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trip into hell

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Posts posted by trip into hell

  1. I gave my friend, a big stoner who is used to 20% THC weed, about 5g of that CBD weed and he said it affected him too and was trippy. I'm wondering if their claim of 0% THC was just to get around ebay rules or something?


    XD...im freaking out...so theyre selling real stuff on ebay..its funny somehow...XD


    another theory is that it might be due to other cannabinoids in a higher concentration..like cbn or others since cannabis contains more than 60 different cannabinoids and thc and cbd are usually the most potent.but im sure there are strains which contain other cannabinoids (which arent illegal so far) in higher doses whrere the effects are not known as well as with cbd and thc ..i dont know how this would affect somebody with or without hppd/dp/dr.


    btw. i have even found some weed to buy on amazon.de that contains 0.2% thc and is said to be high in cbd...i decided to order some for smoking and if that doesnt do the trick i will make some oil to test it. :D hoping for positive results.

  2. i had vivid dreams before...but since my onset i have extremely real dreams like never before in my life...i mean the kind of dream where i dont even doubt that its real...but i dont have the full control over my dreams like one has who is able to dream lucidly...at the beginning all my dreams were nightmares.but now its almost always nice... it actually feels like all these dreams are somehow real and if i dream i have access to a different dimension where its possible to go through all my subconsciousness, memories and every imaginable possibility in life...its just magic...but i didnt learn it i aquired the ability of lucid dreaming through psychedelics

  3. yes you need the right motive behind you to get the prefered effects...which fits perfectly into my case of hppd/dp/dr cause when i got hppd/dp/dr... a month before onset i abused mushrooms weekly, then dayly and always had a slight bad trip everytime and when i did the biggest mistake (ignoring all the warnings before) in the end of taking an overdose with no spiritual purpose at all it caused my hpp/dp/dr...i had hundereds of trips on lsd, lsa and mushrooms..even one on dmt which i always enjoyed and perceived as a holy ritual to expand my consciousness..but the last one has gone bad and was obviously the result of my ignorance and stupidity...because i thought i could force that enlightening state always..even though it is not possible which i had to learn the hard way.


    these days my hppd and dp/dr is 100% gone..but when i consume too much or a strong mind altering substance i get dp/dr and high anxiety...where at the beginning i couldnt even smoke a tiny piece of tobacco...it seems to get better and better but extremely slowly ..just as something or someone is holding me back and doesnt want me to become addicted again...i feel somehow watched over by some force...sounds weird doesnt it..

  4. But how are you enjoying life if you don't work or go to school ? Do your parents or friends let you live with them?


    1. my self- confidence is not depending on the favour of others..that only stops me from being me and feeling free

    2. my parents dont think its a good way to live but they accept that i prefer to live that way and they dont get on my nerves anymore or think i need a job or so..theyve learned it slowly..but they did

    3. my friends have the same lifestyle..cause they realized that they are slaves of the system if they support it.

    4. just because one has no work or school to go to that doesnt mean that there is no sense in life..just do what you like and instead of distracting yourself with supporting the goals of some boss out there

        (wasting your time), find your own goal and interest in life....have a plan or you will be part of someone elses plan...

    5. and friends or family are worth nothing if they only accept you if you go to work or school

    6. the very fact that you can not imagine to be accepted or having a meaning in life without serving someone is a sign of how much the system has formed your moral concept...i was once thinking the same

       ..until i woke up (thanks to psychedelics) and realized what others want me to do is not what really matters for me...these days i wish i would have noticed it much earlier.

