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Trouble sleeping


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Hello guys Having Mild HPPD for a few month now 


I dont really bother myself on it anymore its all good but sleeping is still harder then it should be i feel like

I see all kinds of things moving when i close my eyes and I feel like i start to dream while im still awake sometimes and its really making sleeping hard for me


Anyone having trouble with this too? and do you guys maybe have tips?


Thanks for reading! :)



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I get better sleep by waiting til I am very tired. If I'm lucky, I get 7 hours. When I close my eyes, it seems bright. It's like I'm sleeping while the lights are on despite being in the dark. Do things that make you very sleepy and you should sleep more


Yeah I have that too sometimes, Just a white kind of light but that rarely happends, luckily


I try sleeping only when im tired and it helps pretty well but sometimes it still can get annoying


Thanks for the reply

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