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Light box - useful or not.


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I just bought a sad 'light box' for Scotland's woeful winters. (For us unlucky ones not to live in sunnier climes). Every year about this time my energy levels dip, mood swings all over the place, sleep fucks up and I want to eat every carb in the spectrum. It's not been delivered yet, but anybody think these things do a job or is it just a very bright placebo loada shit?

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10 days of winter???! lol.instead of our ten days of summer here?? my eyes are slightly sensitive to light but not too bad, dont think you have to look directly at it at long as the light hits your retinas. mines is 80 quid, hardly top of the range but il give it a bash. the problem will be getting the 45 mins spare in the morning to sit in front of it. some days i start at 5.45am. thatl mean getting up at the back of four but if it kickstarts things for the whole day it would be worth it i spose. also ordered strong vit d3 tabs (5000iu).

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I think it's the little things that can knock us over. We are already dealing with so much that any extra can push us over the coping line. So I think any little extra help will make a difference for you. I think the vitamin d is a great idea. I know your morning is already crazy but if you could manage a 20min. Cardo as well I think you would love the effects. Might also counter the extra carbs. I know when depression gets ahold of you it's hard to shake off. I use a fake it till you make it way of life. I keep telling myself I'm happy I walk like I'm happy I act like I'm happy I eat like I'm happy and pretty soon I'm happy. Unfortunately something happens and I have to repeat.

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