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  • 8 months later...

Thanks a lot. Feeling more hopeful. A bit worried, as the psychiatric side effects sound real and dangerous (rage, depression, etc.) but with such positive reviews it's definitely worth a shot.

My doctor said only a small percent of people get the infamous "keppra rage", and if you do perhaps experience negativity, the side effect should dissipate within a month. It's just your bodies way of getting use to the medication.

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That's shit your doctors can't help you out, Sammy. I think we definitely have a problem with over prescribing here in the U.S., but for stuff like this, there needs to be more support.

Might be a while before I can try it myself- have to figure out insurance, find a doc, etc. In those who have tried it, how long did it take for side effects to mellow out? Definitely have a history with depression, so do not want to aggravate that (obviously that's an issue right now, due to my current quality of life). What I am really seeking relief from our the cognitive problems (short-term memory, processing information, attention/focus) and the DR (not sure how much longer I can stand feeling like I'm being tossed around in a dreamy boat). The snow and what not I can definitely learn to live with, as long as I have a sharper mind with which to do so.

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Yeah it's mainly my local gps who are being obtrusive I read they can prescribe off label prescriptions which basically means they can prescribe a medication which is liscensed for a particular condition if it might help so they were basically chatting rubbish when they said they can't prescribe it for me because it's not licensed to treat that medical condition I need a lawyer just to get my docs to prescribe me meds lol haha

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Did you show them the actually study??

I said there's been a study by an American doctor and they said do I know any uk doctors that are studying it or aware of it my doctors are useless they have been no help with my stomach trouble either I had to go to the hospital to get help

Yea, I printed it out along with a few other studies.

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So how is the keppra working out for you ?

It's working great! As of now I've been on Keppra for approximately five months and all my visuals are non existent. I don't see "sky worms" or snow in the dark anymore. It truly is quite nice! Also, my pdoc and myself thought it would be a good Idea for me to go back on wellbutrin, because the medication has helped me with my ADHD issues and anxiety in the past. I've been on that med for a month now, and it did the trick once again. It has helped a lot with speech issues too; stuttering, mixing up words, saying words backwards, ect ect, ect! Also, the wellburtin hasn't had any impact on my visuals. :D

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Honestly, I am not too sure yet. During the year and 1/2 mark my pdoc wants to start tapering me off it slowly. If the hppd starts to come back during the taper I will continue taking it for a longer duration of time...then try tapering off it once again, and if it returns I'll most likely be on it for life.

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