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Yeaaaa Jay Bring it on down is the fuckin tits, id always play it before goin out to a party, along with cigs and alcohol and morning glory, always a great way to start a night of savage drinking...They were the band that got me into music, fuckin love them, you ever see em live?

This is what ive been listening to non-stop for the past 2 days, it really pumps me up, been helpin me feel pretty good...

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you ever see em live?

Yea mate, a few times.... 1st before they were big in a dive in birmingham... then the big one at knebworth and then a couple of years back in lisbon. All class... knebworth was rockin... off my tits on pills and whiskey... gettin in to all sorts of mischief. Chanting for Blur to come on, the whole place was on my back... wankers haha. Prodigy showed Oasis up though, now that was madness. Fell asleep through manic street preachers, even on two E's... boring as shite.

Good video... glatsonbury was the business..... 1995 was my 1st and pure bliss... sunshine all the way... amazing madness. Again, Progidy rocked it (the choice was progidy or oasis on the friday night). Co-incidently the night I think I really got hppd, from a microdot.

Song on now:

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Yeah i was wonderin why you didnt see em headline in 1995...and damn mannn i cant believe you were at knebworth, that had to be fuckin epic, and seeing them before they were big, in a little club mustve been amazing, Im so fuckin jealous man I cant tell you how many times ive watched the knebworth vids, although my fave oasis gig is probably maine road...what a fuckin great party your life was though haha...so you dont know when you got hppd? I thought you popped an e one day and it never stopped or somethin

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I remember having mild hppd when I was still at school... I can specifically remember sitting at the bus stop and seeing the road waving and breathing and thinking "cool, free trip".. haha, wish we had the internet back then! (although I doubt it would count for much).

That night at glasto, I defintaly went from being a bit fucked up to full blown hppd though... I broke my brain that night, no doubt about it. That microdot was so strong... I remember hallucinating that Keith from the prodigy cut off the black dude's head and then tell the crowd to cut off the head of the person stood next to them.... safe to safe I freaked out a bit. I still had a great night though.... but the next day was a big change... felt like my mind was floating 10ft above my body and was still tripping like mad. Being a twat... I dropped 2 Es... had another great night... same again the Sunday.... Got home and just carried on my drug life... for a year, I tripped and did so many pills that I never really came down enough to know how fucked I was.... But I think that night at glasto changed everything.

I did one big trip in June 96 after England got knocked out of the Euros by Germany (great mood settter) had a vicious, paranoid trip and swore off drugs...... the next few months revealed the full extent of the damage done... Proper crazy. Moved down south to stay with my brother (a true hero to take me on in that state... crying and losing it... when he was supposed to be living it up at University) I got my head down, away from my drug mates, worked my shit out and things got a bit better. Ended up living there for 8 years, went to Uni and met my wife there, so every cloud.

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True thats pretty crazy. It's weird how HPPD hits people differently. I got it one random night, and i immediately knew what i had, and that if i tripped id prbably get stuck in that trip forever. If i were to drop even an single E, my DP would probably go through the roof to the point where id probably barely be able to speak after that. So after that year when you stopped you got crazy visuals? where they always tehre or did they slowly start coming around? What about DP

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I think if I weren't at a festival... I would have stopped after that night and maybe never done drugs again.... just bad timing.

I don't fully remember how the visuals started.... I was so up and down, off my head nearly everyday (and weed every minute) that I think they were there long before I stopped the drugs, probably before that trip at glasto... but I just couldn't wrap my head around it, as I was always high..... I was borderline alcoholic too, which probably masked alot of stuff. The very very heavy 2 years 1994-1996 are such a blur, it is just hard to pinpoint anything

I naivly thought that once I stopped drugs, I would stopped seeing shit and feeling trippy.

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