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Everything posted by Fawkinchit

  1. Im pretty sure use the shear stress from HPPD causes gastrointestinal issues sometime. Pretty sure it gave me an ulcer or something.
  2. Yes, it's very interesting, please do and definitely read the book if you have time, if a few will at the very least try the treatment, it will rule it out if it doesn't work, or confirm it if it has a good outcome. And yah it could be a genetic issue, especially in the metabolism of hallucinogens, free radicals, etc, and their metabolites, or something of the degree. Usually though genetic defects in metabolism are pretty pronounced in their symptoms, so I don't know really. There certainly are a lot of conditions, and most in my opinion, caused by nutritional deficiencies, whether they be severe, or even just mild. Its really important to have a very good supply, as the body can not accomplish what it needs to without them.
  3. Important Please Read: I've been reading a lot and I think that there may be a possibility and link to a nutritional deficiency in HPPD, which realistically would assess the strange variable nature of this condition. If you at immediate glance question the severity of nutritional deficiencies just look up Pellagra and Scurvy, they eventually die if its not corrected. Most vitamins are antioxidants and neutralize free radicals, and hallucinogens stimulate neuronal metabolism leading to excess free radicals. When free radicals are excessive and deficiencies have occurred of said nutrients, the free radicals can no longer be controlled and spiral out of control, damaging surrounding tissues. These tissues in turn become inflamed and even due to their neuronal nature start becoming demyelinated, this is the explanation for the very mild incidence rate of white matter hyperintensities in HPPD MRIs, however not in all. These demyelinations under the given uncorrected circumstances cannot or very difficulty be repaired, unless the deficiency is corrected. The deficiency would also explain why some people never get HPPD, even with extreme doses of LSD use, they have plenty of reserves of the free radical neutralizing vitamin necessary. It would also explain why some people only get it after multiple uses of hallucinogens, eventually they deplete the vitamin, whichever it may be. It would also explain the relationship with alcohol initiating HPPD in people who did hallucinogens a month or two beforehand, alcohol also may variably deplete the vitamin. It also could explain the spontaneous recovery of some few individuals that have reported it. It would also explain why multiple different drugs initiate HPPD, from alcohol, to weed, to hallucinogens, they all stimulate neuronal metabolism by excitation and or drain certain vitamins that are vital to neuronal functioning and maintenance, hence the symptoms. Also some of these vitamins are absolutely crucial to proper neuronal function and a deficiency only of some, like Vitamin B3 can lead to psychosis. I could elaborate further on this but will refrain for the sake of brevity. If anyone in the slightest bit thinks this to be a complete impossibility, like i said look up pellagra and the mental health issues they have, and even vitamin b12 deficiencies cause demyelination of axons. And even some may argue that the nutritional RDA is met by common foods, this assuredly isn't true, and proven not to be true, especially in the cases of drug use and alcoholism, there are definitely related deficiencies common with these habits. I think that this possibility has some of the most merit than any of my other ideas, so if anyone would like to try and experiment as to whether a treatment will work, then they should get a full spectrum b vitamin complex(All B-vitamins known). and also Vitamin C. The B complex should be higher than the average listed RDA, as typically it wouldn't be enough. And the vitamin C needs to be at the very least 1000mg a day. Treatment should be carried out for 6 months. I wont get in to all the details as to everything correlative with vitamins, their deficiencies, and their importance, but if anyone cares to know more, they can read "How to Feel Better and Live Longer" by Linus Pauling, two time Nobel Prize winner and profession chemist. Even if the treatments don't work, at the very least it will certainly improve the health of the person taking these vitamins. If its not that then we may have some genetic defect. If you do try this treatment please report that you are trying it, and also please absolutely follow up with your results in the future. Thank you! Edit: I also forgot to add that I read that taking large doses of vitamin B3 will end an LSD trip within roughly 30 minutes, which shows a specific relationship with it and hallucinations, but not however with LSD diectly as far as I can conjecture, as LSD usually is metabolized within 30 minutes of hitting the blood stream. However the hallucinations continue for hours, which shows that the actual cause of hallucinations are downstream from LSD metabolism, and have a direct correlation with Niacin(b3) if thats true. I didn't read it from what I would consider an absolute reliable source, but there very well may be some merit and truth to the statement, as it wasn't an unreputable source either. If anyone else knows more feel free to share.
