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Head pressure to the point of collapsing ?

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So last week and today I had head pressure so bad to the point where I couldn't stand. Last week, I was having intense head pressure and I ended up collapsing (thank god onto my bed) and I couldn't stand up without collapsing back onto the ground so I had to pull myself back up onto my bed with my arms and it lasted for like an hour. Today the same thing fucking happened I fell to my hands and knees I couldn't stand up and I sat against my bed with my arms around my head with my head hurting like hell. Still having bad head pressure but that was like nothing I ever felt before. has this ever happened to anyone ?

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Well with me anytime I have or start to get head pressure I try hard not to think about it and try and occupy myself with something else and it'll go away. I actually use math as my escape and I fucking hate math! So I mean I'm sure it's different for everyone but if a symptom starts up and you think more and more about it, it just increases to the point of losing control. Feeding it I guess one can say. Sounds like yours may possibly be a little worse than mine though. Hope you start to see improvements. Stay strong man!

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What does everyone think the head pressure is a result of?? Is it simply light sensitivity? Anxiety? Is there a new daily persistent headache co-diagnosis? Migraine?

My head pressure feels like it is deep in my head, sometimes in the roof of my mouth or behind my sinuses. It even feels like it's in my teeth. Could it be a form of TMJ?

Also, does it tend to fade with time as do visuals (supposedly)? My head pressure and visuals continue to worsen.

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anxiety for sure... Brandon I think you need to spend less time on these forums! Don't take offense but it's not helping you long term treating the anxiety... Spending too much time on here makes you think about your HPPD too often, and even though venting is a good short term anxiety reliever, doing it too much/too often means it's taking up a lot of your life! Any CBT psychologist will you tell you the same.

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