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Out of curiosity if tomorrow u were somehow to be offered either a piece of info about ur hppd or to have one symptom removed what would it be.

For me I would probably want to know my current status for eg. Am I healing will I get worse. Or have my vision restored to normal. Iv almost forgotten what a non snowy world looks like.

What would u guys pick


I would remove my visual snow without any hesitation! After images i can deal with but with this damn snow i just can't appreciate the beauty of the world...


remove a symptom (anxiety).

after 17 years, I pretty much know it is not getting better or worse.


STARBURSTS! Without hesitation the fuckin' starbursts! I can deal with every other symptom, ghosting, Vs, after images etc but starbursts take the cake, most annoying symptom didn't even have it when my hppd first started -_-


Lights appear bigger have massive auras around them and look similar to stars, makes it hard to see at night with all the headlights, street lights etc. causes nasty after images. The worst part about it is that its visible during the day when the sunlight reflects off cars or lights reflecting off jewelery, it catches your eye so you cant help but look at them and then bam! afterimage. I've been training myself to try not look at them but its hard lol I can't go outside on a bright day without sunnys on and even then they are still very noticeable. i'd do anything to be rid of it!


yea, the anxiety is killer for me.... especially in tough situations, like working in an office, sometimes I can hardly breath. I could live fine with any visuals, if the anxiety went away (but I'm sure they are connected anyway)


I hear you jay, i worked with sales over phone when hppd hit me, most stressfull job i've had and anxiety + a crowded office was horrible. I think of joining the military and here in sweden you are mostly out on manuveurs in the nature, fresh air and exercise. Yes please!


I can easily deal with my visuals as long as they don't get worse, as they have pretty much gone completely away, although it does piss me off that I may never see what a dark room looks like again. Anxiety and DR are horrible, espeacially DR but I'm getting that less and less now and at this point feel like it can be controlled by positive thinking. My sleep problems are crazy, I had like 5 false awakenings last night a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream within a dream... but the worst part about these problems are thinking tht I'm going to go insane or that they could get worse. Unfortunately many of my dreams play off of my fear of insanity. I think I would like to know my if I willl get worse or better and if I can drink again. I would really love to be able to get drunk every other week or so.


I still have intense dreams but not where it bothers me anymore, your not going crazy dude i know exactly what your talking about, last time i drank which was back near the end of febuary a few days after the booze sesh, i had one of those dreams within a dream withing a dream it was layered like an onion and i couldnt get out lol the dream was me being in the actual room i was in and constantly hearing the footsteps of my friend outside the room, the doors in the room would open as if someone was coming in but no one was there. When i woke up i was still in the dream, it became hard to tell what was real and when i finally really woke up i was quite confused.

That was the last intense expierence of that strange shit ive had to endure, since ive stopped drinking my dreams are still pretty intense but i can tell whats real and what isnt and it does not bother me as when it first began.


Jay does the klono not kill ur anxiety quite alot? Im actually looking for work right now so im anxious and downright scared of starting a new job with this shit

Yea, but i only allow myself 1 or 2 a week..... So that wouldn't help, in an office situation.

Luckily, the freelance design industry is picking up again, so I can work from home alot more


Ah thats a good way to avoid addiction. After last night im going back to the doctor. Had a huge flashback and today im anxious as fuck and my body feels so weak. Id like to have something there just incase


Ask for atarax :) completely harmless, non-addictive and very cheap, i take them almost everytime i get anxious and the effect stays there for long which is nice. I mean you should start with a weak anxietyreducer and not benzos right on ;)

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