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trip into hell

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Posts posted by trip into hell

  1. ye thats so depressing...even the fact that its possible for almost every mind altering substance to do that to someones brain forever....but maybe it has nothing to do with the actual substance other than functioning as a trigger for a negative predisposition or a bad mindstate, to be turned into a nightmare...i came to this conclusion cause not everybody gets hppd/dp/dr from taking drugs...its ignorant to think that these substances cause hppd/dp/dr randomly..cause jet no body even knows what exactly hppd/dp/dr is..


    ...i mean..ive used psychedelics over hundreds of times and never had such issues...until i started using them in the wrong way (too often, higher doses, in a bad mood and wrong motive)...its very mysterious...

    just like i have some kind of ban/course lying on me for a certain time until i fixed the issues of my life in general and changed my attitude/mindset regarding mind altering substances...

  2. i dont think exactly that way...we are both right dp/dr/anxiety at its beginning is no brain damage but the brain always adjusts different circumstances the longer they last and in the case of dp/dr/anxiety it leads to unusual brain groth over time...so compared to a normal brain there is a difference which can be perceived as damage...or you could say adverse brain growth...based on this knowledge i come to the conclusion that the brain is able to rewire even though it takes a long time and hard work...but it has to be done as early as possible before the brain is caught in that state forever. 

  3. thats strange...8 grams brought me into this condition...and you simply ingest the same amount with no increase in symptoms or anxiety, a bad setting and no increase in symptoms..you must be really tough...


    mine started at the beginning of the last year and after 4 1/2 month hppd faded completely...the only thing remaining is the tripping anxiety..which i hope to overcome completely one day.


    ok a year is nice...so you recovered pretty fast...for me its a long way to get back as you can see.


    and taking klonopin is good for anxiety many people can smoke weed again with klonopin (but i never get it prescribed) + i dont think klonopin is the only reason why youre able to smoke big amounts.


    im eating healthy and take vitamin b12 which helps big time


    its madness but weed has become so potent for me..i ate a very small amount (lets say 80mg) of selfmade cannabis oil and it kicked me out of the universe..i could hear my thoughts throughout the whole tirp (made me paranoid cause i was walking through the city and didnt know if i only think or even speak it out loud) and when i was in the dark i could even see them...was so weird and scary but just as fascinating



  4. thanks for your post..and as you mentioned i fucking love drugs and especially cannabis and could never hesitate to do them...or even forget cannabis for the rest of my life..it gave me so much but i still understand that a good period of time in sobriety is necessary for the first few month after onset...yes i know what youre talking about even though my weed high is not the same again its kind of a new experience i still can appreciate whereas in the beginning i thought i would never touch anything out there.


    smoking 10grams a day would be a journey to earth shattering panic attacks for me...i need 5 days to smoke 0.5g...3 month before i would have needed 2 weeks for 0.5g


    its amazing that you are able to smoke high concentrates...i would love dabbing if it wouldnt be too strong for me.


    i had very strong and crippling dp/dr at the beginning of this shit...but i havent had it in my life before..so it was really shocking to see this is possible


    how long did your recovery take to the point where you could smoke good amounts?

  5. I think our cognitive dysfunction can be attributed to PTSD as PTSD is known to have deleterious effects on cognition. HPPD is definitely minor neurological damage to an extent, albeit I don't believe it's pathology alone can be so detrimental to cognition. How many of you have experienced a difficult or traumatic drug experience that went unresolved?

    I think that's a primary catalyst to more severe HPPD; the last time I tripped on any psychedelic it was LSD almost five years ago, and it essentially made me psychotic for two months and manifested this hallucinogenic wasteland I'm fucking stuck in.



    i had a very painful experience (in fact the worst and terrifying of my life) the last time i was tripping ...which led to my hppd...im glad my hppd is over ...but still have slight anxiety issues when i do drugs to a certain extent...but i can smoke a little cannabis again and enjoy it whereas at the beginning i wasnt even able to smoke a very tiny piece of tobacco without having a major panic attack and a tremendous increase in visuals...so it seems that i trained myself and learned not to freak out again...i hope the progress is going on cause i want to enjoy smoking bongs too..would be nice


    how do you feel about smoking cannabis...has there been a time where you couldnt smoke since your onset? and did you have anxiety issues? if so.. how long did it take you to come over and be able to enjoy weed again?