  5. Trip into hell, really starting to think about what you said, hppd may be light brain damage but like 90% of the symptoms go away a when stress and depersonalization go away. Seems to be something directly caused by those 2. Did you know a symptom of depersonalization is visual snow?


    no i didnt directly know that but what i do know is that dp/dr is a symptom of anxiety issues..so it could all be some kind of anxiety related problem...and as we all know..anxiety is missuse of imagination...and mind altering substances have the property to expand our awareness which happens through our imagination (part of set and setting)...so a psychedelic substance is able to give you enlightening insights and can change you permanently for good..but the opposite is also possible...so to my mind hppd/dp/dr, is a result of a negative settings and conditions on the trip which altered the mind permanently in a bad way..this could fade after a certain time but also stay forever...its some kind of a lesson to learn..that we may not abuse these substances as party drugs or addictive substances....just a theory

  6. im not sure if i can tell you something you dont already know..but i think youre just obsessing...the science behind that is weed smell (if not smoked) can not possibly have an effect on somebody because the cannabinoids in the weed need to be decarboxylated to form an active compound..which happens while smoking or even vaping...the only thing you could worry about is that marijuana smoke is affecting you...but the scent alone can not do that...


    so if its smoke i would try to cope with the idea to inhale it cause its much too less to really have a noticable effect on somebody..or think about how to make your room airtight..


    and if you say you have anxiety issues..what are you afraid of?


    i have anxiety myself which came along with hppd...now that my hppd is over i still have these issues...my fear is to be dissociated and altered states...but i fight that fear everyday even though its hard...i can even smoke grass again with pleasure instead of panic/panic attacks unless i smoke too much...at the onset of my disorder i couldnt even smoke a tiny dot of tobacco withaout having a medium panic attack...so it is possible to learn to beat it..but you need to have a lot of patience and courage to do it.    


    dont get me wrong please i dont say ''smoke weed''... i just want to tell you that everything is possible..dont give up yourself, youre stronger than you think.

  7. Have you guys tried cbd tea? Does it calm you down?



    i never tryed cbd tea but eating cbd oil has the same effect and that was beneficial for my anxiety and definately calmed me down



    Now you say it, i do remember snorting Kanna too, when I had the powder... Some things just have no effect on me... Kratom, for instance... I tried all kinds of extracts and took some big doses, but never got any buzz... Next I can have one hit of Salvia (no extract, just leaves) and get send into orbit.


    thats weird all these things have effects on me but since hppd im hypersensitive to everything no matter what substance..the sensitivity stayed with me even though my hppd is 100% gone..i accosiate this phenomenon with the fact that my hppd came along with anxiety disorder or maybe flashbacks (dont know what exactly it is)


    smoking salvia would really kick me out of the universe...before my onset i was able to smoke and enjoy it somehow but these days i wouldnt dare to try it again cause i know its as powerful/potent as dmt but much more dissociative and not as enlightening...thats why im afraid of it...the more dissociation > the more anxiety i get

  8. ok snorting is the most effective way to consume kanna maybe that was the reason why it didnt work for you or maybe due to the low extracts or dose youve tryed...another possibilty could be that your hppd is responsible for that 


    interesting that supports once more the idea that hppd is no brain damage but a temprorary or permanent disfunction in the brain....hppd is a very mysterious condition..i still cant make sense of it.

  9. maybe you have to change your definition of ''being successful''....dont think that having a great graduation or job is everything what matters in life...cause thats what others tell you..but is this really what you want!? doing what others want you to do to proof that youre good enough for them.


    i have no work dont go to school or anything..and im happier than ever before in my life...dont care what others say..they dont know what life is really all about..and i tell you one thing..its not about going to school, getting a job, working hard starting a family and dying....life means much more it has to be fun, enjoyable and fascinating..if its not, youre doing something wrong.

