be to avoid it.
  21. Super!!!! I hope it damn-well helps. Because based on the technicals it looks very promising. Keep us up to date on the progress if you get the script!
  22. Suicide is an option but it is good to leave options OPEN; once you are dead you have no options. Most of us (especially those who have been on this site for many years) have been through several, several, many, many bouts of suicidal ideation. I am thinking your life is worth living because you have many people you can help. And if you are no longer here on earth, you won't be able to help. People need you. And it is your duty to make the effort (however hard it is) to help and to walk others along with you and for them to walk with you. This is not a place for the weak: this world. But show those fuckers you are not weak and persevere!!!! Grab the bull by the balls and throw 'em at your adversaries. Get tired of those wishy-washy, indifferent, cold-hearted people; and form your own reality. And beat the fuck out of this disease!!! Good Luck!!! i mean in 100% sincerity ...and Stay up. Because life depends on it. Because we fknn care about you!!!!!!
  23. http://hppdonline.com/index.php?/topic/4668-found-an-interesting-drug-lomerizine-and-serotonin-induced-contraction/ Super find by one of our members!!!!
  24. Sounds like a great drug potentially. Is it on the market? I am going to like this thread to my favorite other thread. Great find.
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