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Hi Jay 

Like this new psyche prescribed me an anti psychotic that made things worse. Have stopped that.

I have been completely K free for about 3 months or more with only very small amounts of V inbetween. 

Tho at present I'm seriously not coping.. 

This level of symptoms is completely F omg off the charts and would drive aneyone completely off the wall. Like this is sone seriously nasty  shit and it's very concerning...it hurts so bad.

Therefore.. I cannot do this anymore. I will have a session with him psychiatrist at 1 pm tomorrow and he better be be prescribing me some K...

Hope this makes sense. 



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Good luck mate, hope it works out ok... I think that 3-4 day break does help a lot, though obviously full symptoms come back during that time... Just the knowledge of having some comfort 3-4 days a week is a godsend to me though. 

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