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Niacin - Vitam B3:


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I've been taking 2 doses a day of 500mg Niacin after reading about its potential mental well-being properties this past week.  I had a real bad flare up 2 weeks ago that lasted for about 5 days ( literally thought Was loosing my mind again, like that night a LONG time ago! )  so was looking for anything that could help. Note, i've had this condition we all share for nearly 30 years now. Yup, Rave generation and too  many years beyond that ( after the bad trip and subsequent HPPD, which happened when I was 15, CRAZY looking back..... )  of Extacy and Coke. Now completely coke free for 9 years and E's for probably 20 and have lived generally well with zero meds or outside help, but anyway, I really have felt that it's taken the edge off things this past week. A bit more clarity of thought, anxiety has been down a bit and also the visual disturbance, depersonalisation and metallic taste I get in my mouth when its flares up bad have definitely eased slightly. 

I'm goanna keep it going and see if it continues to help, just thought it throw this out there, I know all too well how much we wish we all had a magic pill to take to make things 'normal' again.

PS, I have a great family, a great business and a great quality of life so I've not let this shit take over my life -  finding this forum a couple of years ago and making me realise I am not alone and this is an actual 'thing' has been an absolute godsend.


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Dude! Thank you so much for trying this, I talk about this in my thread, I think it may be one of the better if not possibly the best treatments for this, but I have found no one willing to try it as of yet. So thank you so much. Please keep updating, I would love to see how this turns out and I really hope the best.

I have taken Niacin myself and I feel like it helped me feel better all around in general, but by the time I learned about it most of my symptoms have receded, so its great to see someone with more apparent symptoms trying it.

If it doesn't help or work then so be it, but I feel it has enough potential that it should be tried. So thank you!

This is my thread for anyone wondering.


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4 hours ago, Lucas said:

I'd be willing to try Niacin and keep a journal if the results interest you Fawkinchit.

Vitamin B3 sounds pretty safe... right ?


Its extremely safe, nothing more safe than vitamins, other than water and air lol.

Just be sure to do a minimum of 500mg per day, max 1000mg should do the trick. And make sure to read up on niacin flush so it doesn't freak you out. Based on what I have read no flush is not as effective as normal niacin.

But it would be great for even just a few people to try this, just to see if it works or not.

If I remember correctly there was even a study on rat neurons that showed only 2 weeks of niacin therapy relegated all age related cellular conditions, so basically the cells in older rats became again as though they were young. If this condition is caused by neuronal dysfunction, as opposed to neuronal loss, then niacin will be the best treatment there is for HPPD, hands down.

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Morning all and for sure, will keep you posted on how I get on - the flush is definitely a but strange at first but I've found it has passed in a few days and I don't really notice it now - felt a bit like sniffing poppers the first few times! 

Thanks for the link to you research Fawkinchit, i'll have a read through this today for sure!

I have decided to up my Vitamin C as well, gotta be worth a try!

More soon...... P








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Also, as ive been giving my HPPD alot ( probably too much.... ) thought his past few weeks, i've definitely identified my anxiety as being the fear of 'that night' happening again, which is weird, as after I had that positively mind-altering and MENTAL experience/FlashBack I did take loads of Acid and Trippy E's again and have never worried about those night, I actually have fond memories of my mis-spent youth, its always that one 'event' that has really messed me up. 

Managing my Brain and trying to relax and get it our of my memory has been help, so I really think mindset with this condition is a massive thing.

Mindset wont change the current visuals and 'endless trip', but i'm almost used to that after 3 decades, but maybe the stuff im trying now will continue to help. Managing the anxiety is a big thing for me to 'tick off' the 'to do list'. And it seems that teh depersonalisation can be a by-product of the anxiety, some kind of body/mind defence mechanism?

Stay strong everyone, we can do this.

Sorry for the ramblings, this forum is a godsend it really is.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all, a quick update!

Ive been taking 2 x 500mg now for a month (  + 2 x 500gm Vitamin C + a general Vitamin D tab I have ben taking since Covid appeared in the world! ) , morning and early evening and have definitely felt some more clarity in thought and generally mental well being - i've been 'working hard' on my HPPD the last couple of months ( after a real bad flare up that really affected me and set me back a LONG time, I could have would off a bridge honestly, but I didn't of course!   and am really concentrating on the anxiety side now as that has been tough - since the Vitamin 'experiment'  I did have some really bad night time attacks of absolute panic that 'that trip' was happening again but these have subsided now. Visual snow I can say honestly no difference ( I do remember as a kid, I got HPPD when I was 15, 30 years ago ) saying to my parents "I could see the air" so maybe i've always had this! General wobbly visuals, 'breathing' walls and geometric patterns ( I didn't have this bad, early days they were horrendous as like full on trip visuals but have eased alot the last few decades ) have definitely eased. Maybe it's down to being in a better frame of mind overall and maskeg a MASSIVE effort to be calm but i'm not sure, and I ain't complaining.

Working hard on my Anxiety and Depersonalisation and Derealisation but baby steps, some days good, some days bad still.

Waiting on some Black Seed Oil arriving today as well, needs to be worth a go!

Hang in there all, you are DEFINITELY not alone, will update again soon!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Still soldiering on with the Vitamins, and feeling pretty good - the 'flare-up' I had has definitely eased and 'things' are back to a baseline I think.

I am experiencing some crazy-ass night-time anxiety, falling asleep and feeling like I am falling into a bad trip, but nothing that last longer than a burst of fear/adrenalin, and im used to that as that has been one of my worst feelings the last 30 years or so of living with this.

Started the Balck Seed Oil too, and for the record, it really does taste like crap. I do feel it has a calming effect tho, so ill keep taking it.

Working very hard on my anxiety, and outside of the forum trying not to think about my HPPD, I really do feel ( like alot on here ), the less I give it any brain time, and the more I relax and focus on everything that is good in my life, the HPPD can just be what it is and not something that rues my life.

Hang in there all, we are in this together.

( for the record, I was close to calling the doc re anxiety help, and to maybe try and get some of the meds that have been mentioned on here, but thats something I am really trying too avoid......i've came this far with no medical help, lets see if I can go the next 30+ years too without it. )





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Thanks for updating @Blossyand glad to read that things are going better for you, you convinced me to try Niacin. Any particular brand you're taking or is it something we can buy at a pharmacy off the counter ?

And I agree that the less time spent thinking about HPPD and symptoms the less invasive they feel, which sounds obvious writing it lol 

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Haha, definitely!

I know this will be a long-game on the Niacin, and maybe there is an element of Placebo in the short term, but I am definitely going to soldier on with it - the brand I bought was from Amazon, "Supplement Tree - Nicotinamide ( Niacin ) 500mg".

I'm taking 2 caps a day, one around 8am and another maybe 8pm, along with a 500mg vitamin C Tablet again, twice a day at the same times.

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