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Obviously, if it is a choice of methadone or reverting back to the smack... then get on the methadone... But it is still a pretty horrible drug. My cousin was a junkie for years... and has been battling to come off the methadone for decades now. He was like a zombie and caused no end of hell for the people around him.

I don't know your situation, but you ever thought of just packing up and travelling the world? Maybe half the battle is your town/city bringing you down. Worked for me, when I was at my lowest.

Good luck mate


I feel your pain!!!!!!!! Opiates somehow make me feel almost completely normal. But they have messed up my life even when used properly because of tolerance. Before I started doing labor work and strength training ( love the endorphins) I was going to go on a small dose of methadone as well. The only problem is I've seen what it does to ppl in the long run and how they have to keep upping their dose. If you didn't have to up it I would take it. Not only because of hppd, but my fibromyalgia and the pinched nerves in my spine. I want to say no don't take it, but if you are completely miserable and have tried everything possible to make you happy (girls, travel, working out, sports, hobbies, working) just try the smallest dose and don't go up for as long as possible even though you'll want to. I watched a Doc. recently called Methadonia (2005 HBO documentary, watch it on Youtube or Netflix for a great perspective). It was all about Methadone addicts and it talked alot about them looking for benzo's cause it give's you a false heroin feeling as a combo with M/done. I say this cause I believe your on klono, that also might make it harder to get meth prescribed Idk.

Man I know how you feel but going on done is the absolute last resort just like benzo's. Fun fact in that movie it said 60% of methadone addicts had a harder time getting off benzo's (fucking great i've been on them forever) Dam you can tell I've thought lot's about this as well. That one time we did those drugs fuckkkk, feel better man.

PS Jay Balotelli is unreal, can't wait till Sunday drunk football day:) Also Jay? Not trying to be a smart ass at all but don't you have to have a good amount of money to travel? I love my wife but if I could just travel the world I would get a different flavored girl in every country lol


but don't you have to have a good amount of money to travel?

Depends where you go... If you time time it right, you can get plenty of work fruit picking and stuff travelling around places like Australia... Or any of the tourists resorts in Europe, you can get bar work through the summer and get paid to party and shag all those different flavoured ladies! But if you got to somewhere like Vietnam or India, you can live like a king for $5 a day... So better just to graft hard for a few months in USA or whereever and then fly out. Actually, that ties into this thread quite well as there are places in India where you stay in these really posh tents and can smoke opium all day and travel around on elephants for a few $s.


''Actually, that ties into this thread quite well as there are places in India where you stay in these really posh tents and can smoke opium all day and travel around on elephants for a few $s. '''

Funny shit lol


Actually, that ties into this thread quite well as there are places in India where you stay in these really posh tents and can smoke opium all day and travel around on elephants for a few $s.

fuckin lold at that. Jay you keep me sane.


So today marks a week for me since I started Methadone Maintenance Treatment and I must say that I feel great. My visuals are reduced for 24 hours a day, my dissociation is drastically reduced as well and I feel more like myself now since this has happened to me 3 and a half years ago.

I don't know if this is a personal perference thing but full agonist opiates/opioids are the only thing that make me feel better mentally and I'm very happy I finally made the choice to get on Methadone. My thoughts aren't always tied up with HPPD and dwelling on the fact that I always feel like shit and always pissed off all the time.

Where has this feeling of happiness been for the past 3 years?????????????????


Glad to hear that works for you. Do you think it will mask your symptoms, or provide permanent relief?

Oh it's definitely only a band-aid (temporary) fix but full agonist opiates/oids must have a profound effect on whatever part of the brain that's been shaken up with HPPD, whether it's one of the neurotransmitter systems (dopamine, serotonin, endorphins) or a combination of all of them.

All I know is that I feel like myself again. I think it might have to do with the fact that opiates significantly slow down the whole body and the mind and I think this compensates a little for the constant "overdrive" mode that someone is in with HPPD and/or DP/DR symptoms.


I know exactly how well it works, I tried that stuff for fun quit a few times. I really wanted to get on it till my friend left and after 4 days of taking it crazy w/d already kicked in. Just stay on the lowest dose possible that helps cause you'll prob have to keep upping it.

????Did you tell them you were a heroin addict to get on it. That's what the person I knew did even though he wasnt.

