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before/after hppd


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i got this idea from morbides introduction thread in which he posted a picture of him smiling away before hppd hit him. it made me think it would be a good idea to help people get to know everyone and see how hppd has affected people, like what hobbies people all have, how theyv changed since having hppd and if they are able to continue their hobbys and so on or if things have needed to be stopped

heres me out riding happy as can be, probably a bit drunk aswell, a year prior to hppd

i can still ride and i find it very theraputic and takes my mind off my symptoms


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seeing as i don't really have many hobbies ): i thought i'd post one of me when im out, with afew mates, as well as J:Kenzo, and Distance

2 fuckin sick djs/producers that i met at once wahaay

this is after i got HPPD, but im still out clubbing, just sober for a change and i still managed to have fun

HPPD doesnt have to take your social life away :D

i do look ridiculous though :P

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aww sweet. ur tailbone healing ok? i minced mine when i used to skate. i bitched up a heelflip and landed straight on my ass. its very painfull

im not good at skiing atal :/

I can't complain, couldn't sit for a while :D God im getting the itches to ski again, to go up north to the clean air and... the polarbears.

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Haha wow sweet meetin em at the same time. I didnt know distance was from over here, I dont mind some of his stuff. Alotof it is a bit too aggressive for me though. I like proper slow deep dubstep like loefah or lx one. Sober raving must be wierd. Iv got congo natty in may, which will be wierd not being md'ed out my tits but good all the same.

As for polarbears morbide if I saw one id die of fear.

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I didnt really have any hobbies before hppd besides playing pc, other then that all i did was rave and drink was generally a mess lol that being said i was quite happy, i lived to party but i was going no where with myself

Now post hppd i have stopped drinking, found a missus, started saving money to travel and am getting healthy so despite all these shitty visual symptoms and strange emotions i feel day to day im a lot happier. I take hppd as both a positive and negative thing :) would of been great to get clean and wise up before all this because now i see how great life is without substance(drugs)

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