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Help me fight the spam


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As i'm sure you have all noticed, we are being flooded with spam.


If you see a spam post, please be sure to report it to a moderator so we can ban the account before they post more.


Thanks, Jay

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Hey Jay, I reported 2 spam posts, but received the following message upon submitting:


Warning: Base directory HTML_PURIFIER_PATHcache/tmp does not exist, please create or change using %Cache.SerializerPath in /home/hppdonli/public_html/ips_kernel/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php on line 133

Can you verify whether my reports came through or not? If not, there's no point in me trying to help as I would not be able to.

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This is the trouble with auto-spam detection:


If I create stricter controls over the determination of spam accounts it will create False Negatives (Real users considered spammers for any number of reasons (e.g. now on a dynamic IP associated w/spammer, etc) and then I have users unable to create accounts because they are auto-flagged. 


However, it will result in no spam. But, a significant number of users unable to join.


I am at various degrees of healing from a severe wound and break that has kept me still in a wheel chair and with a wound vac along with half my leg now titanium (plus all of the meds) ;/


My memory on oxycodone is worse than my normal memory, but I thought I gave a user moderation permissions with the sole purpose of deleting spam (I will check). I will review the entire board today, which goes along with a plan while I am writing material for the journal


The Psychologist


(I am finding material from old posts)... this is co-authored with Dr. Abraham. Part of a special edition of the journal on the topic of Hallucinogens. The wonder of Twitter (I use Twitter as my primary update tool) and developing a good relationship with an editor and former health minister of the UK).


Anyone on Twitter should follow @davidkozin (send me a private message that you are from the board or remain on anonymous) and I post updates here as well. Ignore the politics and other tweets unless you are interested in these topics (but you will see good discussions about drugs with researchers, politics of research, HPPD stories).


Also, I am still sitting on the great domain name visiondisorders.org and want to make something of it. However, I have about a million half finished projects. 


I need to read the main threads on the board to re-orient myself with the community. I have kept my Facebook account inactive for months because of privacy and other concerns. 


All my best,



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Anyone getting the 



Warning: Base directory HTML_PURIFIER_PATHcache/tmp does not exist, please create or change using %Cache.SerializerPath in/hXXXXXXXXublic_html/ips_kernel/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCXXXXXXXX on line 133



type error?
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This is a Chart of the Amount of Spam blocked automatically compared to the messages allowed. The Red bar is the Spam Blocked, the Blue (second number) is allowed. So, the system is blocking about 200-300 spam messages daily automatically. 




November 9th - 2013 bar_left_red.gifbar_red.gifbar_right_red.gif
bar_left.gifbar.gifbar_right.gif 242
0 November 8th - 2013 bar_left_red.gifbar_red.gifbar_right_red.gif
bar_left.gifbar.gifbar_right.gif 390
5 November 7th - 2013 bar_left_red.gifbar_red.gifbar_right_red.gif
bar_left.gifbar.gifbar_right.gif 422
4 November 6th - 2013 bar_left_red.gifbar_red.gifbar_right_red.gif
bar_left.gifbar.gifbar_right.gif 349
3 November 5th - 2013 bar_left_red.gifbar_red.gifbar_right_red.gif
bar_left.gifbar.gifbar_right.gif 301
5 November 4th - 2013 bar_left_red.gifbar_red.gifbar_right_red.gif
bar_left.gifbar.gifbar_right.gif 238
2 November 3rd - 2013 bar_left_red.gifbar_red.gifbar_right_red.gif
bar_left.gifbar.gifbar_right.gif 297
1 November 2nd - 2013 bar_left_red.gifbar_red.gifbar_right_red.gif
bar_left.gifbar.gifbar_right.gif 377
0 November 1st - 2013 bar_left_red.gifbar_red.gifbar_right_red.gif
bar_left.gifbar.gifbar_right.gif 273
4 October 31st - 2013 bar_left_red.gifbar_red.gifbar_right_red.gif
bar_left.gifbar.gifbar_right.gif 327
3 October 30th - 2013 bar_left_red.gifbar_red.gifbar_right_red.gif
bar_left.gifbar.gifbar_right.gif 162
3 October 29th - 2013 bar_left_red.gifbar_red.gifbar_right_red.gif
bar_left.gifbar.gifbar_right.gif 339
6 October 28th - 2013 bar_left_red.gifbar_red.gifbar_right_red.gif
bar_left.gifbar.gifbar_right.gif 262
3             August 11th - 2013
0   Total 15,387   Total 15,387
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thanks, yes the spam report is working again.


David, I think the best thing is to keep the spam filter it this level and i'll deal with the spam as it comes. Now the report is fixed, i can keep the board pretty clean and not run the risk of people suffering hppd not being able to access the board

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When I open this topic I get a log-in pop-up, which I logged in to out of curiosity... Now it seems my IP has been banned and I need to log in via a proxy. Jay, if I send you my IP address in PM, would you be so kind to unblock it? Thank you.


I get this today.  And don't trust it.  Unless David confirms otherwise, I suspect it some kind of virus that is trying to get our info for log ins (or whatever).  Why else would this popup eventually let you in even though you hit cancel a few times.




I don't know if you ever 'reset' the forum or not.  Sometimes this 'Community Forum Software' runs out of memory or other such things.  While not wishing to disturb members, I would suggest that once a week you shut it down and reboot.  As a side note, I've never let Windows run for days or weeks and because of that, have far fewer problems that what other people tell me (not that Windows is any good ... just that it is better to shut it off and not let its internal weirdness build up). 


Anyway, just a thought

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