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Theres this company that can upregulate and down regulate gege expression called Sangamo. Perhaps we should contact them?

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Well I think between the VS, DP, DP & HPPD community there is money fort these guys.

Lots of people do drugs and while some have symptoms that don't bother them I'm sure if they could take a pill or get a shot to clear things up, they'll pay...

Think positive man and go for the big fish!

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I imagine those 4 disorders would add up to about 0.1% of anxiety sufferers. Then there is the social stigma attached to this. Would a medical company want to attach itself to something that cures people who had issues from street drugs (some of which would take the cure and then start using even more street drugs).

My view, our only hope lies with an overlapping cure for anxiety or epilepsy.... and that is me thinking positive!

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You should stop thinking about stigmas Jay and focus on moving things forward. What difference does it matter how we got this way? We're here and need help. Sangamo is the only company I found that is working on up and down regulating gene expression. Pardon me but I thought that would be important with respect for HPPD. If you want to be listless and wait go ahead. Being proactive gives me hope that someone somewhere might stumble on a solution sooner.

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Btw I wouldn't have bothered with this in the past as the tech didn't exist. It's budding and will advance to a rapid pace. Dont want us forgotten or left behind.

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You should stop thinking about stigmas Jay and focus on moving things forward. What difference does it matter how we got this way?

I couldn't care less about the stigma... Why do you think I have my own photo on here... But the multi billion dollar medical company will absolutly care about stigmas.

I'm just offering my advice on how might be the best way to approach them... take it or leave it

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I put up this information so that those here that have a firm grasp on this condition will keep note of it as the hypothesis of up/down regulation of gene expression may be critical to HPPD.

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I found several other gene silencing companies. I will reach out to them and include Dr. Abraham's latest study.

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Medical companies listen to dr.'s because there the ones that write the prescriptions and bring in the money.

It's almost like we need our own lobbyist.

If we had a doc. That would call them that would be great! Maybe we should all get together and hire a Pr firm to represent us. Jk I guess that's kinda what David is doing.

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