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Everything posted by neffbull

  1. My sister experiences this whenever she starts getting overwhelmed with stress. If you go to a dentist they can create a special mouth guard that you wear at night.
  2. Why not contact your doctor? If you are hell bent on coming off the medication and you make that clear to your Dr. then they will simply tell you how to do it. I would imagine simply stopping the medication cold turkey would cause a flair up of your condition.
  3. I actually used to think the same thing so I understand where you are coming from. What helped me, with the subtle guidance of a counselor, is starting small and gradually exposing myself to things that made me uncomfortable. So for example, if going into a store makes you feel nervous then try going late at night when there are less people there. After doing that a few times try going a little bit earlier. Keep doing this until going into the store is no longer a problem then try out another place. Etc. I think he meant it will help you grow as a person
  4. For your obsessive thoughts and severe depression. You can either run away from you problems by using opiates and weed or you can try and fix the problem.
  5. Huh, any specific ones or is it just steroids in general? I'm wondering if flonase might be a poor choice.
  6. Yup, I'm an evil glaxosmithkline employee. You got me! What was posted can help you to understand what is going on. Please post any of these objective studies, case reports, etc that you have. Lamictal is one of the few drugs that can treat HPPD, so chances are that people are going to find posts like these when they are researching medications. It is good to provide them with solid information to help them chose a course of treatment that would be best for them.
  7. "Antidepressant treatment was begun with sertraline 25 mg and was titrated upward slowly owing to concern about these flashbacks. Mild exacerbations of these LSD-like phenomena were noted for 2 to 4 days after each dosage increase, primarily as flashes of color, positive afterimages, and fleeting hallucinations in his peripheral vision. Within 1 month after the target dose of 100 mg was reached, these perceptual disturbances decreased until they had almost completely remitted. The depressive symptoms also improved. These gains were maintained for 4 months, at which point Mr. A graduated and terminated treatment." "SSRIs appear to worsen symptoms of HPPD, at least during the initial phase of treatment: People with HPPD treated with SSRIs and atypical antipsychotics (risperidone, olanzapine) reported an initial exacerbation of their flashbacks with a subsequent gradual improvement over time [Markel et al. 1994; Bonson et al. 1996; Espiard et al. 2005; Aldurra and Crayton, 2001]. It remains unclear whether this was due to the mood-enhancing effect with concomitant mental stabilization, or an increase in the diminished serotonergic neurotransmission in the visual cortex." It looks like I could help.
  8. I'm sorry that you aren't feeling well, but at your dosage the chance that lamictal that is causing your issues is low. That's a quarter of the lowest therapeutic dose, which is 100 mg. What vision problems are you having and why do you believe that they are linked to Lamictal? In new born babies. Not adults. Actually, lamictal has been shown to be neuroprotective The cognitive impact of antiepileptic drugs "For example, in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study involving children, there were no differences in the results of cognitive tasks assessing reaction time, recognition memory, attention, visual search and working memory [Pressler et al. 2006]. Positive effects on cognitive function in epilepsy have also been reported [Placidi et al. 2000; Banks and Beran, 1991]. Attention processes, short-term memory, and motor and mental speed were investigated in 25 epilepsy patients taking carbamazepine plus lamotrigine as add-on therapy [Aldenkamp et al. 1997]. There were no significant score decreases after adding lamotrigine, and most changes were in a positive direction." A Systematic Review of the Effects of Lamotrigine on Cognitive Function and Quality of Life "Lamotrigine (LTG) is a new-generation AED that is effective and well tolerated in both the elderly and children. Existing data suggest that the cognitive deficits commonly associated with AED therapy are not commonly observed in patients receiving LTG as monotherapy, and, when LTG is used as an add-on therapy, any existing cognitive problems are not exacerbated and in some cases are clearly improved." "in many cases, the use of LTG is associated with improved cognitive functioning, which is not seen with standard AEDs." Here is a list of studies on Lamictal and it's impact on cognition. These are all symptoms of depression, anxiety and HPPD. "Upon commencing drug therapy with lamotrigine, these complex visual disturbances receded almost completely. Based on its hypothesized neuroprotective and mood-stabilizing effects, the antiepileptic lamotrigine may offer a promising new approach in the treatment of HPPD."
  9. But tlhembecker said that it made their DP/DR worse. So it probably wouldn't help your anxiety then What type of prescription meds have you tried? How long did you typically stay on them before you stopped taking them? That tingling sensation that you felt was probably the sedative effect of the med. I felt the same thing when increased my lamictal and whenever I take benydral. Have you tried consoling?
