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Do things looks "weird" to you


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I know this prolly seems like a stupid question to ask on an HPPD forum but hear me out. When people describe their symptoms they always talk about trails, floaters, static, things moving, pressure and stuff like that. But does everything have like a psychedelic tinge to it for you guys??? I feel like since my acid days like a year ago everything looks metallic/plastic like. Like everything looks really fake??? The size of buildings seems greatly exaggerated and organic things(like trees and plants) look like card board cuts or something. I think the best way to describe it would be to say that my vision is like the comedown of an acid trip. Aside from the typical floaters/trailing/static everything just looks like I'm constantly on an acid comedown......the point when you're no longer actaully tripping but everything is still really exaggerated and really in your face you know??? I'm assuming it's like this for everyone but I've never read where anyone talks about it.

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Yea cars and plants (leaves especially) look very HD and plastic. This to me is just a symptom of depersonalization. Things at night look like a one tab comeup, imho. It's hard to explain but things (buildings, signs) have this sort of epic quality to them. You know like how in movies they shoot characters from lower to give them a towering look? Kinda like that.

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I don't get the cartoon look too much its more that every thing just looks our of focus. I get things coming in and out of focus. The worst for this is red lights for some reason. Not so much red traffic lights but more say a alarm clock screen that has the time. It just goes in and out and bounces around but it always seem worse with red lights. Also things like a grass field the hole thing shimmers and just starts to turn into a green blob almost. Like a lot of our troubles its hard to explain. After reading the dp/dr forum they seem to have a lot of problems with similar things.

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I think the best way to describe it would be to say that my vision is like the comedown of an acid trip.

That's it.... that part where you feel a bit trippy, a bit distant, still plenty of visuals going on... but you generally feel tired, anxious and uncomfortable as you wait to return to normal.... still waiting!

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