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My story: HPPD as a result of clinical trial

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For over 1.5 years, I've tried to share my story and pretty much no one in the psychedelic research community was interested in hearing it. 

Well, it's now out there and it turns out I wasn't the only participant in the Braxia clinical trial to experience an adverse event. 


Edited by HeatherinTO
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Welcome and thanks for sharing. 

I fear we are seeing the first ripples of a tsunami of HPPD cases brought about by this type of therapy. 

I hope you are doing ok

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Thanks Spartan and Jay. 

My life fell apart - I had to abandon a master's program, I lost my job, I almost lost my marriage, and I lost friendships (people who wouldn't hear that psychedelics could cause harm). I look like I've aged 10 years in just over 2. Strangely, I also lost my ability to visualize and to absorb information the way I used to. 

I can't tolerate most medications but I've found some success with guanfacine (related to clonidine). I still have visual snow, but the after images and unstable vision have decreased. I no longer always feel trapped in fight or flight mode, although I still struggle with anxiety. 

What's funny is that I never would have tried psychedelics outside a "safe" environment. I thought this was my ticket to healing... And I would be well supported. 

I'm now trying to lend my voice as a psychedelic safety advocate. 

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14 hours ago, HeatherinTO said:

Thanks Spartan and Jay. 

My life fell apart - I had to abandon a master's program, I lost my job, I almost lost my marriage, and I lost friendships (people who wouldn't hear that psychedelics could cause harm). I look like I've aged 10 years in just over 2. Strangely, I also lost my ability to visualize and to absorb information the way I used to. 

I can't tolerate most medications but I've found some success with guanfacine (related to clonidine). I still have visual snow, but the after images and unstable vision have decreased. I no longer always feel trapped in fight or flight mode, although I still struggle with anxiety. 

What's funny is that I never would have tried psychedelics outside a "safe" environment. I thought this was my ticket to healing... And I would be well supported. 

I'm now trying to lend my voice as a psychedelic safety advocate. 

I was worried this would happen to me but it didn't exactly. I did have pro psychedelic friends that didn't agree with me though. I am a lot less popular than I used to be in high school and college. I struggle with anxiety till this day as well. I truly hope you are doing well!!!

Edited by brake
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On 4/12/2024 at 10:31 PM, HeatherinTO said:

Thanks Spartan and Jay. 

My life fell apart - I had to abandon a master's program, I lost my job, I almost lost my marriage, and I lost friendships (people who wouldn't hear that psychedelics could cause harm). I look like I've aged 10 years in just over 2. Strangely, I also lost my ability to visualize and to absorb information the way I used to. 

I can't tolerate most medications but I've found some success with guanfacine (related to clonidine). I still have visual snow, but the after images and unstable vision have decreased. I no longer always feel trapped in fight or flight mode, although I still struggle with anxiety. 

What's funny is that I never would have tried psychedelics outside a "safe" environment. I thought this was my ticket to healing... And I would be well supported. 

I'm now trying to lend my voice as a psychedelic safety advocate. 

Thankyou I'm sorry to hear of your challenges! 

I had to leave school during onset also. 

It's great you seem to be calming your CNS and entering more of a flow state etc 

So sad these people are dressed up as "healers" and just trying to be cool and profit. It really is disgusting! They do not know anything.

That's great you are doing your best to lend your voice as an advocate! There is a non-proffit doing good work, you may like to contact... www.neurogroup.org.  as they  generally welcome new team members working towards the same cause / goals.

I'm wishing you all the very best with your continued healing recovery. 

P.s. another powerful modality is "shamanic breathwork" similar to holographic breathwork. It's 100% natrual no substances, tho really helpful in deep healing work. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/12/2024 at 1:16 AM, Jay1 said:

Welcome and thanks for sharing. 

I fear we are seeing the first ripples of a tsunami of HPPD cases brought about by this type of therapy. 

I hope you are doing ok

I had that same thought when I first heard of these “therapies” and it scared me. I am also more scared because my eldest son who is 20 recently told me that when he turned 21 he wanted to “get into mushrooms” by which I’m assuming he meant trying a therapeutic approach to his depression and anxiety and I’m really fearful of what will happen to him.

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