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Bipolar Mania

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I'm bipolar 1 and I have had two manic episodes one at 30 and one last year at 38. When I'm manic all my HPPD symptoms go away. When I come down from the mania and shoot down into depression they are back really bad. Thoughts?

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Hi John, that's an interesting observation and one i'd never heard of before. I can only assume certain chemicals are being released during those episodes that help with visuals, (Gaba?).

Hopefully some of the more scientifically minded posters can add their thoughts.

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On 3/13/2024 at 7:37 PM, John12185 said:

I'm bipolar 1 and I have had two manic episodes one at 30 and one last year at 38. When I'm manic all my HPPD symptoms go away. When I come down from the mania and shoot down into depression they are back really bad. Thoughts?

Very interesting and the first time I heard of it. I remember watching this schizophrenic on YouTube who also had HPPD and he never mentioned that and he would say he could tell the difference between his schizophrenic hallucinations and HPPD pseudohallucinations.

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