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5 years with hppd and dpdr

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Hello. Well shit, it's been a little over 5 years now since I got hppd and dpdr. 
I still have both 24/7, but I am in a much better place now. I don't obsess over it 
every day as I used to do the first 2 years; where I would think about it constantly
throughout the days. I just learned to mostly ignore it, even though I know it's there.

I just wanted to make a post and say THANK YOU to this page 
and all of you who calmed me down the first day and the first year of this shit.
I really needed support from people who were going through the same thing as me.
And you gave it to me. Thank you so much. I thought that my life was over, but you 
assured me that everything would be okay. And now everything is just as you said it would be. 

I am really thankful for the people that wrote to me and that I had this page when everything felt hopeless. 
<3 <3 <3 

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Glad you've made it through. Have your symptoms improved much over time? I imagine so. I just wish more people came back and made posts like this rather than never coming back at all as it gives others hope. I really think there's a misrepresentation of the number of people who recover because they never post their success stories years down the road. 

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  • 6 years later...

It's been 12 years since I got dpdr and hppd now. I still have symptoms like afterimages, especially during nighttime and when I get tired.
And dpdr occurs from time to time. Even though some symptoms are still there, they are no longer the focus of my day as they used to
be during the first 3-5 years with the disorders. It is a blessing to wake up and not have my dpdr/hppd to be the first thing I think about in the morning.

To anyone who is in the beginning of this suffering journey: you will get through it. Life will get easier. 

I still haven't returned to how I was pre-disorders. But I have accepted that I might never again feel "normal" as I was before. I honestly don't even remember what it feels like to feel normal. 
This has become my new normal and I no longer feel fear in being this way. I do grieve the loss of my old normal, but life feels much easier now that time has passed.

I wish everyone luck and strength on their journeys. ❤️
And once again. Forever thankful to this forum and people here who comforted me in my biggest time of need. 

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On 3/15/2024 at 5:50 PM, Passion said:

It's been 12 years since I got dpdr and hppd now. I still have symptoms like afterimages, especially during nighttime and when I get tired.
And dpdr occurs from time to time. Even though some symptoms are still there, they are no longer the focus of my day as they used to
be during the first 3-5 years with the disorders. It is a blessing to wake up and not have my dpdr/hppd to be the first thing I think about in the morning.

To anyone who is in the beginning of this suffering journey: you will get through it. Life will get easier. 

I still haven't returned to how I was pre-disorders. But I have accepted that I might never again feel "normal" as I was before. I honestly don't even remember what it feels like to feel normal. 
This has become my new normal and I no longer feel fear in being this way. I do grieve the loss of my old normal, but life feels much easier now that time has passed.

I wish everyone luck and strength on their journeys. ❤️
And once again. Forever thankful to this forum and people here who comforted me in my biggest time of need. 

I'm around the same time frame as you (11 years). It gets a lot better but it's still very distracting for me at least. Like just now I felt like I was semi tripping again and at night the headlights from bicycles, motorbikes, scooters, cars, etc are like overwhelming. Sometimes certain noises become like overbearing. Thank you and I wish you the best as well!!

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  • 2 months later...

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