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I think mine was at its worst when it first happened, although it was an extremely sudden onset about a week after ingestion. I woke up and everything was fucked up basically, the night before it happened i noticed that something didnt feel right though. since then its got gradually better. Visuals have definitely died down but the static has got worse, DP/DR also happened very suddenly when I was in the shower one day.

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As someone who searched this forum in and out for anything related to reaching a baseline, I came to the conclusion that only time will tell.


For me, i always had slight text movement and breathing since my first use of lsd but i didnt know of hppd and continued to use LSD a couple more times with daily weed smoking and MDMA. It did not get worse/went unnoticed. However, when I became sober i noticed some physical symptoms and ultimately i believe some medicines triggered new and worsening of visuals. Its been about 2 month for me since my visuals were triggered and has gotten progressively worse.  


It's best to just accept that you have hppd. I guess its easier said then done and depends on the severity of your symptoms but worrying about it will do no good. 


If you look at it from an objective point of view, thinking everyday that your brain is 'damaged' and you can never live a normal life will destroy your mentality. Even if you believe you are stronger than that, it will tap into your subconscious. However you will learn to cope and manage it if you BELIEVE you can. 


There are reports that chances of recovering from hppd are good during the first 2 years. And the chances of recovering are even greater the less time you have it 3-6month. So just believe that you will get better. 


Many report that being anxious worsens their symptoms. 

For 'most' alcohol and weed use often worsen their symptoms for a few days but it returns to baseline. However, there are some reports that it triggered a permanent  worsening/new symptom. So try to remain sober. Caffeine is also known to effect people. 


Care to write an introduction? 

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thanks mates!  really good information.  At the moment I'm not quite sure what I have.  Im not sure if it is hppd or just psychotic tendencies.  My hallucinations started about 6 months after ayahuasca and about 8 months after lsd.  I went to the doctors because i was really worried and he prescribed me an antipsychotic.  I read that antipsychotics will usually make your hppd worse. But for me it completely takes it away to were i feel normal again.  Thats why I think it may not be hppd.  Plus I don't have visual snow, floaters, or wavy text.  I see flashes of demonic faces, the color red on everything, see my face  flash a grey blue.  Does that sound like hppd?  And like i said it didn't start till about 6 months after ayahuasca and progressively got worse and worse as time went on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trust me people: you can be happy with HPPD!! When I see so many depressed wealthy individuals in my homeland germany that have everything and then go back to Brazil where a majority of people have so little I realize how our view of the world is uniquely determined by our own brains. How shitty my life might get, stay optimistic and positive because 1. about a billion people are starving and you're are not 2. this life is all you got. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Trust me people: you can be happy with HPPD!! When I see so many depressed wealthy individuals in my homeland germany that have everything and then go back to Brazil where a majority of people have so little I realize how our view of the world is uniquely determined by our own brains. How shitty my life might get, stay optimistic and positive because 1. about a billion people are starving and you're are not 2. this life is all you got. 

This really bothers me.

Okay millions of people are starving ill just snap out of it. You're right.

I've never lost sight of what I should be thankful for but comparing my mental anguish to the problems of the world is total bs. Sure in retrospect my problems are minuscule on a global scale. Sure other people have worse lives than me. I am we'll aware of that but you put anyone, I mean any fucking one in my shoes with the shit I'm going through and they will crumble.

The life I got now is not the life I want. And I had a good thing going but it's lost now. And I'm praying I can get some of it back. So really save all that comparison stuff for yourself.

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