  10. Trip into hell, that's what I'm doing but I'm adding intense exercise for its MANY benefits add it cause neurogenesis which is the only way hppd can be cured. Does green tea increase your visuals? Also did you drink a specific type?


    when i had hppd green tea was slightly increasing visual snow...but these days i dont have hppd anymore and green tea only feels great.


    and i dont think neurogenisis is the only way to cure hppd since there is no evidence that hppd is a kind of brain damage...its more of a disfunction of the brain..lets say an imbalance which can be restored

  11. vitamin b12 did amazing things for me (took vitamin b complex) and my hppd is long over i did no sports at all instead of long walks in nature here and there and drank a lot of green tea even though it made me feel a little dizzy sometimes..didnt care about that


    i can smoke weed again and i smoke cigs dayly with no hppd come back..it feels great

  12. its crazy that only smoking cbd is bad for you..since smoking in general seems to be ok...
    cbd is actually good for anxiety and anti psychotic..


    how strong was your extract?

    i was asking cause i ordered a 50x extract of kanna and its not recommended for smoking (even though you can smoke it)..they say snort it and it wont lose that much of efficiency..keeping in mind its a 50x extrakt which is pretty strong..most people say 10x is already strong...im a little bit afraid of trying it

  13. ah...right cbd is legal so the strains which only contain cbd must be legal and can be bought on the internet...nice idea...i will order something and make some oil out of that to try it.


    what the fuck...this cant be...cbd has anti psychotic effects...i cant explain to myself why it caused a trip for you..a theory is that you had an adverse reaction due to smoking it cause smoking something has some mind altering effects itself...but im not sure...did you try eating cbd oil?


    and were you able to smoke at least any substance without trippy sensations?

  14. that sounds very insane..seems like your sensitivity to mind altering substances is highly increased...just like mine


    the weed i used to make the oil contains 8,5% cbd and 5% thc and the strange thing is i could enjoy the weed by smoking...but not the oil cause its much more concentrated...i guess thats the reason why i had this insane experience...


    ive got an idea how to fix this..maybe i have to try some charlottes web (20% cbd and 0,5% thc) next time. 


    and if you ever plan to try some weed again i would recommend the strain avidekel due to its non existent thc content..it could be beneficial for you it contains 0%thc and 16% cbd..so you dont have to expect any psychedelic effect.

  15. well i finished my canna oil extraction 3 days ago and i was cleaning the canulas of the dispensing syringes (i used to store the oil) with my fingers and ingested the adherence on them, which was really just a tiny bit of a dose...lets say altogether about 200mg's maximum.


    and  at first i didnt feel anything and didnt even think about it  but after 2 hours...boom...i was super high and full of anxiety...then i went out to take a walk for distraction..while walking around in the city at night i felt very strange and i realized that i could almost hear my thoughts.. i didnt even know exactly if i was thinking or actually saying it out loud..i got very paranoid, didnt really feel my body and when i was walking in the dark i could even see what i thought..it was so scary but just as fascinating, sometimes i thought i was going crazy...i didnt have such psychedelic trip for a long time.


    can anyone of you relate to this experience or tell me what was going on with me...cause i know it wasnt quite dp/dr and i cant explain to myself what that was.


    all the other people who have tryed the oil said it was very nice and they felt extremely relaxed and baked..so the strange effect i felt has to do with me somehow.


    please give me some feedback.


    ...thanks in advance 

  16. you are right taking psychedelics (not only lsd) a person is much more likely to develop hppd and/or dp/dr but he could also aquire it through the consumption of various other substances...its a russian roulette and depends on the individual...


    the theory is that most hppd and dp/dr is caused by bad trips which are caused by bad settings, overdoses, negative past or bad psychic predisposition.


    maybe you saved him but if he will try it even though one day, he will remember your words..this could lead him into anxiety on his trip resulting in a bad trip which increases the risk of getting hppd or dp/dr


    ...so lets just hope that he will never do it

  17. my hppd started after hundereds of trips of all kinds of psychedelics..its a very hard decision i always wanted to trip again since my hppd is gone but now i get panic attacks from heavy drug trips and even though my hppd never came back im so afraid of the panic attacks that i only take strong drugs in low doses and weak drugs in medium dosages....


    but i definately know what youre talking about im missing so much to see the world through my third eye again...call me a freak


    you must do what you love...listen to your inner voice...its a calling...i went through hell and thought i would never touch any drug again but even if i had to do a lot of hard work.for it...these days im enjoying weed again and low doses of other substances :D


    no matter which way you choose to go...good luck

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