  10. It's good to hear that you're still also doing well. It looks like we both developed hppd around the same time. Mine kicked in April 2014 but went into hyper drive around August 2014. But things definitely have gotten better on my front always, especially after I started taking prazosin. Have you thought about adding melatonin? From what I've read, taking both at the same time creates a nice antidepressant. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22998742 http://www.psychiatrictimes.com/major-depressive-disorder/addressing-cognition-depression
  11. There doesn't seem to be a master list of things that make our condition worse, both temporarily and possibly permanently, and it could be something that benefits a good deal of us. My list: Temporarily Caffeine Noopept Piracetam Wellbutrin - increased my anxiety Sleep deprivation Stress Hangovers Exercise Allergies Nitrous Oxide Permanently Not sure Also, I've attached a file that I found on this site that may be of some help. 13_Flashbacks-and-HPPD.pdf
  12. How are you liking Keppra? I've been thinking about trying it out but have been hesitate because of its supposed psychiatric side effects. I've heard that it can clear up the brain fog pretty well, has that been the case with you?
  13. Abstract BACKGROUND: Following the hypothesis that blocking opioid receptors leads to a decline in opiate-modulated dissociative phenomena, experiences with naltrexone as medication for dissociative symptoms have been gained since 1999 (mainly in doses of 25-100 mg/day). PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this study patients with severe trauma-related and dissociative disorders were treated with naltrexone in doses of 2-6 mg/day (0.06 mg/kg body weight). RESULTS:The low dose treatment with naltrexone proved to be effective whereby 11 out of 15 patients reported immediate positive effects and 7 described a lasting helpful effect. The majority of patients who felt positive effects reported a clearer perception of both their surroundings and their inner life. Assessment of reality and dealing with it improved as did the perception of their own body and affects as well as self-regulation. The treatment was very low in side effects. CONCLUSION:Treatment with low-dose naltrexone may be a helpful element in the treatment of patients with complex posttraumatic stress disorder. However, it has to be realized that the decrease of dissociation may lead patients to a not yet resolvable challenge, in as much as dissociation had previously been a necessary mechanism of self-protection. PMID: 25421416 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25421416 Originally found it here: https://ldnscience.org/research?filter_disease=70&filter_reported_as[0]=trial
  14. Have you tried work outing out? When I was kicking nicotine running helped a lot.
  15. They could be lying to you to get you to confess to using/having drugs. Are you taking any medication or over the counter drugs? They can sometimes show up on drug tests as false positives. For example, Lamictal can show up as PCP
  16. It's known to cause cognitive problems, so be aware of that. It's nickname, from what I remember, is dopeamax. Do you happen to have that article on hand?
  17. Is it possible that they are lying to you to get you to confess to taking drugs? Are you taking any medication? Wrong post
  18. When I'm walking around it is like everything is blurred in my peripherals. This trips me out and shoots my anxiety up. It sort of looks like this http://goo.gl/lShwH8 combined with this http://goo.gl/qjHE2o. Like I'm constantly warping through time.
  19. Hey, I unfortunately don't have any specific advice but if you check out this website, https://www.reddit.com/r/selfharm , I think they could help a bit more than this forum (just an assumption) and they seem pretty active. Hope you are doing well
  20. Unfortunately, modern medicine doesn't know much about the brain and it knows even less about how medications affect (effect?) it. So they very well may not change anything, it's hard to say. But what can be said is that stress causes damage to the brain and, I don't know about you, seeing shit moving around stresses me out. Fortunately, that damage can be undone, at least to a certain extent, so these drug may very well treat our condition in different ways like lowering anxiety levels and helping depression(also, lamictal is neuroprotective). Also, I don't know about you but stress makes my symptoms worse. I know that I sound like a broken record at this point, but have you tried lamictal? It can treat hppd, depression and anxiety. It won't be a quick fix, it took a few months to really start helping me, but it's definitely could be worth waiting out and most side effects, if you even have any, will dissipate with in a few weeks. I don't see why a doctor wouldn't prescribe it but cause it has zero abuse potential. I'm also taking prazosin now and it has made a major dent in my anxiety and all you would have to say is you are dealing with nightmares. Some people have mentioned on this forum that they think HPPD is linked to PTSD and prazosin is used to treat PTSD as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prazosin Have you asked about being referred to a psychologist? It has been essential to my recovery because I've dealt with a lot of shit through my life and it helped me face it comfortably. A psychologist decides what type of therapy is best for their client so how they could help you may be different from how mine is helping me, but what he has done is basically helped me view my problems in a slightly different light/angle. I would typically just get fucked up to deal with my problems but I don't feel those urges anywhere near the extent that I used to. I actually took LSD in hopes it would help me find answers to my life issues, but instead it just gave me a few extra.
  21. I haven't had issues with DP/DR but I know that is a classic symptom of a panic attack. Why?
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