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What do you guys do for a living?


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Just wondering... I was a guitar/bass teacher throughout college then managed a music school for years.  HPPD hit right in the middle of that, but I was already comfortable enough in my position to still be productive.  Anyway, I recently moved but the thought of job hunting makes me sick to my stomach.  I have what I would call an extreme case of social anxiety. To give you an idea of how bad, sometimes panic will strike while having a conversation with someone I know well (I think it's the pressure of having to carry on talking).   Something where I don't have to deal with people on a regular basis would be great... haha....  Maybe if you guys responded with what you do I could get some ideas.  Thanks!

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I'm an app designer.... thankfully, I can work from home. I did 3 months in a design studio and the anxiety was through the roof, even though people were nice and friendly.


If I couldn't work from home, I would probably have to go on benefits/welfare

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I do nothing. Trying to recover. I'll probably start studying biomedicine this fall if everything works out. Taking loans from the government to fund it. I don't find money rewarding any more so if I'm going to do something, that would be to create and help others. A music shop sounds tempting though. I play bass as well. What's up with HPPD and playing bass? That's the most hilarious coincidence ever. @matt @jay

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haha I've never played bass guitar, but I did play double bass for a while, I think that counts... :)


I occasionally work as a fire dancer, but that's more of a hobby for me, never thought of it as a way to earn a living.

I was studying art history, but quitted recently because it seems like I'll never finish it anyways. Currently unemployed and trying to find another path of life. Starting an online jewelry shop seems like a good option for me at the moment. Not dealing with people on a regular basis is very appealing to me too.


Btw, do you guys listen to Benn Jordan (the Flashbulb)? I think he's one of the most creative musicians ever, and it was interesting for me to find out that he's also suffering from severe dp/dr.

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@leelala What is a firedancer? Sounds so exotic lol. Keep on dancing in them flames.

@Mazzy13 Plenty of bass haha damn right. Yeah I love that stuff. 13th floor elevators are basicly the inventors of psychadelic rock. And I'm into fuzzy desert stuff too like Kyuss and Lowrider. All that good stuff. Roky is such a genius with his schizofrenic lyrics, great inspiration too for success with a fucked mind and vision.

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@Shadowplay I've been working on contact staff recently, sort of like this but I'm not nearly as good yet :P other than that I spin poi and fans. Actually flow arts are a great way to clear the mind and I'd recommend it to anyone dealing with anxiety issues.


Btw, if you want something other than bass in the band, I play the flute ;)

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Wow that's stunningly beautiful! Yeah I'd wish I could go outside and do something creative these days, but it's -5 and snow everywhere right now. Gotta move back to Spain, they do all this kind of flow arts every sunday in Parc Ciutadella in Barcelona. Throwing carpets, jumping on bungy ropes and playing bongo drums, I miss that place so much..


Haha yeah that would be so much fun. We can go for something like this:

That flute solo is so impressive.

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@Mazzy13 Actually it's more of a meditative exercise for me than a creative one. Although there are some very creative people constantly coming up with new tricks and stuff, what I like about it is the flow, just focusing on the balance and momentum of what you're playing with, not fancy tricks. Linda is one of the best in the field in my opinion, so it might look a bit intimidating, but it's not that hard once you get into it. I learned most of what I do just by watching videos and playing around by myself :)

I've never met these guys but they sum it up real nicely if you're interested: http://www.flowtemple.org/

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That sounds really relaxing and meditative!:) I don't think if ever be interested in doing that kinda thing, but this thread sparked something in me and I was able to pick up my guitar for the first time since my HPPD started (for some reason I've been kinda scared of it). Played a lot today and it felt great. Thanks for the motivation, guys:)

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At my hardest time with HPPD, when I felt like I was incapable of doing anything, one day I got a phone call while I was sleeping. Without paying much attention I said "yes, ok, why not" to whatever they said. When I woke up, I realized that I've just agreed to dance on a music video and it totally freaked me out but I couldn't cancel.

Next day I was on a very crowded set, with lots of weird people and lights everywhere, which would normally freak me out even if I didn't have hppd. But at the end of the day, I realized it was the first time that I actually felt better, because all that action managed to keep my head off of hppd.

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What a great story! That's the way :) We are capable of doing anything it's just tougher, but probably more rewarding in the end. Same thing when I told some mates I'd go skate with them indoor, I was so afraid because the light would cause me such distress and I had just started Keppra and was a bit lost. Had really sick social phobia in the beginning but it lifted when I met my friends and then met a lot of new cool people and we had a great time all night long. Couldn't fall asleep though, I guess I was too excited or something from finally doing something active and fun after 2 months of isolation. I don't suffer from any social phobia any more since then. To overcome challanges will help us with the anxiety.

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Pushing through social phobia is probably the most important step to grabbing back your life. The first 3 years of hppd, I was almost housebound, i was so anxious.... But slowly started to push myself into social situations and it got better... Still not great, but better.

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Yeah, I have no choice but to just put myself out there.  Luckily I'm perscribed xanax, which will help while I'm interviewing / getting started out with a new job, but hopefully won't turn into a regular thing.  Currently looking for a more long-term med...  


My doc perscribed me Wellbutrin which I'm hesitant to take, but I have neuro appt this Thursday and am hoping to get Keppra.  If they don't perscribe me the Keppra I'm going to give Wellbutrin a go.  I know there's no magic bullet for this shit, but if I can reduce my DP/DR and anxiety by even a little then I'll take it

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I'd say be careful with Wellbutrin... It is well known to trigger seizures in epilepsy patients, and in my experience not very good with hppd either...

I used it for a short while for brain fog, in combination with Lamictal. I had almost no visuals when I was on Lamictal alone, but once we added Wellbutrin I started having some visuals again, which I think could be much more severe if I took only Wellbutrin.

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I'm an assistant production manager at a sausage factory. Not the ideal job for someone with hppd since it's very stressful, loud and my shifts vary from 8h to 14h. Thinking about studying soon though since im still fairly young (21)


Don't they give you grazy grants in Sweden to study there or abroad?


I'd take advantage!

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