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Considering Anesthesia for an operation

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I need an operation that requires anesthesia. Luckily, I can get local anesthesia, and not be put to sleep, but I was wondering what people's accounts of general anesthesia are. I've read some posts about some people having temporarily decreased symptoms, and others having their shit flare up forever worse.

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I can't tell you but intuitivelly I'm afraid of anything that goes on my brain since HPPD. I've recently done an endoscopy awake and everytime when possible I'll opt not to use anesthesia. No scientific background just my opinion. We know how our brain became sensible after HPPD. If we can just not expose it anymore why would we...?

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Yeah I'm with you Windscar; Got hppd randomly, it got (almost) cured randomly, and so I'm going to do like you and not get put completely under if necessary. Good to hear that mbellamy has had anasthesia with no trouble. I was going to describe what operation type thing they are doing to me, but if you are male and reading this, you would probably protectively cross your legs and whimper in a corner for a few minutes.

Thanks for the replies. Take it easy.

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I've never read about anybodies hppd getting worse. If you have I could def understand why so nervous. I to have been under many times with no problems. I've seen this same question posted so many times mods should make it a sticky same with everybodies medication trials (I know all that's time consuming though whoever the mods are:)

If you are going to go local, I would take a xanax or some benzo for anxiety before just make sure it doesn't interact with the anethesia. Good luck!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I get the thing done tuesday. I think they might do the "half anesthesia" thing you're referring to phenomenon, which i guess is to pump me full of some sort of high calibur klonopin like substance to chill me out. I think I might decline this and just go into this shit like a green beret if possible, though I'm pretty goddamn nauseated by what they're going to do to me. They said they can do local anesthesia, so perhaps I can get just that. Man. Could be worse. Hope everyone else is well.

I'll let everyone know how it went afterwards.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Im having a scope on Monday and am scarred to death! I've been really sick for the last 10 days lost 7pds. I have some type of acid reflux. Tried prilosec that stuff is crazy! Really bad side effects constant feeling of panic lightheaded and heart palps. It's actually on top 8 drugs dr.'s would not take. Cnbc (because of heart side effects) so then tried Zantac but was so fearful of my other med I felt again anxiety extreme the whole time I was on it not sure if that was me or the drug because of my fear at that point. Anyway I will have twilight sedation for the procedure great! (scared of that) But not much of a choice at this point my family is ready to put me in hospital. Does anyone have acid reflux and has anything helped? Acid reflux I think kinda goes along with anxiety so might be good for us to know what works and what does not.

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If you can DO NOT GET TWILIGHT SEDATION...my dad had that when he had heart surgery because regular anesthetic makes him stop breathing due to a strange condition...he described it as losing his mind for a night, thoughts racing, weird thoughts all while lucid..

.it triggered panic attacks in him that he still gets when he feels confined in a small space, like with his seat belt on in an airplane etc...the doctor stated (if im not mistaken) that the type of anesthetic used is actually an LSD derivative..im guessin it's more like Ketamine or somethin

.I do not think that it is wise to take this, youd probably go into hell, at least for the duration of the "trip"...cant tell you how youd feel after though...regular anesthetic will be fine though, ive been under once and nothing happened, so have others here

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Thank you for warning me that's the last thing I need right now. I'll ask for propofol if they can sometimes they will for this procedure. It makes life very different when you can't just be sick we have to worry about how everything will effects us.

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Ok well I had endoscopy today instead of Monday so I could get the propofol. Amazing drug nothing bad at all! You wake up really easily being with it. It's very short acting but you have to ask for this drug and it has to be given by a crna or aneasthesiaologist and costs extra but well worth it. I'm not sure if anything else was given I don't think so. Hope this helps someone else. I react to all drugs I take nothing but this drug caused no Ill effects at all.

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  • 2 months later...

Glad it went well for you Emily.

I read an article in Time magazine yesterday (the Feb 13 issue), that said a study found a correlation between young children (age 2 and younger) who had had multiple surgeries developing ADHD later in life more than children who had not had multiple operations. Now, it said they believed this has to do with the brain of a 2 year old not yet being wired completely, and that the anesthesia interfered with that growth, but still. I am still scared to get anesthesia, because who says my brain is not growing in a similar manner, where instead of initial growth, mine is rewiring and reparing? I have no clue if this is actually happening (though I do think it is) but still, it's scary.

But, like David said, if you must have general anesthesia, there isn't really hard evidence yet either way that it will affect your HPPD or not.

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Another thing: Don't be afraid to tell your doctor "I don't want general anesthesia." They may actually want you to get general anesthesia because it would require a hospital room, and thus make the hospital money. So they might pressure you. I have to get something done next friday, and the doctor said, basically "We should do it at the hospital. They have a lab right there and we could get the results back quickly." I said, "But I don't want general anesthesia. Is there any way we could do it without." And he said, "Yes, we could do it right here. I could give you local anesthesia. And infact, the lab we have here is better than the one we have at the hospital."

Money. Remember: the doctor works for you, not the other way around. You tell him how it's going to be when it comes to the choices that are up to you. Don't let them bully you.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 10 months later...

long dead thread but just wanted to toss this in.... had to be put under for a shoulder surgery last year. was worried too about the effect it would have on my symptoms, or honestly i was scared that the anesthesia wouldnt even work.... that fear was only second to them mangling the tat on my shoulder blade (they avoided it by 1/4") ... 


thankfully it had 0 impact on my symptoms, and i can happily say the anesthesia did exactly what it needed to and knocked my ass out ... 


sadly it also knocked my digestive system out for over a week... nothing says lovin like a week old bun in the oven

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  • 1 year later...

I've been under just recently with genera and local anaesthesia and I am very sensitive to the slightest med change and I had absolutely no issues at all. 


I was really scared I would but no change at all so try not to worry. :)


Best of luck! Let's beat this illness!

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