  4. This is what your argument actually looks like to @TryingToHelp
  5. Were you going to do the study i mentioned for real proof of your claims or just keep talking out of your ass?
  6. @Jaz this information is good regarding Lamotrigine. @dayum_son i recall some people reporting that with risperidone, but i dont remember in regards to lamotrigine. also how do we actually tag people on the forum? Im too lazy to look it up lol.
  7. MadDoc you should go read all his posts first, then I think you may understand where hope1 is coming from. Also I think TryingToHelp finally gave up lol. He couldn't bare the truth of being wrong. lmao
  8. This is actually really interesting and thanks for posting and sharing the story and information. There is another member who didn’t get HPPD for a month or so after doing hallucinogens, and I believe he drank and that triggered it. If I remember correctly as well his trip was a bad trip, but no HPPD immediately followed. Its very interesting the involvement of alcohol and HPPD. There clearly has to be a link.
  9. TryingToHelp, if you believe so firmly in this why don't you recruit some HPPD volunteers and test you theory instead of trying to convince everyone with words. You'll need some strict variables for your mental health “treatments” so as to rule out any possible physiological factors having any impact on the possible outcome, surely with your intellect you will certainly know how to set all that up so no need to go in to details. Good luck! You can try it with most mental disorders like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Dementia, Mental Retardation, etc theres a huge list. You can do Huntington’s too. Even blind people, maybe they can see but are just afraid of the light. Plot twist. The only mental health issue is you.....
  10. Lethargic, I’m assuming you mean thiamine instead of thianine correct? Or do you mean theanine? Just want to be sure
  11. Theres no contradictory statements here that i see.
  12. I can say for sure that you are wrong based on the observation of evidence provided by the real universe in contrast to what you say.
  13. Have you actually read them? I don't think you have, otherwise you wouldn't be saying that. The majority of posts claim: Not full recovery Significant recovery, but lingering symptoms that do not appear to be resolving Accepting said symptoms as a new part of life Using various medications and supplements(physiological) Relapses in symptoms Most of the responses claim consistent prognosis of HPPD Most do not claim using ANY type of mental therapy The few that do are typically for things unrelated to HPPD and usually for past emotional trauma Are you aware that the body has natural healing capabilities, that have nothing to do with the mind? If there are even any cases of complete recovery with using ONLY mental therapy in that thread, which I was unable to find, they will likely account for 1 to 100 posts, if that, which is a 1% recovery rate, which means in medicine, its not a cure. You been proven wrong multiple times with massive amounts of evidence, but you fail to actually provide any solid evidence what so ever, your theory even has no real theoretical foundation, most mental health conditions and their etiology also prove you wrong, as schizophrenia, bipolar, depression etc would then under your examination be classified as mental health and curable by mental therapy, but has successfully been proven ineffective. Almost everyone on the forum disagrees with you and I am certain that if you talked to Dr. Abraham, which I think you should do, he also will disagree with you. As the famous 2 time nobel prize winning master and professional chemist Linus Pauling said, there is not ever seen mental health issues in a healthy brain.
  14. Clearly you didn't read the post, I didn't at all try and convince him he has HPPD, I stated very clearly that he does have symptoms that coincide with HPPD, and he also has symptoms that do not coincide with HPPD. I also recommended appropriate changes in medications, and possible furthering of diagnostics to rule out any other conditions which would help establish a stronger foundation for it being specifically HPPD. This is all protocol that any good doctor should do. Clearly you really cannot read lmao.
