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Alcohol's effect on hppd? (cigs too)


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Im curious to know if alcohol worsens hppd and if that only applies to getting shitfaced or does it apply to light drinking too? Also i smoke cigarettes, does nicotine affect hppd in any way? Im fine with no more drugs but id be pretty sad if i couldnt drink or smoke cigs anymore. And one more thing, ive been sort of been hearing that hppd gets worse througout the years, is this true? how many people does it get worse for? the majority? im scared of it getting worse im 17 and dont want this to affect me any worse than it is already.. sorry for all the questions 

thanks for reading,


Edited by marce
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Hey man,

Pro tip: start by searching the forums for topics. Pretty sure there are plenty on alcohol, drugs and nicotine. I started a thread not more than one week ago about HPPD and alcohol in the long run.

Anyways, the short answer you'd be looking for is that it depends. It's a versatile condition and how you experience it is most likely not how I do. Most people I've listened to have gotten better over the years, however, that strictly applies to those who quit drugs and changed their lives. For the greatest chance of recovery, turn your life around completely. Try to eat healthy, exercise regularly quit all drugs, and do things that you enjoy. Try not to think about it and get on with your life, just as before.

I remember being in you exact spot, although 19 years old. I was so afraid of all the things I had read and how it may get worse. I quit reading this forum after a couple of months and didn't look back (until last week - 4 years later). I went on with my life and started studying at uni, as planned. I've learned to live with it and even though it still bothers me to think about it and how it may stick with me for the rest of my life, I will be okey.


Edited by khaozet
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My hppd has improved significantly over decades.  The CEVs are gone as is the anxiety.  In my 20s I drank quite a bit to deal with my anxiety caused by this disorder.  I honestly don't think it made my hppd worse (visual hallucinations mostly).  That being said, it masked the root causes of my anxiety which were all waiting for me when I quit drinking.  Not sure about nicotine.  Some in here say it makes their symptoms worse.  We're all different I guess.

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Getting off nicotine is really hard.  I quit smoking when I was 20 and basically lost my mind for a month.  It does get better though.  That being said nicotine is a crafty molecule.  I haven't smoked in almost 30 years but there are still times when I get a thought like "have a smoke, go ahead, what harm can it do".  After all those years nicotine still has a toe hold.  Keep trying to kick it to the curb.  It can take many many attempt but all you need is to have one take hold.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I find that any more than 2 beers gives me a spike in symptoms the next day... If i get properly drunk that can last for 3-4 days. I allow myself 3-4 pints on a thursday, then take 1mg of clonazepam the next day and all is fine. I do get drunk occasionally, and clonazepam to the rescue again (1.5mg). Not the most sensible advice, but we are probably due a break , here and there. (note - don;t take clonazepam and alcohol at the same time, unless you like prolonged black outs).

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