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Has anyone heard of hyperacusis along with hppd?

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Tinnitus is known to be a common symptom of HPPD.

Has anyone here ever heard of hyperacusis, i.e. (extreme) noise sensitivity in the context of HPPD?

I've been trying to figure out for months if my problem has something to do with my mild HPPD, or just happened to start in the 1-2 months after without any connection. 

Stay strong..

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yeah I definitely noticed after a few weeks I had an onset of this sort of thing. Higher pitched noises bother me cant really listen to music loud or high pitcher dogs barking hurt my ears. only flares up sometimes when symptoms are bad but guess I could be used to it. it isnt very bad though.

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Yea, it get this in waves... Sometimes the slightest noise can be excruciating , other times I can listen to music as loud as it goes. 

I've always put it down to our sensory filters being fucked up.... But i saw a documentary recently about autism and it really highlighted the point that their sensory system is often faulty and visual/auditory overload is a real problem... Maybe we are all slightly autistic and the drugs triggered something?

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For me, it's the same sensation as nails on a chalkboard... It physically hurts and makes me recoil, even if it's something as simple as someone chatting at a normal level. I literally have to cover my ears sometimes when my wife i talking *she is a very understanding woman, thankfully!) 

Have you had any check at the doctors though... Could be something non hppd related and easier to fix?

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Thank you @Jay1 for your answer.

Its the same for me and super debilitating. Was the onset of those symptoms right after the onset of your HPPD? 

For me, the hyperacusis is so strong that i am homebound 24/7. 

It flared up in February, then i got way better during end of march and april, lived relatively normal in may and June. Now its back like in february. 

You said that it comes in waves.. how long are these waves for you? 

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1 hour ago, Jay1 said:

Have you had any check at the doctors though... Could be something non hppd related and easier to fix?

Maybe its lyme. I was bitten by a tick one month before my HPPD started. All the antibody blodtests were negative. A few days ago i made a skin-PCR from the skin where the tick bit me, and its positive af! 

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On 7/6/2023 at 3:29 AM, Beefol said:


Tinnitus is known to be a common symptom of HPPD.

Has anyone here ever heard of hyperacusis, i.e. (extreme) noise sensitivity in the context of HPPD?

I've been trying to figure out for months if my problem has something to do with my mild HPPD, or just happened to start in the 1-2 months after without any connection. 

Stay strong..

Yes I was sensitive to certain noises and lights as well. I kind of became less sensitive as time went on, but it took many years.

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  • 1 month later...

Holy Heck beefol! (About having Lyme disease.) I have always had tinnitus since I was a little girl. Sometimes it’s really bad. And definitely sometimes stuff that is at a normal volume is so loud to me I have to tell whomever I’m speaking to to lower their voice, or turn the music/TV down. Then they look at me like I’m crazy (which I guess technically I am 😂) and tell me they are talking in a normal voice. When those loud noises happen it hurts my brain so bad I also actually have to cover my ears sometimes.  But anyway (I always get off topic) I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I fit every criteria. But I remember when we were trying to figure it all out, think it was my mom, but she said she wondered if I had Lyme disease. I thought I did not have it because as far as I know, I’d never been bitten by a tick. I’m not what you would call an outdoorsy person. Can you tell me what your Lyme symptoms were and the specific test they finally ran on you? It would be interesting to ask for that test for the heck of it. Thanks!!

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