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Can HPPD actually subside/heal?

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Hi! The title pretty much says it all! Can HPPD actually heal, or is it just that people get used with the symptoms over time? I've read so many different statements and stories so i really don't know what to believe, and the not knowing is one of the worst parts about this illness. I know that Dr. Abraham have said that around 50% makes a 100% recovery within 5 years, but i can't help but wonder what he means with "recovery"? Is it the symptoms actually going away or as i said above, getting used to it? Have any of your guys symptoms gone away or drastically subsided?

Edited by Rusken
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I think it really depends upon the dosage taken, the specific  drugs used, the frequency of use and probably the most important factor is the individual.  I have had symptoms diminish over time, the exact amount of time I don't really recall because it is a gradual process.  For me, I do think I am stuck with a baseline amount of visuals but emotionally and cognitively I have made a full recovery in the past.  Currently I hit a bump in the road in the form of a weed trial for emotional relief which has caused them to flare up a bit.  But I am in the category of high dose and frequent LSD users which seem to be the most likely to have them for life.  As most people say on here, try not to worry or obsess over your condition.  If you stay healthy things will get better which for me means: 

  • Stop all drugs (even alcohol for a but if you can) 
  • Get as much sleep as you can 
  • Exercise regularly even if it makes your symptoms worse
  • Eat well 
  • Stay busy with work/ school/ hobby etc
  • Try not to worry 
  • Learn to meditate if you can 

This was what helped me through those first few weeks/months.  

Stay positive and you will recover!

Take Care,


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19 minutes ago, cosmiccharlie said:

I think it really depends upon the dosage taken, the specific  drugs used, the frequency of use and probably the most important factor is the individual.  I have had symptoms diminish over time, the exact amount of time I don't really recall because it is a gradual process.  For me, I do think I am stuck with a baseline amount of visuals but emotionally and cognitively I have made a full recovery in the past.  Currently I hit a bump in the road in the form of a weed trial for emotional relief which has caused them to flare up a bit.  But I am in the category of high dose and frequent LSD users which seem to be the most likely to have them for life.  As most people say on here, try not to worry or obsess over your condition.  If you stay healthy things will get better which for me means: 

  • Stop all drugs (even alcohol for a but if you can) 
  • Get as much sleep as you can 
  • Exercise regularly even if it makes your symptoms worse
  • Eat well 
  • Stay busy with work/ school/ hobby etc
  • Try not to worry 
  • Learn to meditate if you can 

This was what helped me through those first few weeks/months.  

Stay positive and you will recover!

Take Care,


Ok! Which of your symptoms have diminished? Do you know of anyone else that have made a near full recovery? When it comes to me i got it two weeks ago after a regular cannabis consumption over the last two months (2-3 times each week), prior to that i haven't used any other drugs than caffein and alcohol and lived a very healthy lifestyle with a good diet and exercise. The static/visual snow, ghosting, inability to focus on objects and that things in the distance looks "blurry" is killing me, it's like i've lost 40% of my vision. On top of that my brain feels "fried" and i never feel fully awake, like i'm still a little high. If these symptoms don't decrease or vanish i see no other end to this than suicide, because i can't go through the rest of my life feeling like a newly awake half blind monkey.

That cannabis can have such severe consequences should really be more known, especially now when it's getting legalized in more and more countries and states. I thought that i was well read up on the potential risks, but never had i heard of HPPD. I used to be pretty liberal when it came to drugs, but something that can cause this shouldn't be allowed to exist.

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Wow, I am so sorry to hear about your situation.  It's interesting, on this forum (which used to be much more lively and hopefully will become so again) you're not the first person I've heard of this happening to.  It definitely calls to question the safety of cannabis.  Maybe you can connect with Hall89, he's new and in a similar situation.  See his story below. 

 As far as my symptoms are concerned, most of the visual distortions including visual snow went away.  The exception being the acid visuals such as mildly breathing walls, swirling colors/patterns, tracers.  But these became much much less pronounced as I continued to stay off drugs.  To give you hope, you're talking to a guy who took 15 hits of LSD in one night who is currently a mathematics PhD student at a reputable university.  I also served as a submarine office in the navy. This was all after I had contracted HPPD.  I even kept tripping after I noticed the visuals were here to stay because I was in a bad place and didn't care about myself.  You can have an amazing life with this condition.  Let me tell you, coming out on the other side is absolutely amazing.  You will have a new lease on life and your brain will come back. 

Remember, the human brain is extraordinarily resilient and will adapt to the condition you have put it in if given the time and a healthy lifestyle.  I recommend trying not to feel guilty, you are not at fault, you made a mistake and will learn and grow from it.  

Keep reaching out and stay positive. 


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1 hour ago, cosmiccharlie said:

Wow, I am so sorry to hear about your situation.  It's interesting, on this forum (which used to be much more lively and hopefully will become so again) you're not the first person I've heard of this happening to.  It definitely calls to question the safety of cannabis.  Maybe you can connect with Hall89, he's new and in a similar situation.  See his story below. 

 As far as my symptoms are concerned, most of the visual distortions including visual snow went away.  The exception being the acid visuals such as mildly breathing walls, swirling colors/patterns, tracers.  But these became much much less pronounced as I continued to stay off drugs.  To give you hope, you're talking to a guy who took 15 hits of LSD in one night who is currently a mathematics PhD student at a reputable university.  I also served as a submarine office in the navy. This was all after I had contracted HPPD.  I even kept tripping after I noticed the visuals were here to stay because I was in a bad place and didn't care about myself.  You can have an amazing life with this condition.  Let me tell you, coming out on the other side is absolutely amazing.  You will have a new lease on life and your brain will come back. 

Remember, the human brain is extraordinarily resilient and will adapt to the condition you have put it in if given the time and a healthy lifestyle.  I recommend trying not to feel guilty, you are not at fault, you made a mistake and will learn and grow from it.  

Keep reaching out and stay positive. 


Thank you! And i'm sorry to hear that you're also in this boat. I will definately do that, his/hers sounds very similar to my symptoms! God i would have loved to ask Dr. Abraham a few questions, hopefully that could have given me some hope and ease of mind, but it seems that he's retired now.

Really? So your sight is clear now? What were the other distortions that went away? Did you also experience that you couldn't focus on objects (or still do)? How much would you say that you recovered (symptoms going away) after getting it the first time? Anyways, I'm glad to hear that you've done so well in life despite having HPPD, but i must ask, how could you turn to drugs again after going through this hell the first time and actually got rid of symptoms? If i would have known about HPPD before this, or anything else that could impair my vision, i would have stayed miles away from it. 

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I found this, so unless he's lying, which i doubt, the symptoms can actually go in to full remission as Dr. Abraham have said. Just too bad that they came back for him about a year later after alot of stress, and if i understod it right he kept on drinking, which may have been the cause for it.


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Hi Ruskin!


people absolutely do heal. Abstaining from any psychoactive drug will certainly help your chances. So sorry to hear you are going through this.


just remember—this isn’t your fault. Many people smoke a little pot. There’s no way you could have expected this. Go easy on yourself :).


its very easy to get sucked into your condition when it’s new. Give it time and do whatever you need to help you pass the time. 

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