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Has your speech changed.


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I've noticed in the last couple months since the symptoms have gotten worse I tend to say things backwards, or I will say something and seriously completely forget that I said it, and this is really scary because today I was in a fast food line and the guy thought I said 5 pc chicken wings when I meant philly cheese steak and it really bothered me... I notice sometimes I have a hard time forming sentences on the fly, and I used to be really sharp. This hppd is really starting to get to me, because I simply can't function like I want to...

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Yeah all the time

Infact some times my cognitive ability is so messed up I cant talk. Its shit when Im in the middle of a sentence and I know I cant finish it so I quickly throw an ending in there that sums it up but sounds sort of retarted, then Ill quickly walk away before the conversation resumes.

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Yea, several things. Using wrong words (sound similar, similar meaning, or completely off the wall). Occasional bits of stuttering. Jumping topics without completing the current sentence. A little bit of Gabapentin helps but too much makes it worse - there seems to be a 'dosage dance' (PRN) to adjust for. If I don't take any, end up with lots of this and eventually a micro-seizure type situation.

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yeah, I'll talk much faster from anxiety and forget what I'm saying. Then when my headpressure gets bad it actually hurts to talk so I'm much quiter. The dp/dr makes me say stupid shit alot as well. Everyday it's hard not to just think how much more I would of enjoyed life if this never happened.

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Not sure if this may help anyone else but I've been taking St. Johns wort supplement, and Ginkgo Biloba. I have also quit everything including my long time habit of marijuana. Its been almost a week now, and I think that I may have just gotten a pre/mild case of hppd. The clarity is amazing and I haven't said any nonsense in about 3 days. I also meditate on a daily basis so I think that helps since I've been doing it for about a year now as well and t was a lot harder before I quit marijuana.

Good luck all.

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The way words sound coming out of my mouth is the same, but I do have some issues with communication. Like sitting at a large table of friends at a restaurant. I stay a bit mute, because the more going on around me the more distracted I get. I usually just talk to the person next to me. Other people's speech is difficult. I don't always catch all the words someone says. I just ask them to repeat. I think some of this is due to visual distractions, too. I don't let these things keep me from going out though. At first it did, but I'm adjusting and really enjoying my life in spite of it all. Alisa

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I have problems forming fluid speech, and I can't think of the right word to use a lot of the time... That is why I like typing, I sound much smarter in writing than I do verbally! One thing I have noticed that goes along with HPPD was a speech impediment type stutter. I never had an issue with stuttering up until using ketamine for a long period of time. It has gotten much better over time, but for a few months there I sounded like Billy Bibbit!

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I have problems forming fluid speech, and I can't think of the right word to use a lot of the time... That is why I like typing, I sound much smarter in writing than I do verbally! One thing I have noticed that goes along with HPPD was a speech impediment type stutter. I never had an issue with stuttering up until using ketamine for a long period of time. It has gotten much better over time, but for a few months there I sounded like Billy Bibbit!

where are you from oliver? UK?

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Western US... SLC, Utah. I just read your post on another page, that is crazy it is that big up in the UK... I don't get how you guys get your hands on it... It is quite easy here because it can be bought OTC in Mexican vet clinics... But it isn't as big as you would think. It is a quite small ketamine crowd, and it is a tight knit community. Back in my using days I would have died for it to be that big, but now I'm thankful I'm not up there! Did you ever develop the stutter? Me and this Polish kid usually used together and we both got it... Albeit in massive amounts. Him worse than me. I'm just curious if it is a common thing. On a side note, SLC is a major drug hub for a big portion of the states... I-15 and I-80 (freeways) intersect in the heart of the city, so a lot of drugs come in and out. A good portion from mexico smuggled through underground tunnels... It has gotten really bad. Not so much hallucinogens but everything else.

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i dont even know what SLC is o.O

i can imagine theres alottt of drugs if you live near enough to south america, but then again big UK city its pretty easy here too

yeah i got a stutter for a while it was really fucking annoying to be honest

and just TOTAL word block, so annoying.

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Salt Lake City haha! It is this city next to a stagnant saltwater lake. Utah... Gotta love it, another day in paradise. Yeah the stutter is really something else, I'm glad I'm not the only one... How long did you have yours? Just curious... And I was wondering where the ket comes from in the UK, do you know?

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The way words sound coming out of my mouth is the same, but I do have some issues with communication. Like sitting at a large table of friends at a restaurant. I stay a bit mute, because the more going on around me the more distracted I get. I usually just talk to the person next to me. Other people's speech is difficult. I don't always catch all the words someone says. I just ask them to repeat. I think some of this is due to visual distractions, too. I don't let these things keep me from going out though. At first it did, but I'm adjusting and really enjoying my life in spite of it all. Alisa

I have the same problem about being in a group. Even when there close friends and I'm having a drink with them I'm still struggling to join the conversation. I find I'm fine one on one but then any more then 4 other people and i hate it. I feel I'm going to say some thing stupid so i sit there being boring instead. I hate attention on me as well even if its good. All this feels like its come up just in the last couple of years as my hppd as become less

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