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Delta 8 THC Induced HPPD and Ropinirole For Treatment?

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Hi I know there's not much research into this and especially delta 8 but I would think anybody with thc induced would be similar. It's been probably 10 or more days since I took what was labeled as 100 mg D8 THC but I'd taken more before and usually took 125 to 200 for me to feel good. But this was different and sent me into a horrible trip. The brand was called Alien. It said 50mg per price on the front of package. But on the back said 12.5 mg (hemp derived) per price on back. Which has me wondering if it was some other synthetic cannabinoid. Or if synthetic D8 is different that naturally extracted? Anyway about 2-4 hours in I began shaking and muscle twitching which I've experienced slightly in regular weed but goes away pretty fast. This lasted hours. Colors were bright and things moving like a led light on my tv in the dark. I couldn't sleep but tried. The twitching shaking and anxious feeling was so intense but I tried to wait it out. I've already been twitching for over a month before this constantly in my legs and face and all over for the last month following amitriptyline treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. It started making my eye twitch and calf twitch around 2 weeks in and I stopped use after a month because of the twitching. That's when the twitching became body wide. So after a month of twitching a depression from it and pain in my joints tendons and muscles after being "floxed" aka fluoroquinolone toxicity from cipro and flagyl for my abdomen pain that was "suspected urinary tract infection" 3 years ago in 2019, I decided to take delta 8 and hope it helped my pain and twitching. It just made everything so much worse. I was laying my bed trembling in fear. And was in a half awake/trance/sleep state having closed eye visuals of weed plants and other things similar to mushroom visual but not geometric. I was woke up by the voice of my dad saying. "Not this time son" but I immediately knew it wasn't him. I felt an evil presence. A very dark negative energy. I prayed and looked around and nothing was there. I was able to go to sleep but upon waking. I was immediately trembling and tense all over and still felt that evil feeling. Forgot to mention I probably had about 9 beers before taking the d8 and had been drinking about 6 -12 beers every day for about a week. I've quit cold turkey from a binge before and have had some anxiety and depression for a few days after quitting but this wasn't that. I drank a little after and didn't sit still for 14 hours to try and cope. The alcohol hadn't even had time to leave my system but quitting and withdrawal didn't help. I went to urgent care because I couldn't stop trembling like I was cold but wasn't and very depressed. On the way there I was having thoughts about a jumping out the car. My fingers and feet were tingling. They could only guess a panic attack and sent me on my way with a paper to make an appointment with psychiatry. The next day I went and had an assessment and I told them about the d8 and alcohol and trembling and fear but not the bright colors or voice I heard. They were going to give me hydroxyzine but said they needed to talk to my therapist first who I've only seen once prior to this because I established primary care and was upset about the pain and state of my body since now I seem stuck with twitching but he just referred me to mental health. This was before the d8. The trembling lasted about 4 days. And I can feel the fear and trembling in the background now and if I don't do something to keep my mind busy it can come back. Usually just pacing or reading or something else helps. But it's hard to focus on anything like tv or anything. Can't relax. Driving and listening to music helps but I'm honestly scared it's dangerous. Especially at night. Not so much the vidual part but the mental part of not being able to pay attention. I'm forgetting words and named easily. Still twitching but I was before this trip. Colors are still bright and like like high definition especially on tv or phones or artificial lighting. Going into a grocery store I really feel messed up. Like I'm on a mild LSD trip and very slight after images. That's all visual wise but the anxiety and depression and thoughts and just an overall weird disoriented feeling. Like I'm tripping. And a bad trip feeling. Now that most of the uncontrollable trembling is gone I can feel kinda happy sometimes but it's more of just laughing at how messed up I feel. Like haha this is ridiculous. But it's kind of torturous. On top of my pain and twitching I was already dealing with now I feel like my brain is broken and there's always an evil negative energy lurking in or around me. I'm having suicidal thoughts but I don't want to die. I just want this bad trip to be over. I want things to be better. Not just