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Got diagnosed today/Lamotrogine

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As the title says, it's been a little over five weeks since this hell started after trying a couple of hits of weed and i had the luck to already meet a doctor/psychiatrist that knew about HPPD and she gave me the diagnosis after hearing my symptoms. Anyways, she prescribed me the antiepileptic Lamotrogine since it's apparently has been shown to have a good effect on some in the litterature. So i wonder, has anyone here tried it and how did it help you? Also, do you believe that taking it in some way may impair my brains ability to heal this? In the litterature there's a few cases were people have been on benzodiazepines and still gone in to remission, even after they quit them, but i haven't found any on Lamatrogine or Keppra.

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Hi Hall!

if part of the etiology of hppd does indeed lie in the loss of gaba inter neurons, resulting in a loss of the “break pedal” and then subsequent glutamate storm—then taking lamictal would help creat an artificial break pedal. It’s a Bandaid... but bandaids are good! They help you heal. And they help prevent you from opening up the wound. 

hppd has cascade effects for some, it seems. Usually there is initial onset, and then a series of events that take place later (for some). Some people report a see-sawing effect. Some report a worsening after the first, second, or third month. 

If you are going to take drugs, a good focus is on drugs that offer neuro-protection from glutamate excitotoxic events. Lamictal is one of those. 

gabapentin also can help, but it comes with its own dependency issues. Benzos are like this too, but the relief, and dependency, seems to be greater. I wouldn’t touch benzos unless you absolutely have to. I think they can be used sparingly, but the temptation if they provide relief is almost too overwhelming to resist for most. 

something that would very much interest me, is if you have had or currently have Epstein Barr Virus. Although that’s a whole other thing hehe. 

anyways, I don’t think it will permanently worsen your symptoms or hamper recovery. Most likely it will help your recovery. Will it make u feel better? Not sure. Your personal etiology will decide that. 


I am currently finding some relief in lithium orotate. Very few people on here seem to have experience with it. One member wrote a long post on why it’s bad but it seemed to be all conjecture so I gave it a shot and it’s been helpful. Magnesium has helped me too in the past. 

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Thanks for your answer, i will take my first dose today! The most disturbing symptom for me is the brainfog; not having my normal condition and never feeling clear in my head or "awake", also the more or less constant pressure in my forehead. So i pray that Lamatrogine can remove these, the visuals i can learn to live with.


Have you tried Lamatrogine?

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On 3/30/2021 at 7:05 AM, Hall89 said:

Thanks for your answer, i will take my first dose today! The most disturbing symptom for me is the brainfog; not having my normal condition and never feeling clear in my head or "awake", also the more or less constant pressure in my forehead. So i pray that Lamatrogine can remove these, the visuals i can learn to live with.


Have you tried Lamatrogine?

I have used it once at a very low dose and didn’t notice anything. But I was also smoking a bunch of weed at the time hehe...


hmm never feeling awake? I would do a little research first but it would be very interesting to see if you react well to a dose of prednisone. I’ve been wondering if acute stage hppd could be neuro inflammatory/neuro immune. But it’s really just a theory. Been wondering about the connection between cannabinoids and encephalopathy which does exist. 

I would try what your doctor gave you first, of course ;) I’m sure it feels kinda scary to try something but I very much doubt you would have a bad reaction to lamictal that wouldn’t wear off in time. It doesn’t appear to interact with hppd in a bad way and if there is glutamate issues this will prevent them from getting worse, at the very least, and allow your brain to get a foothold again. 

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1 hour ago, Onemorestep said:

I have used it once at a very low dose and didn’t notice anything. But I was also smoking a bunch of weed at the time hehe...


hmm never feeling awake? I would do a little research first but it would be very interesting to see if you react well to a dose of prednisone. I’ve been wondering if acute stage hppd could be neuro inflammatory/neuro immune. But it’s really just a theory. Been wondering about the connection between cannabinoids and encephalopathy which does exist. 

I would try what your doctor gave you first, of course ;) I’m sure it feels kinda scary to try something but I very much doubt you would have a bad reaction to lamictal that wouldn’t wear off in time. It doesn’t appear to interact with hppd in a bad way and if there is glutamate issues this will prevent them from getting worse, at the very least, and allow your brain to get a foothold again. 

Ah okay! Thought about giving it another shot? If i've understod it right it can take some time before it kicks in.

Yea, but i quess it's the brainfog and head pressure that makes me feel like that.

I'm on day 5 with it now and no adverse effects or improvements so far. Glutamate must play a role, if not, i wonder how that 33 year old woman in a case report could have several of her symptoms go away and others decrease after going on it with HPPD that hadn't improved for 13 years. I also read about a member here that took lamotrigine and sertraline and was fully "cured" in 3-4 months. But who knows, maybe he was one of the lucky bastards that would have made a spontaneous remission within the first months without them. Abraham said in his paper from 2001 that about 50% does it, but i don't know if i can believe that.

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