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I am 17 years old and took 2cb for the first time in January of this year. I had a really bad trip on the drug and was not in a comfortable environment. I was sick and started to freak out when I tried to just go to sleep. Since January I have experienced symptoms of hppd where I experience drifters, the feeling of not feeling like myself, unclarity and when I look at light, a white wall or the sky my vision goes all fuzzy and like TV static. I find when I go out and drink alcohol I feel like it takes me days to recover from a hangover however as I am going to university next month I want to be able to go out and drink and be social in order to meet new people and don’t want hppd to hold me back from meeting people. Due to my age I am nervous to tell my family about my hppd or go to the doctors, I was wondering if anyone has any advice on what benefitted them to help reduce their hppd effects and if it would be a good idea to see a doctor and perhaps start medication. This is the first time I have spoken openly about my hppd experience and would like to hear positive examples of what has helped people get over not only their hppd but their anxiety that goes along with it. Thanks ?  

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The best advice I can give would be to stay away from drugs. I know it will be hard going to school but you really don't want to make your HPPD any worse. Your symptoms don't appear to be too bad but if you continue drug use they'll likely worsen. If you feel you have to drink then just try and limit it to a beer or two when you're going out. Also, get in a good exercise routine, stay busy and eat healthy when possible. There's lots of great advice on this forum so if I were you I'd read through as many of the posts as you can. 

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Perhaps you could visit the doctor, describe your symptoms, but don't go into the fact that you dosed.  Some of the symptoms you describe might have nothing to do with psychedelics.  Tests can rule out other potential issues.

As for drinking and meeting people, some of the nicest and kindest people people I've ever met were sober by nature.  Something to ponder.

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Delucid is a complete moron. I wouldn’t listen to him and it seems like he is trolling. Thanks for opening up. I thin you should let your family know if they will be understanding, that way you will have help if you need someone there for you. The only reason really to see a doctor is if you feel like you need benzos which is typical if you experience terrible anxiety as a symptom. Other than that there is nothing they can do for you. Lemon balm in my experience was a decent supplement to help with the anxiety.

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