  15. Then you must have tons of evidence to support these claims. Please, do post and publish them.... Otherwise you're just making false claims, which wont be surprising lol.
  16. TryingToHelp is most certainly wrong here, as he is usually about just about everything he says. Marijuana in very rare cases has caused HPPD and we have had a couple members claim that to be the case with them. So hash also could cause HPPD, being that it has a variably higher occurrence of THC. It is however extremely rare to have have hallucinations on Mari/Hash, are you sure that it wasn't some hybrid knockoff form of weed? The legal substitute compounds for related highs similar to weed have been known to cause various effects, including HPPD, and are highly untested compounds. IMO since you have anxiety coupled with visual snow and did in fact hallucinate, you likely have HPPD. It is concerning that your symptoms have been getting worse, I would highly recommend that you ask to discontinue Sertraline as it is an SSRI and it is commonly known to exasperate symptoms of HPPD, but also i would recommend the continuation of Lorazepam, as benzodiazapines appear to be the most current and best treatment known for severe HPPD. If any other members wouldn't mind pitching in here about their symptoms getting worse on SSRIs please do share as I know I have seen quite a lot. Also there are plenty of case studies on NCBI that show the same result so you can look there also. Progressive symptoms in HPPD for even up to two years is not consistent with typical HPPD, it could have been accelerated by Sertraline, and not noticed because of the Lorazepam helping the symptoms. People have even gotten palinopsia and HPPD related symptoms from only SSRI use. Anyways symptoms for the first year or so tend to get better in typical HPPD, so your symptoms are not entirely consistent. I do not feel that you have only visual snow syndrome however. Also obsessive and intrusive thoughts are not always consistent with HPPD, have you had any other related medical diagnostics done like EEGs or MRIs? Do you have any other symptoms at all that you can think of? I would recommend returning to your doctor for further diagnostics to make sure to rule out any other disorders, and/or start out by asking to discontinue SSRI use, and see where it goes from there. If you start to have any motor control issues make sure to report those to your doctor. The night blindness is also very interesting as well, as that can be simply caused by deficiencies in vitamin A. I don't know if that either is very much associated with HPPD. Basically not all your symptoms in my opinion are consistent with HPPD, but some definitely are, especially after following hallucinations from drugs use, even if it was only hash. Good luck! And give it time. Also TryingToHelp is literally learning disabled. He cant help is so just be nice to him and smile.
  17. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30910546 Maybe there are certain cases of hallucinogens depositing these protein in the brain, and maybe some people have a disorder that prevents the removal of them. As the link explains a person to developed visual snow before his CJD became serious. CJD, is a type of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE), which are caused by prions.[5] Prions are proteins that occur normally in neurons of the central nervous system (CNS). These proteins, once misfolded, are thought to affect signaling processes, damaging neurons and resulting in degeneration that causes the spongiform appearance in the affected brain.[13] The CJD prion is dangerous because it promotes refolding of native prion protein into the diseased state.[14] The number of misfolded protein molecules will increase exponentially and the process leads to a large quantity of insoluble protein in affected cells. This mass of misfolded proteins disrupts neuronal cell function and causes cell death. Mutations in the gene for the prion protein can cause a misfolding of the dominantly alpha helical regions into beta pleated sheets. This change in conformation disables the ability of the protein to undergo digestion. Once the prion is transmitted, the defective proteins invade the brain and induce other prion protein molecules to misfold in a self-sustaining feedback loop. These neurodegenerative diseases are commonly called prion diseases. People can also develop CJD because they carry a mutation of the gene that codes for the prion protein (PRNP). This occurs in only 5–10% of all CJD cases. In sporadic cases the misfolding of the prion protein is a process which is hypothesized to occur as a result of the effects of aging on cellular machinery, explaining why the disease often appears later in life.[4][15] An EU study determined that "87% of cases were sporadic, 8% genetic, 5% iatrogenic and less than 1% variant."[16] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRNP Prions protein link. This is super weird condition. Its like an infection.... but its just a protein....
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