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Posts posted by Jagermeister

  1. Patient 7 from Liu et al. (1995) had 2 episodes of possible persistent aura without infarction (MAS score = 3), manifesting with "constant white and black dots, 'snow', and 'TV static' over her entire visual field" and "persistence of visual images (palinopsia)", respectively. According to the authors, "Nortriptyline and carmabazepine resolved only the palinopsia, and the other visual phenomena have persisted over 2 years" (Liu et al., 1995)


    I have aura and snow since i was a child, but fog&palinopsia since hppd started. Somebody has tried carbamezipine?

  2. Hi, people. I'm doing really better. Not full cured, but in comparison with the start of my hppd, I feel almost normal. I started the gym ago three weeks, and I felt a lot of anxious&desrealizated at the begining.

    Today, I get surprised, when I came to the gym and see nothing in movement, or pixelated visión. Short-term memory so much better and despersonalization almost gone. Palinopsia, also amost gone. Body coordination is back doing exercise or perceiving the distances.I hope I will keeping and increasing the positive effects of that drug.

    I will keep you inform, if somebody want.

  3. Oh, I have hear that people taking noopeps (such piracetam, aniracetam) take choline also, I think for increase the positive effects of that "intelligent" drugs.

    What is sleep deprivated eeg? He did you a eeg without slept last night? I wish it will show something (not wrong, only a evidence to found what's happening with you).

    How is your delecit trial? Any effects today?

  4. Yeah, my tinnitus started 3-months after hppd fucked me, coincidentally, when I had found hppdonline and the possible cause of what was happening to me. I started to read about a lot a symptoms and my tinnitus started, until today.

    I gone to doctor for the tinnitus, and I got antibiotics treatment for external ear infection, so, I thought it can be caused by infection. But not, I finished treatment, and I ear a slowly zzzzzzz in my fucking right ear.

  5. Good KATE! You hace found a doctor that is studying hppd in Italy. A lot of americans hppders had used him study to get a script of keppra from their pshychiatrist/doctor. You are treated by the italian Abraham! Haha.

    What's delecit? Any vitamin support to sleep? Never had heared about it, so, I suppose it help with sleep for sleep-deprived eeg. Can you to explain me what's that test?

    And about treatment, had he said something about Levetiracetam? You have to do eeg or wait first with delecit or what.

    I'm glad to see you being treated by the italian Abraham, or better, a hppd literate pshychiatrist. If I were you, I would be happy. What good lucky!

    • Upvote 1
  6. Hello people.

    Viewed posts where people are claming feeling better by focusing in reduce fungals in their bodies, eating better, eating anti-fungal's food like garlic, using anti-fungals herbs... I would like to talk with all you differents symptoms or simply what do you think about it. I'm not saying hppd don't exist or drugs are not the cause, only would like dialogue and found similarities that could help us to get better.

    Posts in hppd about "success" fungals focusing or in relation with different causes.




    http://hppdonline.com/index.php?/topic/4233-no-drugs-just-unlucky/?hl=pain#entry26422 - hppd withouth drugs.

    http://hppdonline.com/index.php?/topic/4111-tingling/?hl=pain#entry25811 - a boy suffering of chronic fatigue also.

    http://hppdonline.com/index.php?/topic/4068-embarrasing-to-ask/?hl=pain - me and other boy with testicle pain (I still have it and I'm not anxious thanks to my treatment)


    There are a lot of web pages where people suffering Visual Snow Syndrome mark the candida like the cause of their symptoms. Visual snow, for who don't know, is a very similar condition that hppd, where sufferers share very similar symptoms without had abused of hallucynogens drugs, as palinopsia (tracers, retarded images), CEV'S, pixelated vision and brain fog.

    They are complaining also of stomach issues, pain&itching&barning in differents parts of the body (legs, feets, hands, mouths...), white tongue, tinnitus, ear infections, etc.

    Personally, when my hppd started few months before taking drugs, I was playing a football match and in less than a minute, I lost myself and visuals started as 2D vision. Few weeks later, I was really exhausted, pain&itching&burning in legs, feets, mouth, as I mentioned before, tinnitus came, slow-grade fever, dizzines... I was told by my doctors that anxiety were causing that, a big dick for them.

    Than started to doing sports and gym very slowly and now I'm very much better. I'm still fighting with brain fog, but I can do exercise at least.

    I would be sure that I'm suffering hppd for my bad trip, but fungals can be relationed? I had seen hiv forums where people are claming to suffer VS after unprotected sex with prostitutes or strangers!

    My hppd started after also unprotected sex with a strange girl, I had/still have:

    - White tongue

    - Palinopsia

    - Brain fog

    - Chronic exhaustion&fatigue (fixed)

    - Tinnitus

    - Visual años

    - Hard pain in my legs&harms (fixed)

    - Itching&burning&paresthesias in my mouth and fingers of hands and feets.

    What do you think about all of these? Had you unprotected sex same time doing drugs? Had or still have some of these symptoms? If you had, and now they are fixed, how long time dured it?

    Excuse my bad english, please. It's difficult to talk in your own language, imagine you speaking spanish, haha,

    Regards for all!

  7. I would pull the bottom of "Like this" if you wasn't an administrator Jay! You are the concerning for all of us.

    People that are doing drugs and haven't our bad lucky, have more than easier than you living, but that doesn't mean that you don't be able to be happy. Is a shit fight each second, just fight.

    I wish you luck and strenght overcoat.

    I wish you back telling us you're doing better also!

  8. Gentile -mg!

    In my opinion, I'm agree with -mg. First, you should look for help in your country and, if you don't found and can afford the trip, then go to Dr.Abraham. Only for your comfort and your money. Should be a doctor able to script you Keppra or other drugs in the beautiful Italy, although the rehab should focusing in healthy live style! I wish you luck.

    How time are you with hppd?

  9. Hey Mr.50's, I will call you the suplementboy from now, hahaha. Just joking ;). I'm looking for noopiates for help my cognition, from the family of racetams. Do you have proved any _racetam?

    Keep me inform about Phosphati.... but if you only provee one-two days, maybe you won't ser nothing. More time for see noticeable effects is better, maybe?


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