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Phenytoin, for me, seems to have a positive effect for my perception, yet little side effects. It seems helpful for dissociation. Only took a few days to see good results. Figured I'd mention it for anyone who's okay with trying meds for this.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, it does seem to cut through the dissociation the most right now, on 200mgs/day, you know the whole 2-d cartoonish vision. Things like afterimages, trails, and snow seem less effected so far. I don't notice too many side effects so far, except drowsiness, muscle aches. I think it's worth it to keep going with it for me.

I'll post again eventually......

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Yeah, it does seem to cut through the dissociation the most right now, on 200mgs/day, you know the whole 2-d cartoonish vision. Things like afterimages, trails, and snow seem less effected so far. I don't notice too many side effects so far, except drowsiness, muscle aches. I think it's worth it to keep going with it for me.

I'll post again eventually......

thanks mate, i'll chat to my doctor about it.... hope you continue to see improvements

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