with me but with the world. All the suffering and injury from drugs. Especially legal ones people are being prescribed or taking otc to feel better just to be permanently injured. Then all the rcs and synthetic cannabinoids. To all the war and suffering and unfair poverty and disease and pain. I want it all to end. But I've been trying to push this all in the back of my mind and pray it will go away with time. I've been taking collagen and hyaluronic acid and colostrum for my joints before and currently. I saw primary care about 6 days after and was able to look and talk normal just addressing a panic attack and the twitching and muscle and joint and tendon pain I've been living with. He referred me to physical therapy and recommended to prescribe Ropinirole which is for parkinson's and restless leg syndrome. But I haven't been diagnosed with either. The side effects are scary and involve hallucinations and behavioral changes like excessive gambling and Hypersexuality. That one might be fun lol and augmentation. And others. But I just read this. https://psychcentral.com/health/what-is-hppd#what-is-hppd which has documented 1 case of someone put on it with HPPD and it helped. Yeah I know 1 case. And I doubt it was thc induced. But I'm really afraid to try anymore antidepressants or especially antipsychotics. Because I don't want the twitching to get worse. Mine are small and not jerks but I have had some full body jerks falling asleep recently. Idk if that or all of it can be purely anxiety but before the d8 even when I wasn't feeling anxious was twitching. I've just started taking fish oil and turmeric. Read fish oil helped some on here and didn't think turmeric would hurt but I honestly don't know. I've taken LSD moderately in the past and mushrooms and was a regular weed smoker. Along with many others like dph dxm dmt etc. but it's been over 10 years. Currently still using nicotine pouches. I took melatonin the past few nights. 5 mg which helps the panic but then im just speepy with all the thoughts and it might be increasing visuals. I really think a beer would help very temporarily but it's a slippery slope. I'd like to try klonopin since seems to have helped a lot of people but afraid they won't give me them since all my history of drug abuse. I'm wondering if I'm psychotic or schizophrenic but I'm not hearing voices or just some other brain damage but I really don't want to take antipsychotics or antidepressants but that seems way too easy to get. I've taken seroquel which was prescribed for sleep because of pain. Ridiculous. That's when I first felt twitching but went away after quitting. Anyway. I know a lot of this wasn't necessary but that's what's happening and wondering if anyone has tried Ropinirole? It's a dopamine agonist. Doesn't thc affect dopamine? Seems possible it could make things worse but literally 0 research. Any advice is appreciated especially anyone that's gone through delta 8 or just regular thc HPPD. It doesn't seem to come and go. It's pretty constant feeling like I'm still tripping on it. I had visuals on weed when I was a kid if that's any indicator for this. That went away until d8. I'm 35 now. My heart goes out to anyone stuck with this. Mental health is no joke. 

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Really struggling to read that without any paragraphs! 

THC can deffo cause hppd though, 10 days is too soon to be able to say it is hppd and not some kind of prolonged hangover/come down. I would avoid any drugs, stimulants, meds, supplements etc for a while and try to get past this naturally (unless the suicidal ideation is very strong, then ask a doctor about klonopin). See where you are at in a couple more weeks.

All the best, Jay

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Will they lock me up if I'm having suicidal thoughts? I don't want to die. I just want this to end. Klono pin is just for anxiety right? I want to try it but afraid to ask. Afraid of not being believed and misdiagnosed. It just seems to be getting worse. Words are wobbling now. 

Edited by Crunchy
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I can only speak for the UK, but no, they don't lock you up for suicidal thoughts... Those days are long in the past. 

Klonopin treats anxiety, but also lowers visuals and dpdr (that trippy feeling). It is highly addictive though, so be very careful with it's use. If you need it for 2-3 weeks to get you through this initial phase, then it can be beneficial. But then you need to think about how to live without it on a day by day basis. 

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I'm in the US and they take it pretty seriously. They ask every time at the dr even if you're just there for a cold. And it seems like things like klonopin and opiates are hard to get especially with past drug abuse history. But they push antidepressants really bad. Thanks for the advice. 

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