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Posts posted by Jagermeister

  1. Tomorrow my dentist will extract me a tooth and repair other, I was last week and I'm positive because he is a genius, not pain, good work, he do magery with him hands.

    other clinicals dentis wanted to me pay 800 € for heal two thooths and Im surely that they work really bad. My actual dentist only want 400(half) and all people talk very well about him :)

    Sorry, I'm going out of theme. I think anestesia cant worse my hppd, because Im in my baseline, not drugs, not alcohol, so, any complication should be temporary or resolved for itself in next days. Tomorrow I can update my extraction for your safety and calm :)

    Have good night

  2. Hi,

    Today had eeg and meds tell me with scary faces that they did for seem epilepsiabor some injury and just didnt see nothing. Suggered I'm hipocondriac or have anxiety.

    I asked them the difference of eeg with qeeg and they didnt know.

    Bad lucky, but I will insist to my neurologist for more trials (as eeg) for certificate my hppd and will trying get script of keppra.

    Keeping hope, guess. Greetings

  3. First of all, I'm self diagnosed HPPD, because although that happened 6 months later of my unique dosage of shroom, I had a horrorific trip in which a cat hurt me, lol,(I left almost blind with a scratch near the eye, imagine that on your first trip wtf).

    I did visit a lot of medics, trying to found the cause of visual disturbances and panicks attacks, psychologists,psychiatrists, otolaryngologists (looking for veatibular problems), chiropractors(looking for neck/other bones problems ...) until I looked for all my symptons in google and found hppdonline.

    I had/have all that you can imaginate, visual snow, patterns in the wall, tracers/palinopsia which are the same, dp 24/7 and dr when I tryed to drink one beer, tinnitus, etc. For that Im sured that I have HPPD. My HPPD started 5/6 months later the trip wich I mentioned before, when I mixed a antyphsicotic pill with a join of hash (I know now what stupid thing I did),

    Now, that I tell you my story, I need some advice. That morning, called me from hospital for EEG tomorrow (not qEGG, I will try). I will see my neurologist next week for results and I wanna get script of a anticonvulsionant (I saw a boy with similar history than me, hppd from only dosage who have success with high dose of Lamictal http://hppdonline.com/index.php?/topic/3634-probably-hppd-successfully-treated-by-chance/?fromsearch=1 or other histories.as Rene,.HBB, keep positive, merkan with keppra)

    What drug do you think that would help to you more or what drug you.think that cant help me?

    How can I convice my neurologist to get a script that? I have chronic migraine with aura diagnosed, personality disorder and Im some bipolar. Should I convince talking about HPPD, showing her experiments and succes histories, or for my migraine...

    Thanks for read, sorry for bad english, its difficult to speak in your language, imagine in other and typing in a shit little mophile from neolytic.

    When I will start any treatment, I would do a diary with semanal updates... etv

  4. Hi meadow, first of all I like ur name because my favourite tv serie is The Soprano (u can look for haha)

    Then, I can tell u some, if u say that u had been feel better, now you know that things can get better again! :)

    What's the reason for not tell to your mun your disorder? Is fear for her reaction, she is totally counter recreative drug uses, or in wort case, u think that she wouldn't support you...

    About have a friend... I know that is really difficult met some and open ur hearth and says that you are suffering a nightnare, but let me tell you some, you won't lost nothing for try and sure there is somebody that will support you, good people exist :)

    That are the things that I can tell you, Im suffering HPPD also and I 'm trying to live day to day, because problems can get worse... if one leave to fight.

    Futhermore, my last advice, had visit you doctors? I think you can looking for the meds that would help you daily, try that how objetive and I'm sure that you will found.

    My gmail jmsanz6609@gmail.com if u need talk, or some.

    For finish,

  5. Oh, good for hear that u vs ia decreasing, but I wanna tell u some. wednesday my mum gave me for mistake a antypshycotic (she thought that gave me a benzo) and I was really fucked for 5-6 hours, but next day I felt very normal, although had fuck visual symphtoms, they didnt broke my balls (I played football for first since I have hppd, and score three times, my friens thought that I was cured xd). Maybe that med put your brain in a scary game but then improves some visuals and others.

    How much you took of lamictal?

    Sorry for bad english in spanish

  6. Hi im José, this is my new account, because i cant log with the other (if anybody can to help me to recuperate my account... i think is a error fot the letter with ', so José, i tryed recuperate pass and that doenst work)

    Today, im gonna writte a funny and scary history. Ago 3 days, I felt so angry and raged and I had a big discussion with my mom (thats not funny i know and now the things are better), so my mum, who knows about my condition wanted to gave me a Alprazolam (xanax i think) and I throwed all the pills to the floor. " i hadent take a pill until now and i wanna to deal whitout any medicin if I wanna have a chance to fully recover", I said.

    Oke, my gf, who been also, said to me that one benzo wouldnt harm that chance, so I thought,J why not?

    Then, my mum took one pill and gave me other. I started, at five minutes to get crazy, more rages and how i was drunk and my mum felt something else lol, she was wrong and chose the wrong pill, WE TOOK an ANTIPHSICOTYC lol.

    The next hours I wanted to kill myself and throw me for the window (which hadnt been goos isea because I live in 9 Plant). When I got slept, the next day I waked up really good ( so tired) and gone to the dentist and played football with my friends (scored.three times lol)

    Today my mum and me laugh a lot for the mistake xd because she felt some also to trip, walls moving... etc

    I cant understand now people with hppd who has get treatment with antipshycotics. I felt really the worst since I had that shit, but better for found out that hppd can get worst.

    I want to advice people to refuse antiphsycotics because they put your brain as dancing break dance.

    PD: sorry bad english... its my first message whitout traslator

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