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Am I the only one who hates this term? It's what people (average people, not docs)usually respond with when I tell them what's going on with me. I don't think it accurately describes what most of us go through and it aggravates me. That term makes it seem like we're a bunch of people just walking around fried. My vision is messed up and I have a lot of anxiety, but I think for me and most of us, what we experience isn't really like what being on an actual trip is like.


I sometimes trip the fuck out and I don't know why but it randomly happens where I feel like I just took 3 different drugs and other times I feel like I'm stoned. I feel like I'm in a dream and watching my life from behind a screen as if I'm not really there. I would sometimes say something like "never ending trip" and I always think that I'm fried


Unfortunately, it describes my situation perfectly... I feel trapped in that last 1-2 hours of a long, hard trip... Almost back in reality, but still not close to normal... with trippy thoughts, anxiety, panic, somewhat dream like, any euphoria long gone, body aching... and, of course, visuals.


Yeah, I agree with Jay. I don't know that I like or dislike the term but it's pretty much spot on. It describes exactly the way I feel sometimes, especially given the fact it's as if my trip still hasn't ended. The one I've often heard, or at least the one I remember from high school, is "Permafried." I think I always attached some negative connotations to it because I heard it being used to describe people who were so stoned all the time that they couldn't think. Who would have ever thought it'd end up being slang for an actual medical condition I'd end up getting in my latter 20s. 


Yeah it just has such a negative connotation, I think that's what bothers me. Although it also isn't the case for me. I have a lot of anxiety over my visuals but other than that my cognition is okay. I don't feel like I'm tripping. Rather I just have some messed up vision.


it seems to me like theres two kinds of hppd, the kind with cognitive effects and the purely visual. but then again different people have different effects from psychedelic drugs. Pre hppd when i would trip the only effect i would have is cartoon like pseudo hallucinations like seeing charlie brown on a wall one time for example, however my brother who still uses psychedelics describes it as a different kind of high with no actual visual effects. after reading into hppd diagnostic info I'm not entirely sure that the high feeling or dp/dr is actually part of hppd but then again it seems so common amoung members that maybe it is. Personally my hppd is purely visual. I am 100% in touch with reality an never feel weird except when I'm having panic attacks. my only symptoms are constant blue geometric shapes on walls and in the dark and vitreous floaters that turned out to be from a posterior vitreous detatchment that coincidently happened at the same time i got hppd. However seeing as its six months since I used that LSD and I still see blue shapes that aren't there what is it if it isn't hppd? but it really annoys me when I read post titled "finally better, cured, or success" when all it is is that the hppd sufferer no longer has dp/dr or has learned to live with it. to me success means you have stopped seeing shit that you know isn't there.


Long story short I hate the term permafried because i don't feel fried I'm just constantly annoyed by the visual disturbances. comorbid symptoms being anxiety and severe depression due to hopelessness of never being my old self again.

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