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Are there any drugs that temporarily decrease symptoms?

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So I've had HPPD for five months now. I've made lots of progress, but it's still really bad on certain days. I don't mind recovering the natural way but I do have times (mostly social situations) where I need to function a bit more normally. So my question is, does anybody have a medication they use only for special occasions that reduces HPPD symptoms enough to make it tolerable? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks.

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Benzos.Lorazepam is my favourite, reduces visuals and dp/dr, greatly reduces anxiety.

Managed well, they can be a magic bullet for things like social functions. Just be careful with alcohol... The two do not mix well. (And be careful of addiction, of course).

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Thanks guys.


I don't have DP hardly at all. My biggest problem is still brain fog and fast-object streaming. I actually have a prescription for Lorazepam but I've only used it at night when I can't sleep so I don't really know what it feels like when concious. But I guess that's good I have it already. I'll give it a shot next time I feel I need it in a social gathering.

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Benzos.Lorazepam is my favourite, reduces visuals and dp/dr, greatly reduces anxiety.

Managed well, they can be a magic bullet for things like social functions. Just be careful with alcohol... The two do not mix well. (And be careful of addiction, of course)


Benzos.Lorazepam is my favourite, reduces visuals and dp/dr, greatly reduces anxiety.

Managed well, they can be a magic bullet for things like social functions. Just be careful with alcohol... The two do not mix well. (And be careful of addiction, of course).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lorazepam reduces my HPPD symptoms temporarily, and relieves tension and anxiety. When it comes on, there´s a noticable slowing down of the static, and objects appear more solid. Think it´s because it has a more pronounced anti-seizure effect than other benzos (Clonazepam has the most though). 

I have a strict routine for the of use them; I only use them when I really need them, never when I want them. If I notice any increase in tolerance, I stop using them for a while to get the tolerance back to baseline.

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