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Cannabidiol (CBD)

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This is a thread I made on the visual snow forums:


"I have been meaning to get around to this topic for a while but don't visit the forums much anymore because of the drama and I have also not had much time.

The compound is a cannabinoid found in the Cannabis plant, Cannabidiol unlike THC (the stuff that gets people stoned) is not psychoactive, therefore it cannot cause you to trip out like THC would. This compound CBD has a VERY large amount of medical studies behind it, it is the cannabinoid in the plant that holds most of the medicinal value. I would share some of studies and what else it can help but I advise you people to do that to see how amazing this cannabinoid is, I'm just going to stick to why it might be very helpful for us.

CBD has been proven to help anxiety, that in itself is a benefit to all of us, I know for my self that if I was able to effectively and safely (CBD is safe unlike benzos and other pharm medications) treat my anxiety that would be most of my problems taken care of.

The reason I think this compound would be beneficial to us directly is because it is (from reading medical journals/studies) a 5-HT2a receptor agonist. I posted a while back a thread about my theory about 5-HT and it's relation to our symptoms, I found that drugs like LSD, magic mushrooms, MDMA etc are Antagonists for these receptors, THC I also think is an antagonist. THC is known to cause anxiety while on the drug (I'm not sure exactly if it can re-wire the brain and cause mental illness in and of itself or if it is just a trigger to those predisposed, I won't leave that to discussion though as it is going off topic) and also paranoia. CBD, on the other hand does the exact OPPOSITE, it is been said to be as effective as atypical antipsychotics.

So in simple terms, THC bad for our symptoms and in theory CBD good.

Now, it's not as easy as just smoking cannabis, well it is, BUT the cannabis grown these days are known for having high levels of THC. People want to get high, so they grow these strains that have enourmous levels of THC so they can get high. As of the last couple years though CBD has come to many peoples attention, mainly in the medical world, the benefits of this compund are amazing! This is why a lot of scientists and growers are trying to breed high CBD plants with low THC, that means you won't get high, but you will get the medical benefits.

This is great, but the thing is unless you live in a country with legal or medically available cannabis then this medicine is illegal, even though it won't get you high. I'm sure there are people here though that would be able to apply for medical cannabis. I'm not telling anyone to go out of their way and do something illegal here, I am just sharing information, so please don't go doing anything that would break the law. I would however, love to hear if this could be available to someone, legally, and hearing their testimonial towards, because I really do think this would be a benefit to our symptoms and safe too compared to all the drugs that are out there."

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Yes.............high cbd strains do help with anxiety.

I know of a couple Medical clubs here in socal that have a nice selection of high CBD strains.......

What are you saying yes to, sorry? Have you tried high CBD strains and found it has helped your anxiety? If so, has it helped any other symptoms?

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Yes i have tried them.

An intresting site.....http://www.straingeniuslabs.com/...................

Low THC, Low CBN, High CBD = Anxiety relief equivalent to low mg benzos for me. BUT i have a big tolerance to bud.

''Harlequin''............ is a popular strain with high CBN reports.

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On a similar note:

speaking of drug abuse; i was smoking synthetic weed (Scooby Snax) for some time, and it significantly diminished my visual snow and tinnitus during the time of use. i eventually stopped smoking due to memory problems, and the symptoms went back to the way they were before i started smoking within about a week. i am not recommending this because these are experimental chemicals and are probably not super safe, but i believe that they target the parts of the brain that are responsible for the snow, and this might be a big thing seeing that pretty much no one has a full understanding of how it is caused.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

There's a topic about CBD on another forum in which I participated, as I've also considered CBD as an anxiolytic adjunct.
Dixie Botanicals has Hemp Oil which contains CBD, no THC. Experience with this product has been discussed, and it seems to work, yet tolerance has been reported.
Effects on visuals I would not know, as the people on those forums don't suffer from HPPD.
I could post a link, but I don't know what the rules are on linking to other forums.
Currently it is (you gotta love the irony) not eligible for shipment to the Netherlands, otherwise I would've given it a try.

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  • 4 months later...

^Wow that's an old post.
Anyway, , I saw you ordered Dixie's Dew Drop CBD thingies in another thread. Care to share your experience?

Also, referring to the first post: If I'm not mistaken, CBD acts on 5HT1a receptors, not on 2a receptors.

Anyone else have any experience with pure CBD?

Short clip:

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^Wow that's an old post.

Anyway, , I saw you ordered Dixie's Dew Drop CBD thingies in another thread. Care to share your experience?

Also, referring to the first post: If I'm not mistaken, CBD acts on 5HT1a receptors, not on 2a receptors.

And besides, the idea that psychedelics are 5-HT2A-antagonists is completely incorrect! They are agonists at these receptors. To be blunt, the theoretical considerations in the original post seem somewhat confused. CBD is super interesting, however :)

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^Wow that's an old post.

Anyway, , I saw you ordered Dixie's Dew Drop CBD thingies in another thread. Care to share your experience?

Unfortunately I ran into some financial difficulties around that time. If I recall the stuff is pretty expensive. Anyways I completely forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me. I should really start writing stuff down. . . .

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Yep.. usually the good stuff is expensive and hard to get ;)
Thanks for the reply mikezero! And yes the memory.. I carry a notebook in my pocket nowadays, haha!
So I guess that means no HPPD'er has tried CBD without THC (afaik at least)... Should be an interesting new experiment then!
Awesome State! I don't think shipping should be too long if you ordered it from where I think you did. Probably should arrive next week.
Look forward to reading of your experiences :)

The only negative study I could find was one about intracellular calcium elevation and oligodendrocyte cytotoxicity.. Which is odd, because CBD's neuroprotective and anticonvulsant (though I haven't looked into the mediation of its anticonvulsant effect). I'm not all that knowledgeable on oligodendrocytes, but they appear to be cells that support and create the myelin sheaths of axons. It just so happens that procholinergic therapy may have beneficial effects on myelin sheaths. Combined with the fact that CBD doesn't inhibit HACU, I'd say it would be an awesome augmentation to Coluracetam (from initial glances). Also, the oligodendrocyte cytotoxicity study would appear to be biased, moreover stating that CBD induces oxidative stress, whilst another study states the opposite and also seems to indicate that CBD protects against glutamatergic neuro/excitotoxicity by reducing calcium influx (however it could be a location/cell specific action, thus not necessarily contradicting the other study.. again; haven't looked into it that much). Looks a bit conflicting and all, but I have absolutely zero worries about CBD myself and think it's well worth the shot.

And with that I conclude my insomniatic rambling *munches on Melatonin tablets like candy* .

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Feeling abnormally abnormal today (really; I can't do much more than lie down on the couch), so not really participating in the forum that much.
However, I found a comprehensive review of all studies ever done on CBD: http://www.calgarycmmc.com/cannabidiolcbd.htm, which I thought I should post before I lose it.

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I may be interested in giving this a go at some point for pain relief if I cannot get relief from other avenues. 


I would only be interested in stuff that contains trace amounts of THC as I am not willing to risk worsening my symptoms. I am also slightly concerned that it can activate 5ht1a receptors. I'm not sure about others (specifically 5ht2a). 


There are also questions about legality - although there are UK based websites which sell it. In fact, you can get a free trail from this one: http://www.medivape.org/freetrial.html


I prefer the sound of the canchew, however! They would be preferable to a vaporizer, personally. They look more legit, too.

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