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Has aneyone tried Lamotrigine

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I was just suggested this by a Docter in the U.S. that i sent an email to


this is his profile   http://www.mcmp.purdue.edu/faculty/?uid=drdave


This is the letter i sent


Dear Dr Nichols,
I'm a long time sufferer of HPPD (hallucinogen persisting perceptual disorder) I was curious if have you herd of the disorder?
With all the work you do there is a possibility you may be able to help us understand it more fully and a possibility of being able to treat it.
It would be great to hear from you!
Many thanks
Kind regards
Its quite funny, i always get a reply from the Top experts" when i refer to them as "Dear" LOL
anyhow.. here is his reply:

Yes, I know of HPPD.  My thinking was that it was perhaps some sort of seizure disorder that was localized in the visual cortex.  That is just speculation, but there are two reports that it has been successfully treated using the antiseizure drug known as lamotrigine, which would be consistent with that idea.





Has anyone tried this on the board?


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Emailed him today but I have a question, can he recommend a medication for my neurologist to give me as in would they listen to him? And would I be able to ask dr.abraham for a suggestion for a medication to show my neuro without having to pay him

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I've been on lamotrigine going on what, 8 or so months now?


Anyways, it hasn't done much in the way of improving HPPD or anything for that matter. However, after a few meetings with psychiatrist, he believes that in addition to HPPD and the 3 other disorders I have (panic disorder, major depressive disorder, "mild" schizophrenia) I may also have temporal lobe epilepsy after I described to him sudden, unprovoked "blackout" periods where I would be in a profound state of consciousness where I was aware of myself, but not of my surroundings and I would experience incredibly vivid "visions". I also described to him normal blackouts where I would just blank for 30 minutes or so, come back, and be incredibly disoriented and confused for a good few minutes.


He said these were consistent with temporal lobe epilepsy symptoms and upped my dose of lamotrigine from 200mg to 300mg and referred me to a local neurologist specializing in seizure disorders (perhaps this neurologist knows about HPPD). So, the new dosage may be beneficial, who knows. I'm also hoping the neurologist will do some scans such as an EEG/qEEG, SPECT, maybe a few others which will hopefully shed more light on this.

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See two posts below


Thanks Kellen i did.. Sorry to hear of your horrible side effects. Sounds nasty.    

I just thought they may have been two different Meds because of the differences in spelling  i.e

Lamitrogine and lamotrigine



Emailed him today but I have a question, can he recommend a medication for my neurologist to give me as in would they listen to him? And would I be able to ask dr.abraham for a suggestion for a medication to show my neuro without having to pay him


Ok well done for making the email.. as far as recommending a med.. well he just recommended

lamotrigine as number 1 for HPPD from His perspective

You could use the email he sent me to give to your Neuro.. as a recommendation or wait until he gets back to you personally. ho likley best to discuss with your Neuro...


Tho..If Kellen member above ^^ is using the same med.. then there maybe be some side effects.


Tho kind of supprized because he said to me there were very minimal side effects, and that others have had success with it that has been documented.


Im just wondering if its the same med..... ?




Im pretty sure Dr A would do that for you... tho i could be wrong. Likely it would be best for you to email him explaining your situation and ask him, you Can contact him via his web site..

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