  6. it is something i was thinking about for years before hppd. and now that my hppd is over the idea comes back to try it..the reason why people are so sceptical about trying anything is because most of them have a very naive understanding of what hppd or a psychedelic trip really is...even i dont know it exactly myself..but one thing is clear to me..a substance is never a durg or a medicine until you use it as such...with the right motive behind you..you can achieve overwhelming and great results..but its also possible the other way around...means these substances called psychedelics will teach you a painful lesson if you abuse them.


    to my mind hppd is something our words cant do justice to by saying it is an illness or disorder...maybe we have to look at it from a differnt angle..and the closer we come to seeing it as what it really is the more we know how to treat or deal with it...maybe it is easier than we think and we are just making misstakes when it comes to recovery measures due to our wrong interpretation of the situation.


    ...i dont say do psychedelics...i say ...hppd could be a message or maybe a guardian who is preventing souls to abuse the devine power of medicine...just listen to yourself and forget the fucking klichees mankind was always trying to tell you ...cause life is more complicated ..if you ask me, way to much to just expect a simple answer like ''yes'' or ''no'' to this question.

  7. but give the b12 time...depending on how much b12 you take..it will take longer to affect you..a common vitamin b complex can take 3 days to 2 weeks to get noticable...just my experience


    btw. did you know that we would die early without vitamin b12 and that psychic problems like depression, anxiety and migraines are mostly found in people with low b12 level....all too often people with low b12 level feel the consequences after many years first...maybe it has something to do with hppd..as a sort of trigger or so

  8. i know what you mean i felt stoned for so long...but vitamin b complex (due to vitamin b12) helped me to stop this after a week of  taking it..if i would have had a suppliment with higher concentration of b12 im sure it woold have helped earlier.

    i would give it a try if i were you..it always felt great for me and held me in a better mood + its just a suppliment and easy to obtain..a little expensive though..but worth the money.

  9. You could get used to it or just call the police if its illegal where you live. I always get anxiety from 2nd hand weed smoke but most when i cant get away from the situation directly. Wouldnt wanna go to Jamaica really

     calling the police is the last and most stupid option...cause you can get real problems with your neighbour and keep in mind that no one can prove where the smell comes from directly so im not sure if they can get a search warrant for his apartment cause my neighbours tryed the same with me and the cops had no right to step into my flat.. :D i was laughing at them :D..my neighbours regretted calling the cops later..these stupid motherfuckers.


    ..i would talk to him first or try to avoid the smoke to enter my room or even coping with the idea of inhaling it.

  10. search something you can put your passion into if you feel bad about not going to school..you need an interest and something to concentrate o...i dont know..play an rpg or so.


    and dont take care about what others think about you so much..they have their own problems..for sure.


    yes staying sober is just not doing the trick ...cause it has nothing to do with the actual root of the issue..

  11. do you really think its cbd driving you crazy...it could also be that thc and cbd are responsible for it..or even cannabinoids in general...we can not know it...until somebody checks the stuff you were smoking for cannabinoids...a lab test would be nice for ensurance...


    but you might be right...since as far as i know there is no strain out there with 0% cbd which means that whenever you smoke weed, you always consume cbd.

    have you tryed the strain avidekel?..it contains 16% cbd and 0% thc...if that gives you anxiety and trippyness you have a kind of perfect proof that cbd is the

    devil for you which is quite an adverse reaction cause as we all know it is usually against anxiety and has actually anti psachotic effects..   

  12. Gaz did you try vitamin b12...when i had hppd it helped me a lot to deal with dp/dr even though my vitamin b complex doesnt contain so much b12 and it took 2 weeks to take effect...but it did and was great...so drinking a lot of smoothies and taking vitamin b complex everyday is a good help against energy loss and dp/dr since both these phenomenons often go hand in hand...if you havent tryed it i recommend it to you.


    ..get well

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