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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2017 in Posts

  1. Ayahuasca contains DMT. I don't remember who said this but when it comes to DMT it's best to have heavy gauge wiring installed in your head (not the exact quote but you get the idea). I used to smoke it long ago and it's a POWERFUL psychedelic experience including total loss of your surroundings and body. There's no real way to ease into this substance. DMT can really leave you rattled and bug eyed. I remember some people experienced something spiritual but some swore they would never use it again and these were people who were very familiar with psychedelics. If you're prone to negative symptoms after using psychedelics I would stay clear of it. I don't know if it would cause long term hppd symptoms but I remember seeing tiny colored flash bulbs for a few days after use. My two cents for what it's worth.
    1 point
  2. I've seen a few of your posts accusing people of not being 'real' and I have to say it's massive insult and extremely weird, I'm here asking for help with this terrible condition, nobody would put their time and effort in to writing these posts pretending to have hppd! And yes crosshairs like a scope as in two lines crossing over each other so I can easily split the pill in to 4 pieces, if your gonna keep accusing people of being 'Russian spies' and not being 'real' then please go away and don't comment.
    1 point
  3. I remember a few people here who tried ibogaine when they had hppd and totally fucked up their lives. I would be very, very cautious. All of these psychedelics work on similar receptors, so have the potential to make things much worse. Out of interest, what kind of dose of LSD/Shrooms were you doing... microdoses, or enough to start to feel the effects?
    1 point
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