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Can i recover 100%?

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Got hppd from weed a month back, mild case. It was bad for two weeks but then it got better. However i still feel it and it reacts to caffine and nicotine ect. Its not so bad but still anoying. Im doing everything im supposed to for recovery including exercise, positive thinking, no drugs ect. Will i ever be at 100%?will this ever go away? Will i ever be able to smoke weed or drink without a reaction? Has anyone out there been able to kick their hppd and move on? Im hoping that due to the fact that i got it from weed which is a weak substance compared to most substances that cause hppd and that i recovered to a comfortable level in two weeks that my chances for 100% recovery are high. Am I right or just full of shit on this? (Sorry for the shitty writing/spelling, this was dictated)

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Come on man, drink alcohol and slowly poison yourself like the rest of the population. Drugs are wack, they'll do nothing but slowly change you for who you are, anxiety will pop up here and there where it previously wasn't, your memory will slowly get worse, and 5/10 years down the line you'll be a different person begging to get back to your original self.

Life can be amazing all by itself, you don't need drugs, it's taken me a year to get to my old self after a few uses, I appreciate life now, without drugs and alcohol. I know my vision may never be 100% like it was, but it's 50% better now and so greatful.

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  • 2 months later...

You can recover only without drugs and if you recovered and taking drugs again you wil be back in the same spot in very short time and you wil start over en this time it wil take more time, i am afraid you dont gonna accept your drugs life is  already over yet

Then you gonna face the hard way

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  • 2 months later...

Yeah it seems the consensus is you cant do drugs anymore, I'm in the same boat and it really sucks. Cant do weed, alcohol, and even most over the counter stuff without having a bad reaction. Though their is lots of new research being done on HPPD and it's possible more treatments and maybe even cures can come out of this. Hopefully as we learn more better treatments and possibilities will arise. I'm on my own path to find a "cure" as I really want to be able to smoke and drink again and go back to my old social life of partying and etc with friends and people. I've seen that fasting could be helpful as well as other things. I believe every problem with the body has a cure but were just so far off from finding them still because of mainstream research and corporate greed that deter away from other potential cures and treatments of the body. Hopefully through my own research and trials I can better understand how to help this and if their is a better way to treat it than just time alone and substance abstinence. 

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