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Final Year Psychology Student Introduction and Survey


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Hi there,

My name is Alex, I'm a third-year psychology student at University Greenwich (London, UK).

Although I don't have HPPD, I'm very interested in understanding more about it.  As such, my final-year research project is a survey investigating individual differences and HPPD. 

My research project is under the supervision of Dr. David Luke, a long-standing psychedelic researcher in the UK and author of many books on the subject. Dr. Luke is a senior lecturer at University of Greenwich and honorary senior lecturer at Imperial College London - the home of the bulk of psychedelic research in the UK. I'm really only trying to use his credentials to verify that this research is a serious undertaking, not just to name drop him. I would love to hear from members of this community and hope you can find the time to have a look at my survey linked below

The survey should take between 15-30 minutes to complete depending on your individual history and experiences. Your response will help deepen the understanding of potential differences amongst sufferers of Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder. All submissions are anonymous (identifiable only through your unique personal code) and data will be stored on a password protected device. The research has been ethically approved by the Departmental Research Ethics Committee for Psychology, University of Greenwich, UK.

Many thanks if you have the time to spend helping me out.

If this is better posted somewhere else please feel free to let me know,

Given this is my first ever post I'll apologise for getting it wrong in advance!

Any questions feel free to drop me an email on ai2156k@gre.ac.uk

Edited by Alex_Irvine
spelling mistake
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