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Guys just got some Diazepam how will it affect HPPD

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ok so I went to the doctor because my anxiety levels are through the roof not because of my hppd but because of the other health issues and the doc prescribed me 21 tabs of this stuff havent tried it just wanted to know how this will affect my hppd I know clonazepam works wonders but didnt know if this has any positive or negative effects

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I used to go and buy like 50 or 100 10mg blues off the street and munch them rapid once I discovered they helped with anxiety and visuals. (Im talking like starting off taking 2 or three and by the end of the 100 your popping 7 or 8 of them in a night....madness).Tolerance builds really fast. But generally they make you not give a fuck which is sometimes required. In my opinion they're the best benzo for my hppd at least. I've had a few different benzo types now. It's weird how one family of drugs can have subtle but different effects.

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Benzos can be really beneficial if you don´t build tolerance/ addiction to them. The trick is to only use them when they´re REALLY needed. I only use them when I feel suicidal, have extreme anger, tense muscles, have the "dread" feeling or am in a state of deep misery. The conditions mentioned usually come at the same time, one leading to the other.

A period of milder anxiety is better abated with a gaming session.

I have not experienced any profound positive effects on visuals with any benzo. The static flicker rate slows down a bit, and that´s about it.. Diazepam was no exception. Actually, I was very surprised how little it did alleviate the visual. I was hospitalised last year and they literally shoveled me full of Diazepam. No profound effect on visuals, but it killed my anxiety, anger and DP/DR.

Using benzos to alleviate visuals is IMO a bad idea, since the visual reduction is not very profound (5% IMO if you need a number). You would also need to dose constantly, since the VS reduction only works under the benzo intoxictation, not after it. Which in the end will make you addicted.

The conclusion is to only use benzos in your darkest moments, they can be a life-saver. Don´t eat them like candy!

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I had one today but I don't think the 2mg has affected me that much i did feel a slight relaxation no change to my vs but I reckon If i had it at a higher does i'd defintely feel stronger effects from the drug

Diazepam in particular can make you a bit groggy in higher doses, but try a higher dose any way (4 mgs maybe?). Space the uses a couple of days apart at least. I use Lorazepam at a maximum of two occasions per week and have not experienced any tolerance increase or addiction.

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You gotta be careful with diazepam though, it's got a half life of 200 hours, vs klonopins 50 hours (i think) and xanaxs 6 or 8...it's an extremely long acting drug so even if youre spacing your doses by a day or two, youre still building your tolerance...i know a kid who stopped taking them and didnt start convulsing til TWO WEEKS LATER because the shit took so long to get out of his system

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The half life thing is a bit misleading though..... FWIR.... Once it has gone through the blood to the brain, the drug gets stored in fatty tissues and has no benefit to symptoms and doesn't act on the receptor. Maybe someone can confirm or deny this?

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by the way.... If you drink a glass of grapefruit juice about 20 mins before taking your pill.... They will work much stronger... Might be a good way to get more relief from those low dose pills.

As ever, be sensible though.

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