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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. Great news.... I hope you heed this warning and stay well clear of drugs
  2. Hi Qzi... you don't have hppd, hppd is specific to drug use... But you clearly do suffer from many of the symptoms, so I am sure you will find some helpful advice here.... My only concern is that certain things that don't work for us, might work for you (and vice versa), as you perhaps have not damaged your receptors. Of course, you are welcome to stick around and will find some helpful people here, but also be sure to check out www.thosewithvisualsnow.com
  3. ahh, good on you mate.... i am pretty sure i am away on business that week... but if things change, maybe I can get down and film it, make a little mini documentary.
  4. Good luck to the guy.... I think the anxiety would hinder me more than help me... But I can see this sort of treatment being worth a shot when things like oculus rift and other virtual reality headsets become available.
  5. I would take the prescription, but not use it every day. If you are having a really bad day, take one... But I think at 3 months in, it is better to try as much as possible to learn to cope without meds.
  6. ahh, you take klonopin I would be cautious to use the word "healed" until you see the effects of melatonin without klonopin. Hopefully the visual improvements stay though.
  7. I think the site was down for 4 days, was for me... hopefully more people will see the post soon. I have a bit more time tomorrow to try and add to it.
  8. Do you think that is helping the visuals also? Shame it is banned in uk
  9. Didn't do anything for my visuals, but helped me get a good sleep pattern. How long have you had hppd?
  10. CBD oil seems the best way. From what I have read, the strongest CBD strains of weed still have about 6-7% THC.... Too much for hppers, i'm sure. I'd love to be able to smoke a few nice joints again though, but with just relaxing, anti anxiety effects... Beautiful!
  11. I ordered some CBD liquid for my e-cig (from ebay) I will report back next week if it does anything good or bad
  12. Could it be a possible treatment for our anxiety? I know the idea of taking anything to do with marijuana would seem crazy to some here, but without the THC, it should be ok for HPPDers? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabidiol
  13. Probably not laced... Just high potency weed Quit while you are ahead.... This is your brain giving you the biggest warning sign of your life.
  14. I would guess the house move caused some stress and anxiety? This can cause temporary worsening of symptoms... Did anything happen this week that might have added to stress levels, even if you didn't particularly feel stressed at the time? (maybe even a hangover?) I would hold on to the fact that last time you got worse, you soon got better again... Just keep thinking about this and reenforcing the idea that you are already starting to recover again. Once you are better, try to avoid anything that causes undue stress or anxiety.
  15. the hppd wiki page is pretty good for the science stuff... we need to try and condense it down to 2-3 paragraphs though... I think we need to keep it fairly short, but with links to further reading. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hallucinogen_persisting_perception_disorder
  16. I agree the visual snow will be the safer approach, but thankfully there are some very motivated people pushing that. We do need to keep pushing HPPD though, as, as close as the two illnesses seem, there are some differences. I find it hard to believe that anyone who hasn't taken drugs can suffer dp/dr and that trippy feeling in quite the same way (if they do, then I feel infinitely more sorry for them, as at least we somewhat understand that feeling)
  17. thanks hope.... I want to keep the "suffering the effects" part less about symptoms (which can go in "what is hppd") and more about the hardships we face because of the explained symptoms... something more emotive. I have edited the document a little.
  18. Hi, as some of you may have seen, me and Hope1 are preparing an email document that can be sent to various people to try and get us exposure, funding and/or research. I have started the document here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g4LNSB644YAb6Md152pdVLYJl04B8RE7Efw-joYSVIk/edit?usp=sharing I really need help with the more scientific aspects of the document, the "What is HPPD?" section, and the current and future treatments sections. I have left the document editable, so feel free to add to it and I will edit it further at the end. We need to keep it fairly quick and to the point, we can leave further reading links at the bottom. Let me know if you can help, Thanks, Jay
  19. phew.... the stories i have heard about datura scare me more than any drug. I would be scared of even the lowest dose.
  20. will do.... i have the day off tomorrow, so will make a post and try and really push through the document.
  21. I have made a start here.... I will add to this over the course of the next few days: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g4LNSB644YAb6Md152pdVLYJl04B8RE7Efw-joYSVIk/edit?usp=sharing I have enabled editing for anyone with the link, but it might be worth making the edits or suggestions on this thread before we change the actual document?
  22. ok cool... I will start a google document sometime today that we can edit and share as a PDF
  23. ok, let's put our differences aside and work something out. Why don't you put together what you propose we send to this guy and we can try and make a proper document to send over. I am not very good with the scientific/technical aspects of explaining HPPD, so maybe Visual or another member can help out there. I can help with the more emotive stuff and also help with the structure and language, if needed. We can then use this document for many different applications. I would suggest the following, but I am open to suggestion: An introduction about who our community are, with a brief outline of what HPPD is. A more in depth, scientific description of what HPPD is. A description of how HPPD affects it's sufferers. Current treatments and known ways to minimize symptoms. Future treatments and theories of possible cures. A request for help, a final summary and thank you. We could possibly add in case studies too, as this document grows.
  24. I'm a vegan and have actually put on about 10kg since I started in January... Non dairy and weight gain can happen. (I know you are not looking to go vegan, but there is a great facebook group called "What fat vegans eat" that might give you some ideas for a non dairy lifestyle. You can get pea or hemp protein shakes, the chocolate flavour ones taste fine. Loads of peanut butter... Loads of chilli and stuff made from soy mince or similar. Just eat like crazy and hit the weights. I've definitely felt better going non dairy. They pump all kinds of shit into their cows
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