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As anyone got only visual issues without dp/dr

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@Jay1. How much lsd did you do tho get visuals ?? And if you don't mind can you tell me how much of hard drugs did you do after visuals.cause it's been a while since i have done any kind of hard drugs , and i don't believe i got my hppd from lsd, but dxm tho, i did have a lil dp/dr before visuals , but they went away, i am not able to figure out what flipped me ,

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I probably tripped on acid 50 or so times and maybe 10 times on mushrooms over the course of 2-3 years. I was lucky that that only led to fairly mild visuals and no anxiety/dpdr... I then got heavily into MDMA (easily 100+ times), plus lots of speed and coke. That's what really fucked me up. 

I don't think it's worth overly stressing about figuring out what drug or which specific time on that drug caused this shit. The only real lesson to learn is we can no longer take drugs and need to avoid anything that makes our condition worse. 

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Strong VS, strong geometric patterns (green/blue), crazy CEVs, long after images, warping and the worst of all, my entire visual field flashes about 6 times a second (i think this is called strobing?). There's probably other stuff, but I always forget the terms people use.

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10 hours ago, Jay1 said:

Strong VS, strong geometric patterns (green/blue), crazy CEVs, long after images, warping and the worst of all, my entire visual field flashes about 6 times a second (i think this is called strobing?). There's probably other stuff, but I always forget the terms people use.

visual snow like this? is it right in front of you or far away?


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Yea, mine isn't as strong as in that picture, though it's hard to define, as my visual field is also flashing all the time. 

Like you, if I look at white, black and especially blue background (the sky is the worst) then it looks more like that pic. 


oh, and yes to halos and starburst.


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On 06.08.2022 at 12:14, Jay1 said:

Yea, mine isn't as strong as in that picture, though it's hard to define, as my visual field is also flashing all the time. 


Like you, if I look at white, black and especially blue background (the sky is the worst) then it looks more like that pic. 




oh, and yes to halos and starburst.



and here is a bifurcation as in the inscription example? 


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  • 1 year later...
On 8/5/2022 at 11:43 AM, Older12345 said:
visual snow like this? is it right in front of you or far away?


That’s what my snow/static looks like. Sometimes it moves really fast and sometimes it’s slow or stopped. Idk how to describe it. When it moves fast it’s literally like looking at tiny snowflakes.

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On 8/4/2022 at 4:14 AM, Jay1 said:

I probably tripped on acid 50 or so times and maybe 10 times on mushrooms over the course of 2-3 years. I was lucky that that only led to fairly mild visuals and no anxiety/dpdr... I then got heavily into MDMA (easily 100+ times), plus lots of speed and coke. That's what really fucked me up. 

I don't think it's worth overly stressing about figuring out what drug or which specific time on that drug caused this shit. The only real lesson to learn is we can no longer take drugs and need to avoid anything that makes our condition worse. 

Wow dude I only did LSD 7 times and never tried any other psychedelic and got it. It's different for everyone. You can get it just from trying it once. My friends were convincing me to take ayuascha during a ceremony with shamans but I said hell no. I know I would be bugging out mid trip after having HPPD lol. It sucks that I can't take drugs even occasionally for fun with my friends anymore.

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