I wish you the best./I really hope this works long term, this is my last resort if my klono stops working ect. Later/GL


Yeah I'm pretty wary of the WDs, I mean I knew they were bad but damn after just 4 days!? They just take away all the pain...until the harsh realities of this strange life come crashing down on you and the itch kicks in hard. I mean I aint no junkie but I can see why they're so addictive. anyways I'm kind of interested in this kind of treatment but I was just wondering are you still going through opiate WDs? also how long has it been since you've been off opiates? I've heard that you can get post-withdrawal symptoms that include anxiety (making visuals worse) which could take a while to go away. Sorry for the shitpost I made earlier in the thread but dude just think about how shitty the visuals are gonna be when you get off mdone. I had no idea the WDs kicked in after such a short amount of time. If I were you I'd just get off it as soon as you can unless you absolutely need it. But like Jay said, if it's trading one addiction for the other then do it. Sorry you've been feeling so shitty lately but all I can suggest is therapy, sometimes it can work wonders but I don't know about it helping DP/DR. Sometimes you just need to ride out hard times :(


My w/d's only lasted 5 days, but I was only taking a high dose for 4 days to get messed up. That was yrs. ago and I was just being stupid. I don't regret it though cause now I know all the documentaries ect.. aren't bullshit.

The w/d's felt like extreme percocet w/d's after being on about 10 mg's a day for 3 months. It was quit similiar too klonopin w/d's especially the pain and shaking.

BTW I took 70mg a day for around 5 days but I have an extemely addictive personality especially to opiates because it's wipes out hppd.

But whenever I'm on vicodin ect.. my wife can tell and she hates the way I act, basically like I'm invinceable (sp?) and always right.

I also make horrible decisions which klonopin doesnt do to me unless I'm drinking.

Hope it's working good for you Shaolinbomber you only live once and I'm not one for living in constant pain either!!


What one must understand about Methadone maintenance is that it definitely has a lot of downfalls. But you must carefully compare those downfalls to the benefits of it. For me personally, the benefits massively outweigh any of the shortcomings or side effects of the drug or the politics of the Methadone clinic. Giving up some cash and a small part of my day every morning in exchange for nullifying HPPD is worth it ten times over to me.

Someone has tried to smoke opium? theoretically it should produce same effects...

If smoking opium was proved to cure us id be right on it. Iv told my parents this as a sort of, way of showing how bad this gets and what id do to fix it


I'm not think opium as a cure, but as a "reliever" or something similar. The level of dependence is not as high and it can eliminates any state of anxiety that you have. The problem is that out of fashion: D and someone should take the trouble to cultivate and see what happens.


I've done a fair few opiates, including smoking opium.... It is nice, no doubt about it... But unless you are very strong willed.... Smoking opium (or getting on the opiate path in general) will quickly lead to addiction. That's the story behind this article and SB has stated several times how quick his route to Heroin was.

No matter how much you convince yourself that you are just self medicating your hppd.... you are basically just enjoying getting high, with the bonus of ignoring your illness. That is the very quickest path to addiction.


Hard to say, as I have no first hand experience with either addiction.... But seeing my cousin battle with Heroin, I can't imagine it gets much worse. It is perhaps "easier" to get passed the physical addiction of opiates... But the mental desire is huge and that is the kicker... relapse after relapse. His battle has been 15 years now, he finally seems to have kicked it for good, thankfully.

Benzos don't offer that all emcompassing high, so I imagine... once you have gone through withdrawal (months/years) the desire isn't as strong, as you are not remembering that massive high... although i'm sure the pull of the anti-anxiety and sedating qualities are still very tempting.


Hard to say, as I have no first hand experience with either addiction.... But seeing my cousin battle with Heroin, I can't imagine it gets much worse. It is perhaps "easier" to get passed the physical addiction of opiates... But the mental desire is huge and that is the kicker... relapse after relapse. His battle has been 15 years now, he finally seems to have kicked it for good, thankfully.

Benzos don't offer that all emcompassing high, so I imagine... once you have gone through withdrawal (months/years) the desire isn't as strong, as you are not remembering that massive high... although i'm sure the pull of the anti-anxiety and sedating qualities are still very tempting.

Jay is correct here. The hardest part of addiction to opiates is not the initial physical need to relieve WD symptoms but the ever longer craving to fill that mental gap that is created by the drugs. But the thing for me is although I definitely would consider myself addicted I don't see it as that big of a deal because ever since I got HPPD I've felt like shit mentally anyway. I saw no change from when I was sober without addiction to opiates as when I was addicted and sober. So if you look at it from that perspective it was a rather easy choice for me to make.

Also Methadone doesn't create the massive roller coaster ride that Morphine, Heroin or other similar opiates create with the massive highs of euphoria combined with the terrible lows and comedowns. Methadone is one long and steady drug akin to an almost straight line steadily going up on a graph rather than the huge peaks to the huge drops that heroin and/or morphine would look like in comparison.

  • 1 month later...

Wait opioids, help hppd and dp dr, I heard of a program in Texas where that's part of the treatment. I laughed it off but I did notice when I had dental surgery and took perks it helped. Also naloxone was a treatment for dr dp the drug actually blocks opiod receptors so the theories conflict but both have results...wtf

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